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Can the nursing mother of black currant: the benefits to the body and the rules for entering the diet

The period of breastfeeding requires a woman to observe many restrictions and prohibitions in food. Despite the fact that some fruits can cause the baby allergic reactions, they need to use each person. Is it possible to breastfeed a blackcurrant? This is a purely personal matter, which depends on the individual characteristics of the child.


The chemical composition of the currant makes it necessary to use, especially with breastfeeding.

  • The high content of vitamin C causes good support for immunity, which is very important for a nursing mother. The daily norm of this vitamin can be obtained by eating only 40 berries of black currant.
  • Berries are rich in vitamins of groups B, E and P, therefore they exert beneficial influence on the body, normalize the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, support muscular work and improve tissue respiration. Therefore, there is no need to worry about whether it is possible for the nursing mother to eat black currant, it is obligatory for consumption in moderate amounts.
  • The content of pectin ensures normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the work of the musculature of the intestine, prevents the absorption of cholesterol into the body and removes toxins.
  • Mineral salts have a strengthening effect on all body systems, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, improve joint condition, and prevent the prevention of anemia.

Black currant breastfeeding mother is very useful, as all the microelements and vitamins are passed on to the baby with mother's milk. And, accordingly, its immunity is also strengthened, all systems are properly developed.

Benefits of currants

The use of black currant improves the quality of mother's milk, saturates it with useful microelements and vitamins necessary for normal life and for the proper course of all physiological processes in the body.

Black currant berries contribute to the production of red blood cells, preventing the development of anemia, so they are necessary in the postoperative period, and especially those women who have suffered a cesarean section. Whether it is possible for the nursing mother to have a blackcurrant depends entirely on the child. If there is no allergic reaction, then in moderate amounts you can eat these berries.

How to introduce a new product correctly?

The first time you need to eat only 3-5 berries and for a day not to introduce into the diet no more new products. If during the day or the next day the baby has rashes, you need to postpone the use of currants for a while and try to enter it into the diet after a couple of months.

If no reaction was found, the next day you can eat 10 berries, gradually the dose can be increased to 40 berries a day. If through the time the child still had an allergic reaction, you need to stop using the berries and try to enter them in 2-3 months. Only after trying and controlling the reaction of the baby, it will be possible to accurately answer the question of whether it is possible for the nursing mother to have a black currant.


The only negative reaction to taking a currant may be an allergy in a child. To avoid its appearance, you need to know a few nuances:

  • The first months of life of the baby should refrain from any allergenic products, including almost all fruits. It is necessary that for 3-4 months of life the child's body gets stronger, and the work of his systems is a little bit adjusted.
  • On the day of consumption of currants, you can not introduce other new products into your mom's diet so that you can accurately determine which product triggered the reaction in the baby.
  • Increase the dosage should be gradually, starting with a few berries, and then in a practical way to determine whether it is possible to eat black currant to the nursing mother.

If nevertheless there was an allergy, manifested by small rashes or diathesis, it is necessary to give the child an antihistamine drug that will help to remove the allergen from the body faster (after a medical consultation).

In what form is it better to use black currant?

There are no restrictions on the form of admission. There is a currant can be both fresh, and in the form of tea, compote, jam or jam, based on - black currant. Is it possible for nursing mothers to have thermally processed berries? After heat treatment, the content of nutrients in berries decreases slightly, and as sugar is added to the jug, this may not be the best option for my mother's figure. But here everything is purely individual, that's why every woman, relying on her intuition, can determine the optimal form of berries consumption and their quantity.

Everyone benefits from black currants. Whether it is possible for breastfeeding moms this berry depends only on their choice, age and the state of the child's health.

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