
The medicine "ASD 2". Application

The medicine "ASD 2" is a medical preparation of the group of immunomodulators. Initially, it was developed as an antiseptic, wound-healing agent for first aid in radioactive irradiation, however, during the research it was found that in its action it is a powerful stimulant of immunity.

"ASD 2" tool - composition

This preparation is a product of thermal decomposition, in which material of animal origin is used. It can be meat and bone waste, meat and bone meal. At the same time, cleavage of nucleic acids to low-molecular structures is achieved. In this form, they freely penetrate into the tissue, achieving the desired result.

The "ASD" agent is created by distilling various biological tissues that are complex in composition. The living cell contains substances, the presence of which helps it to fight for its existence - the so-called adaptogens. When the damaging factors influence the cell, before its death, adaptogens are isolated. They are in the preparation "ASD 2" in large quantities, and they form the basis of this drug.

The mechanism of action of adaptogens on the human body consists in the transmission by chemical means of information about the need to struggle for life. This leads to stimulation of all levels of immunity. The body mobilizes all its protective forces, due to which a positive result of therapy is achieved.

Most likely, it is precisely because it involves the inclusion of natural processes for the body, side effects and contraindications for the drug has not yet been identified. However, if in the process of treatment there is a worsening of well-being, taking ASD 2 should be stopped.

The medicine "ASD 2": application, reviews

Reviews and experiments conducted on groups of volunteers, showed the effectiveness of the drug not only with radiation damage. Their feedback on the positive effect of taking "ASD 2" with a wide range of diseases gave impetus to new research. Most of the new experiments were conducted on animals, and so far a wealth of experience has been gathered on the use of this drug in veterinary medicine. Studies in the field of its use in humans were suspended in connection with the death of the main developer. However, it was the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of severe conditions that led to an increase in popularity and interest in the drug "ASD 2". Unfortunately, when deciding on the beginning of a course of therapy with this remedy, one must understand that it will not be easy to find a doctor who can consult correctly about the optimal treatment regimen.

Indications for the prescription of the drug "ASD 2"

The use of this agent is effective for various gynecological diseases, eye diseases , hypertension, colds of various etiologies, radiculitis, duodenal ulcer and stomach, kidney diseases, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, pulmonary tuberculosis, urinary incontinence, oncological diseases, etc. .

The drug "ASD 2" - how to take

For this tool, there is a standard admission scheme, although for some diseases there are already developments that include some features. The search for this information should be carried out specifically for each diagnosis of interest. Usually in a hundred milliliters of water or strong tea dissolves from fifteen to thirty drops of the drug "ASD 2". Its use in the standard version provides for taking twice a day for half an hour before meals. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease. Initially, the drug is taken for five days, followed by a three-day pause, after which the course is repeated. As already mentioned, the absence of side effects is a characteristic feature of the "ASD 2" tool. Its use in repeated courses for this reason is not limited, that is, it is necessary to repeat it until complete recovery, or take it constantly, if it is a case of serious illness, where the goal is to alleviate the patient's condition.

Already accumulated a positive experience of using the drug along with other drugs. In particular, if it is a question of a long course of chemotherapy, the use of the drug "ASD 2" is strongly recommended. It is desirable to combine it with a large amount of liquid during the day. For an adult, her rate increases to 3 liters per day.

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