Food and drinkBeverages

The masseur (drink): benefit or harm?

Sometimes, early in the morning or after a long work, you want something to please yourself and freshen up. For these purposes, you will be well helped by a masseur (drink). The idea of mixing dairy products with juice is no longer something new and striking. This is what the creators of this product used.

Dummy is a milk drink with the addition of some juice (juice) from fruit from WimmBillDann. Are there any contraindications to this drink? What does it consist of? Drink "masseur" - benefit or harm? The answers to all these questions and recommendations on its use you will read further in the article.

Varieties, composition, calorie content and nutritional value of the drink

Drink "masseur" composition is quite simple. It is a mixture of:

  • Serums of milky reconstituted;
  • Low-fat milk;
  • Sugar and glucose-fructose syrups;
  • Concentrated juice;
  • Aromatizers;
  • Regulators;
  • Citric acid and water.

In this case, the drink contains a lot of carbohydrates at a low calorie content, which is not the daily norm. In general, it does not carry in itself any special harm or benefit, but raises the mood of everyone with its pleasant taste.

Nutritional value of a drink
Proteins 0.88 g
Fats 0.04 g
Carbohydrates 11.77 g
Caloricity 52, 40 kcal (219 kJ)

The described drink has several tastes that can be seen on the shelves in the stores:

  • Peach-passion fruit;
  • Strawberry;
  • Multifruit;
  • Pear-mango;
  • Pina colada.

In addition to these ingredients, the drink contains a good set of vitamins useful for health: vitamins A, B, D, PP, as well as folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune and circulatory system.

Benefits of "masseur"

This drink has a pretty good taste and is in great demand among consumers. It is made quickly enough, while it retains the useful qualities of fruits and milk.

By the way, everyone can do this cocktail at home, this is the main advantage of the "masseur". Certainly, a fresh drink made at home, with the addition of natural juice, freshly squeezed fruit, and drunk right after production, will bring much more benefits than purchased. You will be absolutely sure that everything in the drink is natural, and besides, the juice of fresh fruit is much more useful than the juice that costs months in boxes at storehouses.

Harm to the drink

Considering all the above, it can be concluded that the drink is not harmful to health, but, unfortunately, it does not particularly benefit in itself. This is due to the fact that this drink is prepared not only at the plant, where the label can read the composition, but also in a variety of cafes and bars, where the technology of manufacture we will never know. So you can even get poisoning.

In addition, in addition to fruit juice, the drink has a large content of food additives and sugar. "Dummy" - a drink, a photo of which you can see in our article - before using it is still to check for the smell, like any sour-milk product. Then try a little taste of the drink and then calmly drink it. Thus, we can say that the "masseur" is a drink that is not harmful, if you drink it infrequently, in moderate quantities, and approach it carefully.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no special contraindications to the drink described. But there are some caveats. So, for example, it is undesirable to drink to people who have diabetes or just sugar in their blood. Also it should not be drunk to people with food allergy to any element in the composition of this product.

"The masseur" (drink): consumer reviews

Despite some drawbacks of the drink, the reviews about it are still good. Buyers appreciate its gentle, pleasant aftertaste and the fact that it is not cloyingly sweet, because sugar is added to the measure. Also people like its attractive packaging and invigorating taste. In addition to all this, the drink quenches thirst, and, as mentioned above, contains vitamins. This plus is indispensable, since people with immunocompromised this drink very much.

It's low in fat, so it's great for those who are on a diet. Also it can be given to children, they love it and love it with great pleasure. The main thing is to do it infrequently, so as not to cause allergies.

Most people drink disappears from the refrigerator very quickly - it is hardly enough for a couple of days. Therefore, the most optimal packaging - 950 g, since it is large and it will last for a longer period. By the way, even those who have never used milk and whey products before, conquer the "masseur" - the drink becomes a frequent guest in their refrigerator.

When analyzing negative reviews about this product, it is possible to distinguish the content of flavorings and stabilizers, acidity regulators, and citric acid in it. All this is not very favorable, but in high doses even destructively affects our body.

Also, some buyers are not happy with the price, they consider it too high, but this is already a private matter for everyone.

Which drink is better - "masseur" or "Actual"?

If you compare the composition of these two drinks, the composition of the "masseur" is slightly more harmless than the composition of "Actual". The "masjet" contains fewer additions than the second drink. But, judging by the opinions of consumers, "Actual" is taken not less often than the "masseur".

"Actual" perfectly quenches thirst, for example, after going to the hypermarket you can drink one small bottle of this drink and feel better. But the "masseur" - a drink that has some privilege in relation to "Actual", because it produces excellent home-made ice cream.

Choose "masseur", but remember that everything is fine - in moderation!

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