
The internal policy of Nicholas 1

The government course of the emperor who ascended the throne was greatly influenced by the Decembrist uprising. The main directions of Nicholas's domestic policy were for the most part a struggle against any manifestations of popular discontent.

Having started the reorganization of the state system of government, the emperor attached great importance to the Office he had formed. Created by Alexander 1 for consideration of petitions, it was significantly expanded by a new ruler. Thus, the internal policy of Nicholas 1 began with the creation of a supreme body in public administration. The office was later divided into five branches. Secret police (the third branch) has acquired special significance. He was led by Count Benckendorff.

The internal policy of Nicholas 1 also touched upon the legislation, the ordering of which was entrusted to the Second Office of the Chancellery, and then directed by M. M. Speransky. In 1830, the emperor was presented with a complete 45-volume collection of all laws published in the Russian Empire, beginning in 1649. At the end of three years, a 15-volume "Code of Laws" was published in Russia. It was sent to all government agencies, and also went on a free sale. The emperor assumed that now everyone could be guided by law in their activities.

In Russia, during the reign of Nicholas I , railroads were laid. Thus, in 1837 the first (Tsarskoselskaya) was opened between Tsarskoye Selo and St. Petersburg. Between Moscow and St. Petersburg the first railway (Nikolaevskaya) appeared in 1851.

The internal policy of Nicholas 1 also touched upon the peasant question. Starting his reign, the emperor repeatedly thought about the emancipation of the peasants. However, he later came to the conclusion that for Russia the abolition of serfdom could become a big evil. During the reign, ten secret committees were created, dealing with the serfs. Government decisions made it easier for the landed peasants. However, most of all was done for 9 million state peasants.

The internal policy of Nicholas 1 in the field of religion, the press and education was quite conservative. In 1826, the government decree adopted a censorship statute that strictly followed the observance of moral principles, as well as religious traditions. The year 1828 was marked by the reform of secondary specialized and lower educational institutions. In 1832 SS Uvarov became Minister of Education. He owns the famous formula "autocracy, nationality and Orthodoxy", created in opposition to revolutionary French sentiments, based on the principles of equality, freedom and brotherhood.

The leading role of the Russian Empire began to play in European affairs after the defeat of the army of Napoleon. It should be noted that until the 1950s the Russian state supported peaceful relations with all European countries. However, in the south-eastern region, on the border with the Ottoman Empire, the situation gradually deteriorated.

In general, Nicholas's foreign and domestic policies, according to some historians, were not successful. By the end of his reign, the emperor was experiencing difficulties in governing the state. Despite his unlimited power, he could not cope with the incompetence of officials and corruption. At the same time, the bureaucratic apparatus did not depend on society, control from above was ineffective, despite all the efforts of the emperor. Of great importance were the military failures of the tsar. After his death, the issue of overcoming the backwardness of the Russian Empire from the leading states was acute. This could only be achieved through the reform of the country.

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