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The image of Matryona in the story "Matrenin yard" by AI Solzhenitsyn

In 1963 one of the stories of the Russian thinker and humanist Alexander Solzhenitsyn was published. The basis of the events from the author's biography. The publication of his books has always evoked enormous resonance not only in Russian-speaking society, but also among Western readers. But the image of Matryona in the story "Matrenin yard" is unique. There was nothing like this in rural prose. That is why the work has taken a special place in the domestic literature.


The story is conducted on behalf of the author. A certain teacher and a former prisoner is sent at random in the summer of 1956, where his eyes are looking. His goal - to get lost somewhere in the Russian dense backwoods. Despite the ten years that he spent in the camp, the hero of the narrative still hopes to find a job, to teach. He succeeds. He settles in the village of Talnevo.

The image of Matryona in the story "Matrenin Dvor" begins to take shape even before its appearance. A chance acquaintance helps the protagonist to find shelter. After a long and unsuccessful search, he suggests visiting Matryona, warning that "she lives and is sick at the blast." They go to her.

Matryona's possessions

The house is old and rotten. It was built many years ago by a large family, but now it was inhabited by only one woman of about sixty. Without a description of the rural poor life, the story "Matrenin Yard" would not be so penetrating. The image of Matryona - the heroine of the narrative - fully corresponds to the atmosphere of desolation that prevailed in the hut. Yellow sickly face, tired eyes ...

The house is full of mice. Among its inhabitants, in addition to the mistress, cockroaches and lame cat.

The image of Matryona in the story "Matrenin yard" is the basis of the story. Starting from him, the author reveals his soul world and depicts the characteristic features of other characters.

From the main character, the narrator learns of her difficult fate. She lost her husband at the front. All her life she lived alone. Later, her guest learns that for many years she does not get a penny: she works not for money, but for sticks.

She was not delighted with the lodger, persuaded him to find the house a little cleaner and more comfortable for a while. But the desire of the guest to find a place quieter determined the choice: he stayed at Matryona.

During the time when the teacher lodged with her, the old lady got up early, preparing a simple breakfast. And it seemed that Matryona had a certain meaning.

Peasant image

The image of Matryona in the story "Matrenin Dvor" is a strikingly rare combination of selflessness and diligence. This woman has been working for half a century not in order to make good, but, out of habit. Because he does not represent another existence.

It should be said that the fate of the peasantry attracted Solzhenitsyn always, because his ancestors belonged to this estate. And he believed that it was precisely with diligence, sincerity and generosity that representatives of this social stratum differed. Which confirms the sincere, truthful image of Matryona in the story "Matrenin yard".


In intimate conversations in the evenings, the landlady tells the lodger the story of her life. Efim's husband was killed in the war, but before that his brother was wooing her. She gave her consent, was his bride, but during the Second World War he disappeared, and she did not wait for him. She married Efim. But Thaddeus is back.

No children survived Matryona. And then she became a widow.

Her end is tragic. She dies in her naivety and kindness. This event ends the story "Matrenin yard". The image of the righteous Matryona because it is sadder that with all her good qualities she remains misunderstood by her fellow villagers.


Matryona lived in a big house all her life alone, except for the short-lived female happiness that was destroyed by the war. And also those years during which she brought up the daughter of Thaddeus. He married her namesake, and they had six children. Matryona asked his girl for education, which he did not deny. But the adopted daughter also left her.

Astonishing is the image of Matryona in the story of AI Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Yard". It is not destroyed by eternal poverty, no resentment, no harassment. The best way for a woman to return a good mood is work. And after the labors she became contented, enlightened, with a kind smile.

The Last Righteous

She knew how to rejoice in someone else's happiness. Not having accumulated good in her life, she did not become bitter, she retained the ability to feel compassion. No hard work in the village was without her participation. Despite her illness, she helped other women, harnessed to the plow, forgetting about her advanced age and illness, which she tortured for more than twenty years.

This woman never denied anything to her relatives, and her inability to maintain her own "good" led to her losing her upper room - her only property, not counting the old rotten house. The image of Matryona in the story of AI Solzhenitsyn personifies unselfishness and virtue, which for some reason did not evoke either respect or response from others.


The righteous female character is opposed to her abortive husband Thaddeus, without which there would be an incomplete system of images. "Matrenin yard" - a story in which, in addition to the main character, there are other faces. But Thaddeus is a vivid contrast to the main character. Returning from the front alive, he did not forgive his bride treason. Although, it should be said that her brother she did not like, but only regretted. Realizing that it is difficult for his family without a mistress. The death of Matryona at the end of the story is a consequence of the avarice of Thaddeus and his relatives. Avoiding unnecessary expenditure, they decided to transport the upper room faster, but did not have time, as a result of which Matryona got under the train. Only the right hand remained intact. But even after the terrible events, Thaddeus looks at her dead body indifferently, indifferently.

There are also many sorrows and disappointments in the fate of Thaddeus, but the difference between the two characters is that Matryona managed to save her soul, and he does not. After her death, the only thing that worries him is Matrenino, scanty property, which he immediately drags into his house. Thaddeus does not come to the wake.

The image of Holy Russia, which poets so often sang, dissipates with her departure. A village can not stand without a righteous man. The image of Matryona, the heroine in Solzhenitsyn's story Matryon's Dvor, is the remnants of a Russian pure soul that is still alive, but at its last gasp. Because less and less in Russia, righteousness and kindness are valued.

Interesting Facts

The story, as already mentioned, is based on real events. Differences are only in the name of the settlement and some small things. The heroine was actually called Matryona. She lived in one of the villages of the Vladimir region, where the author spent 1956-1957. In the house she was supposed to make a museum in 2011. But Matrenin yard burned down. In 2013, the house museum was restored.

The work was first published in the literary magazine "New World". Solzhenitsyn's previous story provoked a positive reaction. The story of the righteous has generated a lot of controversy and debate. Still, critics had to admit that the story was created by a great and truthful artist, able to return the people to his native language and continue the traditions of Russian classical literature.

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