Health, Medicine
The human embryo is a miracle that will eventually become a child
Before the embryo begins to develop, fertilization of the ovule must occur . For this, the follicle must mature, from which a suitable fetal egg will emerge . In this period, called ovulation, fertilization must occur. Only after this begins a gradual development of a new man. Stages of development of the human embryo are rather conditional, in fact, development takes place every second for nine months, but physicians conditionally divided the pregnancy into trimester, each of which has its own development cycle.
1 month (1-4 weeks). During the entire period there is a constant division of the cells of the fetal egg and its increase in size. Internal cells are placed from the cells, and blood circulation begins at the end of the period. The human embryo at this stage has the dimensions of a grain of sand.
2 months (5-8 weeks). The umbilical cord develops and external organs are formed and the body is segmented into the arms, legs, and head. The face of the baby begins to be designated.
3 month (9-12 weeks). The embryo begins to move. Ends the embryonic period, the first trimester is coming to an end. From this moment it can be called a human embryo. He already has all the systems of organs, which in the future will only develop. At it now it is possible to define or determine only head section, a tail part and kidneys of arms or hand and legs or foots from which in the further will develop limbs.
Month 4 (week 13-17). The second trimester begins . The face more and more resembles the human: the ears are in their place, the eyes continue to be closed. The limbs are already quite developed, but the fingers are still in embryo.
5 month (18-21 weeks). The cartilaginous skeleton gradually hardens, bones develop. The fetus begins to hear sounds, and subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate. Brushes and feet develop, the kid has fully developed limbs.
6 month (22-26 weeks). The skin starts to function, hair appears on the head and face, the nails are formed. Sexual organs that are already developed are well visible. The human embryo becomes viable.
Month 7 (week 27-31). The kid can open his eyes. Now he is very mobile and my mother can feel it. His hair grows fast, and he is gaining weight. All bodies continue their development, but it is already ready for life in the external world.
9 month (37-40 weeks). The baby takes the final position for the upcoming birth. Now he is ready and can be born at any moment.
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