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The highest volcanoes in the world, or the largest fire mountains

The stories of the peoples of the Earth tell us about the divine origin of the fiery mountains. Will the highest volcano of the world be able to share the supernatural power? The answer can be obtained only by taking a dangerous journey on your own. Ancient people believed that in the depths of majestic giants mythical creatures are hiding , who can give immortality to those who dare to ascend to their summit and look into the muzzle with a red-hot restless lava.


What is the highest volcano in the world on another planet? This extinct giant from distant Mars, recognized as the largest in the Solar System, is Olympus, whose name was given in honor of the legendary abode of the ancient Gods. The last time a fiery lava burst from a huge vent two million years ago. Only the diameter of the former crater of this long-fallen giant is 60 km. Olympus majestically rises to 26 kilometers, the breadth of the giant is as much as 540 kilometers.

Its steep slopes, according to one version of the scientists, were once washed by the ocean, thanks to which they acquired such an unusual shape. All the highest volcanoes of the world that are on Earth are much inferior to Olympus in size. It is so huge that it is not even visible from the surface of the planet.

Mauna Loa

The active Mauna Loa volcano is in Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. Most of the giant is hidden under water, but if you measure the distance from the top to the foot, you will get 9000 meters. This giant is the highest active volcano in the world, it is even larger than Everest. The huge Mauna Loa still has a record volume of 75,000 cubic meters. He is very active and dangerous. During his last awakening, in 1984, the island's territory increased by as much as 180 hectares due to powerful lava flows.


In the mountains of Argentina extends the extinct volcano Aconcagua. The height of the giant is 6962 m. The exact origin of the name remains for researchers a secret. The second place in the ranking "The highest volcanoes of the world" is occupied by this beautiful giant.

A huge ice cap formed on the top - for too long the lava had not escaped from his vents. Scenic beauty has made Aconcagua an attractive place for climbers. Wishing to climb the magnificent snow slopes of a once dangerous volcano is very much.

Ojos del Salado

In the snowy Andes there is peacefully sleeping Ochos del Salado, a volcano with a height of 6,893 m. The name of the giant means "salty eyes", for the ancient Incas this mountain was considered sacred, here sacrifices were made. Near the top there is a beautiful lake, called the highest mountain on the planet.

The last time a fire erupted from its crater a thousand years ago. It is considered safe, but now scientists notice some activity, and local residents sometimes feel the smell of sulfur in the air. Once upon a giant even saw a small amount of steam and ash. At any time, the picturesque peace of this place can be violated by a powerful eruption, when the giant awakens from a thousand-year dream.


The structure of the Alps includes a volcano with a long and unpronounceable name Ljullyaylako, whose height is 6725 meters. It is located in the Atacama Desert. Snowy slopes of the volcano look fantastic in the endless sands.

Almost near the crater, scientists discovered several mummified bodies that were there several centuries ago. Most likely, the ancient Incas tried to appease the formidable giant with their bloody offerings.

The last time Ljullyaylako woke up in 1887. Now life is boiling in his bosom. He will still show his fiery power! So far, he only promises an eruption, sometimes releasing a huge red-hot cloud over the top.

San Pedro

Beautiful Alps, which include the world's highest volcanoes, are real champions for the number of dangerous objects. This is the second formidable monster. San Pedro, whose height is 6,159 meters, more recently, 55 years ago, showed its serious power. With his power, which can easily cause terrible destruction, he evokes constant respect.

Crowds of tourists who come for an extreme walk to his vents, provide local residents with a good income. True, to be near the crater is allowed only in a special mask, otherwise it's easy to breathe in poisonous gases.


Wimper, one of the three peaks of the Chimborazo volcano is the outermost point of the Earth's surface from the center. The height of the giant is as much as 6,310 meters. It is located in Ecuador and is part of the Andes. It was a long time ago, fifteen hundred years ago, he showed his last activity. There are about 14 glaciers on the slopes and peaks of Chimborazo. It is a huge reserve of the purest water, which very much helps the local residents.

Beautiful, but fear-provoking people of all times, the highest volcanoes of the world with their majestic and dangerous views always attracted a keen interest, which was mixed with superstitious horror. These fire-breathing mountains, close to the heavens themselves, deserve great reverence.

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