
The foundation for the furnace with their own hands: technology, material calculation and recommendations

Long since the Russian hut, the stoves have been installed on the floor, for this purpose the sex beams were strengthened or an additional one was laid. Today, a furnace that has no foundation is a rarity, for the sake of economy builders cut the floor joists into the first crown, whereas the previous installation method can not be called suitable. In addition, the foundation under the furnace is necessary to increase the stability of the structure and to avoid destruction. Traditionally, the foundation is made of cement-based cement or concrete, which is poured in such a way that the foundation of 10 cm leaves the perimeter beyond the furnace.

The height of the base should be the same as the height of the basement of the main building. Above the finished structure, a roofing material is laid or only two layers, on which bricks and outlets from metal corners are laid to build fire-fighting cuttings. But if you decide to install a foundation under the stove, then you must follow certain rules. For example, it is not possible to additionally concrete the previously laid bases, since uneven shrinkage of the furnace will occur. Therefore, the foundation for it with the foundation of the house is not associated. But if both of them are located as close as possible, then it is recommended to lay a backfill of crushed stone, the thickness of which will be 0.5 m.

The need for a foundation for the furnace and the definition of dimensions

Some owners of country and private houses are wondering whether a foundation is needed for the oven? To solve this problem, it is necessary to determine the size of the future design. The weight of the furnace also determines the necessity of settling the base. The newly laid structure will weigh about 8 tons, after drying the solution the mass will decrease by half. Sometimes a separate foundation is formed for the core chimney, which makes it possible to avoid uneven shrinkage.

The depth of the foundation will depend on the strength of the soil, the soiliness of the soil, the depth of freezing, the foundation of the main building, the level of location of groundwater, and whether the construction of the main building is completed at the time of the foundation for the furnace. On dry sandy soils, the foundation for the furnace should be laid at 80 cm. If it is a heathy soil, the depth should be below the freezing line by 1.5 m or less. In order to determine whether a foundation is needed for an oven, it is necessary to calculate its future mass using a formula that looks like this:

  • P = 1350 x V,
    Where V is the masonry volume in meters;
    1350 - approximate weight of 1 m 2 masonry in kg (mortar + about 200 bricks).

Building a foundation for a metal furnace

If you decide to build a foundation for an iron stove, you should not think about the need for a foundation, even if you use thin ultra-light steel in your work. If the future construction will weigh about 150 kg or less, then first prepare the pit and fill it with rubble. The layer is well tamped, eventually its thickness should be equal to 30 cm. From above, a solution of medium-strength cement should be poured and left for a day to solidify.

The ratio of ingredients should be as follows: one part of the cement, four parts of sand and liquid "by eye". From this solution, you should fill the base of the foundation. On the dried layer are laid pieces of roofing material to exclude the impact of water, and after the pit is filled with a mixture, prepared in the following proportion: one part of the cement, fine gravel in four parts, 2.5 parts of sand and water. With the help of a master level, the horizontality of the base must be checked.

Advice of a specialist

If you decide to build a foundation under a stove in a wooden house, then you can replace the concrete with a brick. But the first option will be stronger and cheaper, but in the event that nearby there is gravel and sand. If necessary, the concrete foundation will be difficult to dismantle, but the brickwork lends itself to such work much easier.

Base for a brick oven

If you decide to lay the foundation for a brick oven, you should prepare a pit, deepening below the freezing line of the soil. Its dimensions should be greater than the future foundation by 10 m along the perimeter. This will prevent the effect of soil movements. At the depth of the pit, 15 cm of sand are poured out, which is filled with water. As soon as the liquid is gone, sand should be poured to the required level, and then pour again with water. Afterwards, a brick fight or a 20 cm layer of stone is laid on the bottom. Prepare to be tamped and covered with sand, and then pour water. This procedure should be repeated several times until the sand stops settling.

Before making the foundation for the furnace, after all the above-mentioned manipulations, it is necessary to pour a 10 cm layer of rubble, compact it, and make a formwork inside the foundation pit so that 10 cm of free space remains between the boards and sides of the foundation. Inside the formwork there must be a reinforcing cage.

Recommendations of the master

In order to choose a variety of foundation, you need to know the approximate mass of the future design. For this purpose, the weight of bricks to be used for construction is calculated. As a rule, stoves-stoves have a weight of more than 1200 kg, so they require a fairly massive foundation.

Method of work on the construction of a foundation for a brick oven

By the way about the aforesaid, it can be noted that concrete should be poured into the formwork. As soon as the solution dries, the boards can be dismantled by applying a layer of tar on the sides of the foundation. The resulting free space should be covered with coarse sand or fine gravel.

Building a wooden foundation

Wooden experts do not recommend erecting a wooden foundation for a furnace, but if you are interested in acquaintance with the technology of its construction, you should read the information presented below.

At the first stage, wooden poles are prepared and processed, which provides for their antiseptic or firing. This will prolong the period of their use, since the surface of the products will be affected by soil moisture. Further, the site is marked and cleaned, pits are dug, whose diameter is 1.5 times larger than the diameter of the prepared supports, and then a sand cushion is arranged.

This foundation can not do without waterproofing, after laying a layer of which the pillars are installed. To increase the bearing base area, such poles should be placed on a concrete slab or cross. The next step will be backfilling, alignment of the supports in the horizontal plane and waterproofing the ends of the pillars.

Such a foundation for the furnace with their own hands is easy to erect, but labor and time costs will be more impressive. This is due to the fact that the wooden foundation will have to be additionally protected from moisture, as well as the increased influence of temperatures from the furnace.

Reinforced concrete slab on supports

The furnace can also be installed on a reinforced concrete slab whose thickness varies from 15 to 20 cm. This structure is laid on columnar or pile supports, which will depend on the depth of freezing of the soil. If on the territory of clay soil with surface groundwater, it is best to give preference to the slab foundation. Such a foundation should be set apart from the main foundation, and the gap between these structures should be about 5 cm.


If you prefer the columnar structure for the stove, you will need four columns for its construction, which will be reinforced with a reinforced concrete slab or a frame made of steel profiles. Supports should be located at the edges. The poles will avoid seasonal soil movements that result from the swelling of loamy and clay soils during severe frosts.

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