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The Eastern Parable is a fount of wisdom

Eastern parable - in fact, a short story, set out in simple, understandable language. This is a special form of transmission of vital information. What is difficult to describe with ordinary words is given in the form of history.

Peculiarities of perception

The adult has a well developed logic, the habit of thinking in words, abstract categories. This way of thinking diligently mastered throughout the school years. In his childhood years he was more active in using figurative language - a living, informal, involving resources of the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for creativity, creativity.

The Eastern parable, bypassing logic and pragmatism, refers directly to the heart. An example reveals something very important, but usually elusive. With the help of metaphors and allegories, the imagination is activated, the deep strings of the soul are touched. Man does not think so much, how much he feels at this moment. He can even shed a tear, or even cry.

Insight as a consequence

A small instructive story, which is the eastern parable, can quite incomprehensibly launch a restart of the usual thought process. The person suddenly realizes that for a long time he could not get into his consciousness. He has an insight.

Thanks to enlightenment, a person's self-perception, world perception changes. For example, oppressive feelings of duty or guilt are transformed into a deep acceptance of oneself. The feeling of hostility and injustice - in understanding that the world is beautiful and multifaceted. One can become aware of the causes of some complicated situation, finally find a way out of it.

The Value of a Parable

Oriental cultures have always been famous for a special atmosphere, mystery, a tendency to contemplate. Philosophical views were characterized by a holistic approach to life. Ancient spiritual teachings focused on the balance of human relationships with nature, the expansion of the mental and physical capabilities of his body.

Therefore, the eastern parable is imbued with harmonizing truths. It equips people with enduring vital values. Since ancient times, it has been used as a form of supporting the word. This is her great gift.

It shows the way

Eastern parables of life place in the focus of a person's attention certain patterns, rules, instructions; Show the versatility of the world the relativity of everything. This is the parable about the elephant and the blind old men studying it from different angles - the trunk, the tusk, the back, the ear, the leg, the tail. Despite all the inconsistencies, even frank contradictions in judgments, everyone turns out to be in his own way right. Such examples help overcome categorical, develop understanding, tolerance both to oneself and to others.

The Eastern parable of good and evil draws man's attention to his inner world, contributes to reflection. It forces us to take a close look at our priorities, the choices that are made each day, to reveal the preponderance of the propensity to negativism, destruction or constructiveness and creation. It contributes to understanding which motives control actions: fear, envy, pride or love, hope, kindness. By analogy with the parable of the two wolves, which is nourished, it is also multiplied.

The Eastern parables of happiness help a person to place accents in his life in such a way that he finds more reasons and reasons to feel happy, rather than vice versa. Always remember the most important, appreciate, cherish and rejoice in him. And because of the secondary, do not grieve, do not get discouraged. Find inner peace, balance.

The fount of wisdom

To tell interesting stories is a fairly stable tradition of humanity. This is a fun and exciting pastime. Often even very cognitive. This is how the exchange of experience takes place, knowledge is transferred. Proverbs about life are popular today. It's great, because in them are hidden innumerable treasures - a grain of life-giving wisdom.

Proverbs are of much use to people. Simply, unobtrusively they promote refocusing of attention from the secondary to the main thing, from problems to positive moments. They teach the desire for self-sufficiency, achievement of balance. They remind us of the need to accept ourselves, others, the world around us as they are. Call to relax and just be yourself, because that's the way it should be.

From the parable, changes begin

Wisdom, packaged in a parable, allows a different look at some particular event or life in general. And as a consequence, redistribute the accents in the perception of habitual situations, change priorities, see hidden patterns, cause and effect relationships. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to assess your beliefs, actions and if you want to make adjustments from new positions.

Life consists of small things. Changing small habits, a person changes behavior, behavior, character. Then his destiny changes. So a suitable parable at the right time can do wonders.

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