
The drug "Vazobral". Reviews

The drug "Vazobral" is a combined remedy, the therapeutic effect of which is due to the components that make up its composition. When it is used, the aggregation of erythrocytes and platelets decreases, the permeability of the walls of the vessels decreases, metabolic processes and blood circulation of the brain are improved, and the stability of the brain tissues is increased to a lack of oxygen due to insufficient intake of oxygen or to disruptions in its assimilation.

It is also noted that the pharmaceutical "Vazobral" can be used as a prophylactic for migraines.

The drug "Vazobral", whose reviews are positive, helps to eliminate the cerebrovascular insufficiency (inconsistencies in the needs of brain tissue in oxygen and its intake), including atherosclerosis of the brain vessels. In addition, the drug in question effectively fights against residual events after malfunctions in the cerebral circulation, it is also used to restore mental activity, memory, attention, ability to navigate.

"Vazobral" means, reviews confirm this, helps to eliminate tinnitus, dizziness and restore auditory sensitivity (in case these symptoms developed as a result of inadequate supply of blood to the cochlea of the inner ear). This drug also relieves retinopathy - damage to the walls of the vessels of the ocular retina (including those that arose against the background of diabetes or Raynaud's disease), as well as from chronic venous insufficiency.

The drug "Vazobral". Instructions

Patients' feedback informs that this pharmaceutical agent may cause some side effects. Among them, nausea, pain in the subcostal area, rash, itching of the skin, lowering the level of blood pressure. Also, excitation and tachycardia can be observed.

It is noted that the drug does not have a prolonged hypotensive effect.

Pharmaceutical "Vazobral", which is confirmed by its effectiveness, should be taken (depending on the form of release) for two to four milliliters (one or two pipettes) or one tablet each. This medication is recommended to be used during meals, squeezed with a small amount of clean water. The average duration of the course of treatment is two to three months. If necessary, the therapy can be repeated several times a year.

The "Vazobral" remedy is shown to children for treatment of brain disorders and consequences accompanying them.

The drug "Vasobral" is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition. Data on the safety of its use in women waiting for a child is not available.

The drug "Vazobral", the reviews confirm this, can provoke a decrease in the volume of produced breast milk.

The drug is available in the form of tablets or a solution for internal use in a vial (a pipette of two milliliters is also attached to it).

One tablet contains 20 milligrams of caffeine and two milligrams of alfa-hydroergocryptin. In two milliliters of solution contains a similar amount of the above substances. It should be borne in mind that caffeine reduces the effect of soporific drugs.

The drug "Vazobral", the reviews confirm that overdose causes an increase in side effects. In this case, it is recommended to wash the stomach, induce vomiting by artificial means, and carry out symptomatic therapy.

In pharmacies, the drug "Vazobral" can be purchased exclusively on the prescription of a doctor.

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