Health, Preparations
The drug "Sermion": the instruction, analogues
"Sermion" - a drug designed to treat conditions caused by a violation of cerebral circulation. It improves blood microcirculation, relieves spasms of blood vessels, improves blood flow in the lungs, kidneys, brain. The medicine "Sermion" improves the supply of the body with glucose and oxygen. It regulates the central and peripheral circulation. By improving the blood circulation of the drug normalizes the pressure.
The drug "Sermion", the instruction explains, is shown to the following categories of patients:
- Suffering from atherosclerosis, ischemia, thrombosis, brain embolism, other metabolic or vascular disorders;
- Patients with impaired peripheral circulation, Reynaud's syndrome, in which the color of the limb is spasmodic and change;
- Hypertensive patients for therapeutic treatment and crisis relief.
The medication "Sermion" is contraindicated, the instruction specifically warns about it, with bleeding, after a recent heart attack, gout, hypertension, during pregnancy and feeding.
The drug is available in several forms: for injection and oral administration. For injections, a lyophilizate is used-a porous mass or a white powder that should be diluted with a solvent.
For oral administration, tablets are provided. The active substance of the tablets is nicergoline. This substance - derived from ergoline, improves metabolic and hemodynamic processes in the brain, accelerates the flow of blood in the legs and hands.
On sale there are tablets containing 5, 10, 30 mg of substance. The first of them are covered with an orange shell , the rest, respectively, have a white and yellow color.
Like any other potent drug, the "Sermion" preparation , the instruction gives clear warnings, it is impossible to apply without the supervision of a doctor.
When parenteral (injection), it can cause dizziness, a feeling of heat, itching, skin rashes. Sometimes the drug provokes a sleep disorder. Usually, the symptoms are not very severe and do not require additional treatment.
In case of an overdose, a sudden drop in pressure may occur, which occurs after a while.
The "Sermion" pills, the instruction indicates this, are usually prescribed for a triple intake during the day. When brain dementia is recommended to take 30 mg at a time. In other cases, the doctor chooses the dosage, focusing on the condition, diagnosis and course of the disease. The course of treatment usually lasts for several months. It is recommended that the constant supervision of a doctor, the control of the chemical composition of the blood.
Injections are for intramuscular or intravenous administration. In the second case, the drug is administered very slowly, infusion.
The instruction to the drug does not indicate whether it is possible to prescribe a drug "Sermion" for newborns. However, in the absence of specialized "children's" drugs, neurologists sometimes prescribe this remedy to babies. This happens with such diseases as dysontogenetic dyskinesia, asteno-vegetative syndrome, and some other ailments. In this case, the dosage prescribed by the physician must be carefully observed.
The medicine "Sermion" is produced in India, Italy, the USA. The drug has several analogues, which are manufactured at other enterprises in Italy and India or in other countries. First of all, this is the Russian medicine "Nicergoline", pleasantly surprising with its value. Replace the tool "Sermion" (but only after consulting a doctor) you can use the Polish drug "Nilogrin".
Regardless of which of the similar medicines the doctor appointed, it is recommended that he be taken only under medical supervision. Despite the fact that there are only one medicinal substance in the preparations, the auxiliary components may be different. Therefore, the absence of adverse reactions to one drug does not mean that they will not appear when using an analogue.
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