
How to choose a spray for burns: tips and reviews of pharmacists

In situations where any person can suffer from sun, chemical, thermal or electrical skin damage, the spray from burns must be Always at hand. First aid for domestic or work injuries is needed to treat affected areas of the skin and relieve acute pain. In this case, it is not recommended to touch the injured surface, as touching can infect the skin, as well as cause untold suffering in a person. Therefore, the spray agent is ideally suited for treating burn surfaces.

The best means of skin burn in the form of a spray

Of the pharmacy products that are used to effectively treat skin burns at various stages, aerosols and sprays are considered to be the best. Any spray from burns is easily sprayed onto the affected area, allowing it to be treated in a non-contact way. This is a great advantage when choosing a drug, which, with its anesthetic component, allows you to eliminate discomfort.

Features of popular means for burns

To treat sunny and other thermal burns, including a burn with boiling water, from the first minutes you can use a gentle air foam in the form of a spray - "Panthenol". The price of the can (130 ml) today is about 250-300 rubles. Another popular remedy for burns is the "Olazol" aerosol - good for thermal and chemical burns, including for long-term non-healing skin lesions. Sea buckthorn oil, included in its composition, stimulates regeneration processes in the dermis and helps to speed up the healing of tissues. But for sunburn this medication is not recommended for use, as the antibiotic Levomycetin, which enters into it, can cause allergic reactions (rash, fever and others). "Bepanten Spray" from burns Significantly alleviates the symptoms after the violation of the integrity of the skin as a result of chemical or physical, as well as sunburn. Its main active component is dexpanthenol, which has regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. He is also a well-known spray for burns "Pantenol".

Instructions for the use of the drug "Panthenol" (spray)

The manufacturer defines the spray "Pantenol" as a pharmaceutical from the group of reparants. It is used to treat wounds and burns on the skin surface. The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol (provitamin B5). When ingested, it is converted to pantothenic acid, identical to natural, which is contained in virtually all tissues of our body. Its deficiency, which is affected by the burned skin, is replenished with the help of D-panthenol. Pantothenic acid, derived from dexpanthenol, stimulates the regeneration of the skin, accelerates the recovery of epithelial tissue, increases the turgor of the dermis by increasing the strength of collagen fibers. In addition to restoring properties, a spray from burns "Panthenol" has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, promotes rapid elimination of the consequences of burn injury, and also protects tissues from scar formation.

Method of application and form of the preparation "Panthenol"

Spray onto the skin spray "Panthenol" for burns of the first or second degree, most often occurring in the home or under direct sunlight. Such injuries are easily amenable to treatment at home. It is used "Panthenol" -spray locally from the very first minute and until the tissue is completely healed. Usually this happens within 3-15 days. The can of spray is shaken before spraying and held vertically, evenly covering the entire affected area with foam. The finest film is formed over the burn site in a few seconds, which has a dermatoprotective effect and retains moisture to accelerate the regeneration of tissues in the injured area of the skin. Spray from sunburn "Panthenol" is produced in aerosol cans in a concentration of 4, 63% active ingredient with a volume of 130 and 58 grams.

Antibacterial drug "Bepanten"

Analog of the famous spray from burns "Panthenol" - universal spray from burns "Bepanten" also contains the active substance - dexpanthenol (50 mg / ml). In combination with an antiseptic chlorhexidine (5 mg / ml) the drug has an analgesic effect, it well cools the damaged skin and protects it from infection. The ability of D-panthenol to be absorbed helps it penetrate skin cells, where this substance turns into pantothenic acid and replenishes the reserve of its own (endogenous) vitamin B5. When applied, dexpanthenol is well absorbed, accelerates biochemical reactions in dermal cells, promotes rapid healing and prevention of tissue scarring. "Bepanten" -spray does not leave a greasy shine and is easily washed off, it is recommended to spray it twice a day on previously cleaned or inflamed skin areas. The duration of treatment is set by the doctor and is usually one to two weeks. The need for further treatment should be coordinated with your doctor.

The preparation "Olazol" in the form of a spray: instruction

A rich cocktail of active ingredients in the means of burns "Olazol-Spray", includes: antibiotic "Levomycetin", anesthetic "Anestezin" and activating processes of regeneration in tissues - sea buckthorn oil. Aerosol spray from burns with sea-buckthorn "Olazol" is recommended for the treatment of complex, long-term non-healing or infected burns (including boiling water). In the optimal combination of the components of the drug: anesthesin - quickly and for a long time blocks the pain syndrome; Levomycetin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, is effective against a large number of bacteria that threaten to penetrate into the affected tissue. It also contains a unique product - sea buckthorn oil - a natural anti-inflammatory, wound-healing agent with mild antibacterial action and skin regenerating activity; Boric acid, which destroys protein compounds of microorganisms, inhibits their development and reproduction.

Contraindications to burns sprays

If "Panthenol" and its analogs are undesirable to use for people suffering from hypersensitivity to the components of these drugs, then "Olazol" is contraindicated not only because of allergic reactions to levomycetin and its other components. The foam of this remedy can not be applied to patients who have disrupted the kidneys and digestive tract, pregnant women, nursing mothers. Doctors do not recommend treating burns with "Olazol" aerosol, located on wide areas of the body.

Tips & Feedback

For rapid recovery of the skin after a burn injury of the 1st and 2nd degree, doctors recommend the first few days to apply funds with dexpanthenol four times a day, and then go to the dual treatment mode. If you do not feel discomfort, then "Panthenol" and its analogs can be kept on the surface of the skin until the product is absorbed completely. For the treatment of wiping wounds, sprays with dexpanthenol can not be used. In the case of the formation of a greasy film, after one and a half to two hours, the remaining spray can be gently washed off. After treatment, continue to use "Panthenol" (to improve the appearance of the skin) is undesirable, since it is necessary to give the skin rest. Vitamin B5 is not a hormonal component, but is involved in the synthesis of adrenal hormones.

Long-term intervention in the synthesis chain in the endocrine system can lead to malfunctions in its work. With the advantage of Olazol, pharmacists consider the rapid healing of burns of any etiology (including wetting wounds), except for excessive sunburn. This aerosol is widely used in clinical practice of burn centers.

The universal remedy "Olazol" is used today in the leading medical centers of the country, and in the departments of surgery, traumatology of city hospitals. Reviews about the "Pantenol" and its analogs can be found mostly positive. Users praise him for convenience, for a good, effective result of treatment, advise families with children to have a "Panthenol" spray in the home medicine cabinet. But sometimes there are negative reactions. For example, a doctor with a boiling water boiled doctor appointed "Panthenol", the drug restored the skin, but the pain did not take off. As a result, the victim turned again and moved to the domestic "Olazol". The effect of this drug I liked more.

Note that after a beach or sunbed, the burn is better treated with sprays containing dexpanthenol (Panthenol and Bepanten).

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