
'Neopenotran forte' for women's health

The most frequent means of treating gynecological diseases are vaginal suppositories. These medications can be of any directivity. Today, modern drugs in the form of gynecological suppositories try to do with a very wide spectrum of direction and treatment.

One of the representatives of modern gynecological medicines is the candles "Neopenotran forte." This drug is topical, it is a vaginal suppository and has three directions.


"Neopenotran Fort" in its composition has an imidazole derivative, which is today a preparation of a broad antifungal action. It shows activity against many fungi, such as Candida, Aspergillus and so on. Yeast-like fungi are harmless inhabitants of the body that live on mucous membranes. But sometimes they become harmful and cause an unpleasant disease - candidiasis. This ailment is extremely easily transmitted sexually.


Metranidazole, which is part of the "Neopenotrane forte," is a broad-spectrum preparation. Works in several directions as an anti-inflammatory drug, and antiprotozoal.

In addition to the classic pathogens that cause inflammation of the genital tract, Neopenotran Fort is an excellent treatment and has increased activity against Trichomonas vaginalis and even more against Gardnerella vaginalis. These diseases doctors call the first when the question arises of infertility of both partners. Time treated does not affect the fertility of women.


Metronidazole is very active against anaerobic bacteria, not excluding diseases caused by anaerobic streptococcus.

Indications for use and prescription of the agent in the form of vaginal suppositories "Neopenotran forte": their use is possible with diseases of the female genital tract, such as candidal vaginitis, vulvovaginitis trichomonas, bacterial vaginitis, vaginosis nonspecific, anaerobic vaginosis, vaginitis caused by gardnerella and so on.

A large number of doctors note improvement in the condition of the vaginal mucosa after using these candles. The subsequent analysis proves complete recovery after using the drug "Neopenotran forte." Reviews of patients who used suppositories, prove that the medicine is really effective.


The course of treatment with the drug usually does not exceed 1 week. In this case, every day in the morning and at night should be used for 1 vaginal candle. Sometimes the course is extended to 2 weeks. This applies to those cases when the gynecologist diagnosed "vaginitis".

Suppositories must be very carefully inserted into the vagina and quite deeply. Do this using special fingertips. It is worth noting that the doctor never revises the dosage of the drug if the patient is over 65 years old.


If the product is used excessively, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Specific taste of "metal" in the mouth;

  • stomach ache;

  • Urine acquires a dark color;

  • Excessive headache;

  • Manifested stomatitis;

  • There is itching;

  • Spontaneous nausea;

  • Sometimes even cramps occur;

  • May be profuse vomiting.

In case of such manifestations, you should consult a doctor. He, in turn, will appoint the right treatment. The main thing is to start therapy as soon as possible so that there will be no consequences.

Even if the medicine "Neopenotran forte" was prescribed by a doctor, it is always necessary to carefully study the instructions before using it. This tool has some contraindications and recommendations for use. If you do not pay attention to this, you can expect unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

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