
The albino man. People without skin

The social minority always provokes controversial views and judgments. White crows are objects of sympathy, compassion, criticism and indignation. The albino man evokes in society the most vivid emotions - from admiration to disgust. However, there is no mysticism in this anomaly - it's all about the genetic mutation that causes the blockade of tyrosinase. This enzyme is necessary for the production of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin, hair, iris of the eyes. Breaches of the melanin-pigment system are of a genetic nature, their treatment and correction are impossible. After all, if you interfere with the structure of DNA, the consequences can be much more severe.

A sample of 20,000 Europeans has only one albino person. In Nigeria, a survey of about 15,000 Negro children found 5 with depigmentation. The frequency of occurrence of albinos among the Indians of Panama is 1 for 132 people. The genetic mutation is inherited, but only 10 generations later.

Albino is a person whose life can develop in the most unpredictable way. An African with this anomaly will be difficult - in the region such people are considered inferior, cause suspicion, and his family for the rest of his life bears the stigma of disgrace and alienation. In Tanzania, an albino person may fall prey to violent religious beliefs, according to which the flesh of such people is used by local healers for the treatment of diseases. In East Africa, in this regard, the Albino Association of Malawi community was even created, the purpose of which was to draw public and state attention to the problems of protection and socialization of albinos.

In European countries, the situation is more optimistic. The albino man, whose photo can be found on the covers of glossy publications, has good career prospects in the modeling business. Thanks to this anomaly, Connie Chiu, a Chinese woman, Afro-Americans Diandra Forrest and Sean Ross, broke into the podium. Fashion designers are not indifferent to such specific beauty and are ready to worship albinos for unique natural material that can be successfully beaten.

Unfortunately, albinism is often accompanied by visual impairment (nystagmus, strabismus, photophobia), cutaneous hypersensitivity. Traditionally, two types of anomalies are distinguished: skin-eye (KGA) and eye (GA), which, in turn, have varying degrees of severity - from complete depigmentation to partial. A severe degree of KHA is sometimes accompanied by mental retardation, a violation of facial features, hypogonadism, obesity.

However, society is certainly the most dangerous for albinos. And if the skin can be protected, then to escape the attacks and inquisitive views of others is almost impossible. The albino man has been rehabilitated several times, films are being made about him, books are being written. Unfortunately, the image of the "white" person in art sources is somewhat perverted. Albinophobia can not be eradicated from the consciousness of even a modern and progressive person. Statistics show that it is quite difficult for albinos to get a job, to build personal relationships. People are always afraid of "others". Perhaps this is a kind of primitive fear of the unknown.

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