
Tablets from frequent urination in men: "Oksibutinin", "Driptan", "Spazmex"

The health of the genitourinary system is very important. In the elderly, various violations are often noted. Especially problems with urination disturb the male population. This does not mean that women do not suffer from similar pathologies. In adulthood, many of them often develop incontinence. Nevertheless, men experience similar difficulties much more sharply. It is believed that this is due to anatomical and physiological characteristics. After all, if urination is abnormal, the sexual function is often impaired. The urethra and the vas deferens in men connect with each other. In order not to start the disease, it is necessary to start medical treatment as early as possible. Otherwise, surgery will be required.

Frequent urination in men - what is it?

Everyone knows that complaints about the frequency of urination appear in a large number of older men. However, not everyone knows that various reasons can lead to the development of this symptom. In some cases, similar problems occur in the middle and even adolescent years. However, frequent urination in older men predominates. This is due to the development of such pathologies as prostate adenoma, prostatitis. It should be borne in mind that in normal human (irrespective of gender) urinates about 6 times during the day. At the same time at night there should be no more than 1 trip to the toilet "on a small". The frequency of urination may vary slightly depending on the amount of fluid drunk. Nevertheless, frequent waking at night means that there is some kind of pathology. Tablets from frequent urination in men can be prescribed only by a doctor, after the necessary studies have been carried out. After all, the causes of this symptom are not always associated with inflammatory processes and prostate hyperplasia. Unfortunately, a large number of men do not want to seek medical help, believing that the increase in urination in old age is the norm. This opinion is not correct. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease you need to get a specialist consultation.

Pain and frequency of urination in men: causes

In most cases, doctors are confronted with a combination of symptoms such as frequent urination in men with pain. The reasons for such complaints can be different. It is worth remembering that among them are not only diseases of the genitourinary system, but also hormonal disorders, pathologies of the nervous system, etc. Therefore, not paying attention to this problem is a big mistake. After all, with many diseases requires immediate action to treat the disease. The most common causes of increased frequency of urination are:

  1. Diabetes. This pathology refers to endocrine diseases. Diabetes mellitus can occur at any age, including in childhood. This disease is dangerous due to the development of many complications. Among them - the defeat of blood vessels and nerves, the development of coma. Therefore, if a patient has diabetes, life-long medication is required, which must be started from the time of diagnosis.
  2. Inflammatory pathology of the genitourinary system. These include: cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis. These diseases are also characteristic of all age groups.
  3. Prostate adenoma. Under this pathology is implicated proliferation of prostate tissue and an increase in the size of the body. Hyperplasia has a benign character. Nevertheless, there is a violation of urination. Erectile dysfunction is also possible. The disease is more common in men of elderly and senile age.
  4. Violation of the nervous regulation of the bladder.
  5. Non-diabetes mellitus. This pathology refers to rare ailments. It is characterized by a large release of urine (diuresis reaches 10 liters per day). Pathology is associated with changes in hormonal regulation of the kidneys. The reason for this pathology is a violation of the pituitary gland.

Painful and frequent urination is a common problem. Nevertheless, in most cases the diseases accompanied by these symptoms are amenable to treatment. Therefore, you should not "pull" with the address to the doctor until complications develop.

Drug treatment of rapid urination

There are various medications for frequent urination in men. Therefore, before buying a drug, you need to consult a doctor. First you need to find out the cause of this symptom. For this you need to undergo a survey. To diagnose inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system and diabetes, it is necessary to perform OAK, OAM, blood sugar analysis. In most cases, a finger examination of the rectum is required. It is necessary for an estimation of a status of a prostate (its or her form, the sizes, a consistence). Only after the diagnosis is established, pills are prescribed for frequent urination in men. These include drugs "Oxibutinin", "Driptan", "Duloxetine", etc. In most cases, the drugs have an antispasmodic effect. This reduces the frequency of urge to urinate. In addition, it is necessary to carry out pathogenetic drug therapy. The choice of medication depends on the cause of the disease.

Indication for drug therapy with frequent urination

To reduce the frequency of urination, drug therapy is necessary. Drugs with a positive effect in the treatment of this symptom are tablets belonging to the M-cholinolytics and antidepressant groups. There are a number of indications for the use of these medicines:

  1. Instability of the bladder.
  2. Enuresis.
  3. Detrusor dysfunction.
  4. Increased urination with diabetes mellitus.

In some cases, surgical treatment is indicated. It is necessary for large prostate adenoma, prostate cancer. When diabetes is required, hypoglycemic therapy or the administration of insulin preparations.

Mechanism of action of drugs against frequent urination

Such medications as tablets "Oksibutinin", "Driptan" and "Spazmex", belong to the group of M-holinolitikov. The action of these medications is aimed at relaxing the smooth muscles of the internal organs, in particular - the bladder. The positive effect of their application is due to several mechanisms. M-holinolitiki contribute to the relaxation of detrusor, reduce the frequency of urination and lead to relaxation of smooth muscles, resulting in an increase in body capacity.

Medications "Duloxetine" and "Imipramine" belong to the group of antidepressants. These drugs are recommended for frequent urination in men. First, they have a calming effect, and secondly, they affect the nervous regulation. In addition, these tablets from frequent urination in men have holinoliticheskoe action (relax the muscles of the bladder).

In what cases is the "Oxybutynin" medication used?

One of the effective medicines in the treatment of frequent urination is the drug "Oxibutinin". The price of this medicine depends on its trade name. After all, the substance of oxybutynin is contained in several medicines. Among them - drugs Driptan and Novitropan. Medicines are analogues. The active substance in both medicines is oxybutynin. The price of tablets ranges from 600 to 800 rubles. The drug "Oxibutinin" is used in cases of nocturnal enuresis (from the age of 5), disorders of the nervous regulation of the bladder, its instability, detrusor dysfunction. The form of the drug - tablets of 2.5 and 5 mg. Medication is contraindicated in atony of the gastrointestinal tract, obstructive pathologies, during pregnancy and lactation.

"Driptan" preparation: instructions for use, price

Some drugs have the same active substance, that is, they are analogues. For example, medications Novitropan and Driptan. Both drugs have a substance called oxybutynin. The dosage is 7.5-10 mg per day. If necessary, it can be reduced (in children, the elderly) or increased. More information about the dosing regimen is described in the annotation, which is in the package from the Driptan tablets (instructions for use). The price of the medicine is about 700 rubles.

Duloxetine tablets

Calming and at the same time spasmolytic action has a drug "Duloxetine". Patients' feedback about this drug is positive. After all, in addition to reducing the frequency of urination, he stops pain and is an antidepressant. The drug is contraindicated for use at the age of 18 years. Assign with nervous disorders, depression, as a symptomatic therapy for diabetes mellitus.

The drug "Spazmeks": instructions for use, reviews

The drug "Spasmatex" has an M-cholinolytic effect. It is prescribed for neurogenic disorders for relaxation of smooth muscles, enuresis and other types of urinary incontinence. The dose of the active ingredient in the tablet is 5, 15 and 30 mg. The drug is prescribed from the age of 14 years. The daily dose of the medication is 30 mg (divided into 2-3 doses). Reviews of doctors about the drug are positive, the effectiveness is confirmed. Doctors recommend taking Spasmatix tablets in old age with caution, since there is a risk of developing side reactions.

Medication Imipramine: when is it prescribed?

The drug "Imipramine" belongs to the group of antidepressants. Indications for use are the same as for the drug "Duloxetine". Assign with incontinence of urine in combination with pain syndrome. The drug is recommended for use in patients with mental disorders. Can be used in childhood with enuresis. The initial dose is 10 mg.

Prevention of frequent urination in men

Appoint tablets for frequent urination in men can only be the attending physician. The choice of medication depends on factors such as the age and physical condition of the patient. To the primary prevention of frequent urination include proper nutrition, the normalization of sexual life (the use of barrier methods for casual connections), timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes.

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