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Allusions. What is this term? Examples of allusion in the literature

In the creation of works of Russian and Western classics used various means and techniques. At the beginning of the last century, the world literature began to show a tendency to symbolism, allegory. Such features are not only present in modern prose, but are today the subject of close scrutiny of literary scholars. Artistic figures, which researchers drew special attention in the XX century, allusions began. What it is? What are they needed for? And what forms can allusions have?

Origin of the term

More recently, literary theorists have formulated a definition of allusion. What kind of phenomenon is this, previously few people thought about, and not because masters of the artistic word did not apply it. Examples of allusion are already found in the poetry of the Middle Ages. Rather, the fact is that until the beginning of the last century, literary criticism did not develop so actively.

In modern philology this term is used to refer to one of the stylistic devices. Translated from the Latin language, it means "hinting". Allusion is an artistic image that the author borrows in biblical subjects, ancient or medieval mythology or in the writings of other writers. The purpose of this borrowing is to draw a parallel between one's own literary creation and a widely known work already created before it. Thus, we can say that the author, using the already existing image, "hints" at his resemblance to the hero, the plot or idea of his novel, novella or story.

Types of allusion

With the help of such stylistic devices, the author can refer not only to the well-known literary work, but also to some historical fact. Various elements from biblical or mythical plots can play the role of allusions. What is this artistic phenomenon, it is impossible to answer within the framework of one article. This topic is devoted to the works of many literary researchers, each of which offers its own interpretation and classification. In order to get a general idea of allusion, several examples from literature should be cited and classified according to the main feature, namely, the source from which it can be borrowed. So, these artistic images can be:

  • Mythological;
  • Biblical;
  • Historical;
  • Literary;
  • Philosophical and aesthetic.

Allusions are used to form a story, reveal the image of the hero or the author's idea. They can be in the title of the work or in its ending. Also these stylistic figures can occupy a medial position.

"In the first circle"

The allusion in Alexander Solzhenitsyn's novel is in the title of the work. In his Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri formed the strict structure of the afterlife, dividing it into nine circles. The sinful soul, according to the plot of the poem of the Italian author, is in one of them. But each of the circles corresponds to the severity of the transgressions committed during life. The first are the most harmless sinners, whose guilt is highly questionable: unbaptized babies, virtuous but unbaptized people. In Solzhenitsyn's novel, the Dante circle was taken as an allusion. What is this allegorical reception and what function does it perform, you can understand, remembering the author's words: "The world's most important thing is to realize that you do not participate in injustice." The heroes of the Russian writer are punished, they suffer, like the inhabitants of the first circle of the Italian philosopher, innocently and are victims of a huge terrible system.

Shakespeare's allusions

Elements, borrowed from the work of William Shakespeare, are actively used in the works of contemporary authors, primarily English speakers. One of these allusions is the image of the black prince from the novel Iris Murdoch. The plot of this work is a prehistory to the legend of the Prince of Denmark.

English writer John Fowles draws a parallel between the heroes of his novel "The Collector" and Shakespearean characters from the tragedy "The Storm". As in the first, and in the second case, the symbols occupy a medial position.

As for the works of Russian classical literature, Leskov's story "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district" serves as a vivid example of allusion to images from the work of the English playwright.

Other artistic allusions

The choice of source of allusions depends on the time in which the author lives, on his ideas. In the novel "The Master and Margarita" there are everywhere allegories, subtle hints of biblical images and plots. The work of Bulgakov gives rise to many questions and puzzles. But the references of the author of the cult work of the 20th century to Goethe's Faust are obvious. The name of the main character is the main allusion. Love and the theme of fleeting happiness devoted Bulgakov's main storyline, which is also an interesting subject for studying critics because of the abundance of images of the German poet in it.

Reminiscence is a more general concept. The use of various images and elements from a famous artwork can take various forms. The stylistic method, to which this article is devoted, implies the most unambiguous reading.

Allusion and reminiscence in general terms are almost synonymous. Great characters and stories may have already been created. Modern authors can only rethink them and transfer them in our time. And it should be said that such artistic techniques are used not only in literature, but also in the cinema. An example from Soviet cinema is the film "Children of Don Quixote". The main character of this film does good without expecting a reward. He gives himself to work with all his heart, not paying attention to ridicule. His actions may seem insane to ordinary citizens. But these insanities are noble. And this is the similarity of the movie hero to the character of Cervantes.

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