HealthDiseases and Conditions

Different eye color

The color of the eyes depends on the blood filling of the iris vessels and the amount of pigment contained in it. This thin diaphragm with a pupil is located in front of the lens and behind the cornea. The color of the pigment may indicate any disease in the body. For example, in diseases of the liver, the iris becomes yellow or brown. The natural color of pigments depends on genes and race. It can also be a characteristic feature of any nationality. There are only three colors of pigment. They are brown, blue and yellow. Blending in the blood vessels of these pigments determines the color of the eyes. For example, mixing blue and yellow gives green colors.

Different eye color

Sometimes in the iris, there is an excess or a lack of melanin. Then a phenomenon called heterochromia is possible, the manifestation of which is a different eye color. This condition occurs in humans and animals. Most often the color of one eye is brown, and the other is blue. But still, each person has his own, unique form of heterochromia. Such people look mysterious and unusual, standing out from the crowd.

Heterochromism happens:

1. Full, when the colors of the irises of the eyes are different.

2. Partial, in which one pupil combines two colors.

Different eyes in cats are no longer surprising. This phenomenon is familiar to us. Eyes of different colors in humans are much less common. Heterochromia can be congenital, resulting from an excess or lack of melanin. But there is also an acquired condition as a result of trauma, in people with tumors or glaucoma.

From a psychological point of view, people with different eye colors are considered extraordinary, unpredictable and fearless. However, they have egocentrism in a pronounced form. Demanding much attention to their personality, they like to be alone with themselves. As a consequence, they have a very narrow circle of close people.

Women who have different eyes color, always strive for perfection. They like to enjoy their appearance, considering it to be perfect. Possessing a subtle taste, are fond of poetry, music, dancing and are great optimists.

People who have different eyes color, conduct a measured way of life. Vivid events they occur quite rarely. But this does not cause grief. Thanks to their inexhaustible imagination and remarkable organizational skills, they can always arrange a holiday for themselves.

Patience and endurance are the hallmark of people with heterochromia. Failure, excitement and anxiety they always carry with them. Only when the level of extreme stress is reached, these people are ready to share their discontent with the closest.

Women who have different eyes color, always look for their own unique and unique. And only with him will be wise and wonderful hostesses, creating such comfort and comfort in the house that her husband can only be envied. But while these women will never forget to closely monitor their appearance.

In such ladies, nature has a predilection for alcohol. But by virtue of their wisdom they will easily overcome this craving. But trying to smoke, they are unlikely to give up.

When dealing with people who have different eyes, do not forget that they are very moody and stubborn. It's unlikely that you will be able to emerge victorious in a dispute with them. They may even be rude in their desire to prove their case.

In dealing with such people, it is necessary to carefully select words. They will quickly forgive, but the resentment will persist for a long time.

Heterochromia should not be taken as a disease or mutation. Different eyes have no effect on health. He who has heterochromia absolutely normally perceives the colors of the world around him and sees him as an ordinary person.

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