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On the origin of the name Tarasov. It is interesting

We carry the last names of life ahead of us like a banner. Consonant or not, pleasant to us or not ... Some citizens change their names: the girls at marriage, and men just like that, if suddenly itch. For many centuries people believe in the power of the name and surname. It is believed that what name will give the baby at birth - this will be his life. Therefore, many parents spend a lot of time sorting names in special books (before deciding on the final version).

Today we will talk about the famous name of Tarasov.

The meaning of the name

I want to talk about the origin of the name Tarasov. Some researchers are sure that Taras is a derivative word from Tara. Tara was called the forest goddess. She was also the patroness of her "own" trees (oak, ash, birch).

The name of Tarasov is ancient. The name Taras came from Greece and meant a person who has a spiritual connection with God. Another interpretation of the name is a rebellious man, showing his will, a rebel.

The name of Taras was also worn by the Patriarch of Constantinople, which strengthened his religious significance. The priest was pious, helped the needy, advocated the erection of monasteries and the construction of clinics. To bear the name of Taras was an honor for any true Christian.

After the baptism of Rus (998), it was customary to give a man a second name. It served as a kind of guardian, guardian. The names of saints and great martyrs were given. It was believed that they would continue to patronize the baptized person.

There are many interpretations, but the main thing is that the name Taras has very ancient roots. Many Russian merchants carried the name Tarasov, they were approached to the royal court (XVIII - XIX centuries.). There is a suggestion of historians that even Ivan Vasilyevich (Grozny) recorded the family of Tarasovs in his special list of privileged persons of that time.

Historians find in the ancient archives many references to the Tarasov family. They also learn the name Taras, the origin and the set of its derivatives. Meet: Tarasenkova, Tarasenko, Tarasevich and others.

The role of the suffix "s"

So, the baptized person received his new name and proudly wore it. Sometimes it was necessary for the father to pass the name to the children as a heritage or ancestral property. And then they said this way: "Ivan is Taras (s) son". That is, Ivan is the son of Taras. Over time, this phenomenon was fixed with the quality of the name. This is another version of the origin of the name Tarasov.

Consider other examples: Ustinov - son of Ustin, Petrov - son of Peter, Ivanov - son of Ivan and so on. A surname also could be born from classes, a kind of activity. Kozhevnikov is the son of a tanner, Portnov is the son of a tailor, Sapozhnikov is the son of a shoemaker.

The history of the names is densely occupied by linguists.

Variants of the surname

It is possible to abbreviate the name - Taras, the origin of it could be banal, because of the colloquial manner to shorten words and discard unnecessary parts of words. In Russian there is such a feature.

Another example - Taraskin, in this case, the pronunciation of the surname fixes a kind of familiarity, irony or disdain. One can imagine that the founder of the clan was a hilarious person, and to him there was no serious attitude on the part of others.

Tarasyuk - the surname is also common. Does it relate to the origin of the name Tarasov? Perhaps as a derivative. The designation of the family clan of the father, which passed to children in a diminutive form - "Tarasik". But in colloquial speech, the suffix "ik" was substituted for "yuk" with preservation of meaning.

Snap to the territory

If the family in Russia was notable, owned the estate and lands, then the place geographically acquired a "family" name. "Tarasovo" or "Tarasovka" - so could be called a village or an estate. Then the residents and peasant families received a surname in the place to which they belonged (as serfs). Let us recall how Gogol's "Dead Souls" met Manilovka (Manilov Manor).

There is an opinion of historians about the origin of the name of Tarasov and its significance. The surname had weight, ancient history. "Tarasova family" was firmly on its feet and had influence in the state. And now the name is most often found among others (24th in the list of the most common).

Alley of Glory

Our contemporaries glorified the ancient name in completely different areas. It is necessary to know these people:

  • Coach figure skaters Tatiana Tarasova.
  • Athlete Anatoly Tarasov (football and hockey), as well as coach.
  • Chemist, Doctor of Sciences Natalia Tarasova.
  • Actress Alla Tarasova and many others.

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