Health, Diseases and Conditions
Why did my face show pimples? Causes of rashes on the face
With such a nuisance, as the occurrence of acne on the face, every person faces. And some suffer from them regularly. Regardless of the frequency of their occurrence, acne appears extremely unexpected. It would seem that even yesterday the covers of the skin were perfect, and today this unpleasant nodule formation flaunts.
The first thing a person wants to get rid of such a defect. In the course are various creams, ointments, tinctures. Often resorted to the people's means. However, get rid of this scourge, especially if it occurs regularly, you can in one way. It is necessary to understand why acne appeared on the face, and to eliminate the source of their occurrence.
Causes of rashes
Why did my face show pimples? It should be said that such phenomena are often provoked by harmless and even trivial reasons.
The following factors can provoke the appearance of a rash:
- Supercooling of the skin;
- Long stay under the sun (or in the solarium);
- Malnutrition;
- Shortage of fresh air;
- Smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol-containing beverages;
- Improper care of the skin of the skin or its complete absence;
- Blockage of pores by components of modern cosmetics (mineral oils or other oil products);
- Lack of vitamins;
- Serious shocks, stress.
Such reasons are not a reflection of internal failures in the body. Therefore, the rash, provoked by the above factors, is easily cured.
But, unfortunately, the reasons are not always so banal. Sometimes acne can indicate a serious disease developing in the body.
What can a rash indicate?
If you are interested in the question of why there are many acne on the face and they do not pass, then it is best in this situation to see a doctor.
After all, a rash that is harmless at first glance can indicate serious disruptions in the body:
- Hormonal disorders ;
- Diseases of the stomach, intestines;
- venereal diseases;
- Infirmities of the adrenal glands, kidneys;
- Pathology of the gallbladder;
- Presence of cutaneous parasites;
- diabetes.
It is impossible to independently identify such ailments. To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to pass the appropriate tests.
Types of rash
Before you understand why the face showed pimples, you should determine what type they are.
In medicine, the following types are distinguished:
- White eels. They look like medium-sized tubercles. In general, they are difficult to see, but when you touch them, pain can occur.
- Blackheads. They are formed by contaminating pores with bacteria and microorganisms, after which skin sebum oxidizes in these parts of the skin, and the pores become black. With improper skin care, such acne can become inflamed.
To sore rashes are such varieties of acne:
- Nodules. Appear in the form of purple acne. They can be deep under the skin. During a touch, they cause unpleasant pain. After their extrusion, scars form.
- Pustules. Are purulent formations on the surface of the skin. Their appearance is preceded by the inflammatory process of comedones. When getting rid of this type of acne, it is necessary to carefully treat the wound, otherwise pus may remain and provoke a second inflammation.
- Papules. They are inflammatory formations. In most cases, their diameter is up to 5 mm. If the time is not taken to eliminate them, they can be transformed into pustules.
- Conglobular acne. Represent the most severe form of rashes. They manifest themselves as a complex of large formations, which can contain a large amount of pus. These kinds of acne are often localized on the cheeks. A distinctive feature is that when you try to press on them, the skin becomes bluish. Also they very heavily heal, leaving behind themselves multiple small scars.
And now we will examine in detail why the face showed pimples.
Causes of purulent formations
So, what are the sources of such unpleasant manifestations? There may be several reasons.
Physicians explain as follows, why on the face there are purulent pimples:
- The main cause is increased sebum secretion, which results in blockage of the pores. Excessive secretion of sebum can be observed in adolescents. It is at this age that a powerful hormonal failure occurs. For example, in girls, such acne can indicate the onset of the menstrual cycle. At a later age, hormonal failure may also occur. It can be triggered by stressful situations or a change in climatic conditions.
- The cause of purulent acne can become hyperkeratosis. It is a process of growth of the stratum corneum. During this process, the bacteria enter the sebaceous glands , which contribute to the onset of the inflammatory process.
- The use of medications can cause skin inflammation, manifested by a purulent rash.
- The development of this rash is facilitated by external stimuli and unfavorable life situations.
- The cause for the formation of acne can serve as a cosmetic product, not suitable for the type of skin.
Subcutaneous rashes
Today, there are many reasons that can contribute to the development of such inflammations. Consider why there are subcutaneous pimples on the face.
The main causes of disruption of the sebaceous glands:
- Hormonal restructuring of the body, which can be caused by pregnancy or diseases of the body.
- Insufficient saturation of the body with vitamins. Pimples can often appear due to a lack of a component such as zinc.
- Stressful situation or nervous breakdown.
- Metabolic disease.
- Menstrual cycle.
- Reception of medications provoking intestinal dysbacteriosis.
Inflammations also result from:
- Improper skin care or in the absence of it;
- Unbalanced ration;
- The development of skin diseases (staphylococcus aureus, tick);
- Hypothermia of the body (in this case, such rashes are called colds).
Regardless of why there are internal pimples on your face, you must take all the necessary measures to get rid of them.
Causes of white acne
Such formations are non-inflamed occluded hair follicles. In medicine they are called white comedones. This is a fairly common rash. So, why do white spots appear on your face?
Doctors give the following reasons for their occurrence:
- Metabolic disorders in the body;
- Problems in the digestive system;
- Use of substandard or not suitable for the type of skin cosmetics;
- Absence of systematic cleaning of the face from contamination;
- Environmental impact;
- Choosing the wrong foods.
Due to a lack of zinc in the body, hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands can occur.
The sizes of the formed inflammations can reach the diameter of millet grain. That's why they were nicknamed "beggars". Also, white inflammation can adversely affect the appearance of the skin. They are located on cheekbones, cheeks and eyelids.
Their basic composition is sebum, so they are not exposed to inflammatory processes. However, not always. When ingested microorganisms, the inflammatory process still occurs and is painful enough.
Red rash on face
What is the evidence of these education or why did the face show red pimples?
The reasons for the appearance on the skin of a purple rash are very thorough:
- In most cases, its appearance provokes viral diseases, such as rubella, scarlet fever and measles.
- A red rash on the face can occur with allergies. The presence of such formations on the skin brings considerable inconvenience. In most cases, itching occurs.
- In the form of a red rash, pink lichen can appear. It has the property to expand over the entire area not only of the face, but also of the body.
- It is possible to note a rash as one of the visible manifestations of syphilis. That is why it is worth paying special attention to such formations in order to avoid the development of diseases.
Do not try to determine for yourself what causes the rash. Be sure to ask your doctor for help.
Painful inflammation
From such formations people of any age can suffer. Rashes may appear on any part of the body, but they are most painfully felt on the face. This type of acne occurs and develops under the skin. In rare cases, you can see their manifestation on the surface of the skin. Let's see why there are sick acne on the face.
The main reason for their occurrence is the disruption of the sebaceous glands. As a result of this process, many dead cells accumulate under the skin. When pressing on them, you can feel a significant seal.
Causes of occurrence:
- Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Depression and stress.
- Substandard cosmetic products or a mismatch of their type of skin.
- Hormonal failures in the body. They can appear during puberty in adolescents, also during pregnancy. In this case, inflammations are temporary and pass with time.
- Weak immunity.
Foods provoking the development of inflammation
Asking why the acne on the face has sharply appeared, analyze your diet.
Several products have been identified that can negatively affect the work of the sebaceous glands:
- Caffeine. It is quite dangerous in large quantities.
- Sweet and flour. Also included in this list are soda and juices.
- Fatty foods. Their use causes the development of the rash. It is recommended to replace with vegetable oil.
- Dairy. They are not recommended for daily use.
- Peanuts, almonds, pistachios. In small quantities, these products are very useful, but remember the measure.
Skin Treatment
Cosmetic and medical preparations are selected depending on the type of inflammation:
- Purulent pimples and acne - salicylic acid, Skinoren, Baziron, Retasol.
- Black dots are salicylic acid, Skinoren.
- Comedones - Skinoren, Differin, Klensin.
- Demodicosis - Ankebay, Delex acne.
- Acne in dry skin - synthomycin ointment and "Setafil" emulsion.
- Rosacea - Metrogil, Rosamet, Rosex.
Important recommendation
Do not rush to fight the pimples on your own. It is best to go to an appointment with a dermatologist. Experienced specialist already in appearance will determine what problems provoked rashes.
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