Health, Diseases and Conditions
Cracks in the fingers are a signal of a disease in the body
Beautiful, well-groomed hands are the dream of many women. But what if the skin of the hands is larger than the skin of the face and body, is affected by a variety of negative factors: household chemicals, hard water, contrast effects of temperatures, and if we add avitaminosis, fungal diseases and age changes, it becomes clear - this is the most unprotected Place on our body. And if all the women literally try to look after the skin of their faces (to the best of their abilities, of course), then the skin care of the hands of such zeal is usually not observed. And in vain, because, if not a person will give an age, then it will successfully make a hand. In addition, a change in the skin condition on the hands can signal the presence of certain diseases in the body.
One of the problems are cracks on the fingers, especially at the folds of the fingers. They are very painful, they can bleed and do not heal for a long time because of permanent trauma. In this case, the non-healing wound is exposed to the danger of infection, and a harmless seemingly crack can turn into a rotting and constantly wet wound. In order to choose the right treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the phenomenon.
Cracks in the fingers: the reasons for the appearance
The causes of the appearance of cracks, as a rule, are divided into internal and external.
The following factors can be classified as internal:
- allergy;
- Fungal infection;
- Endocrine disorders;
- eczema;
- avitaminosis;
- hormonal disbalance.
In these cases, cracks appear on the fingers, on the tips, between the fingers and on the palms. Itself, of course it is difficult to determine the cause of cracks, so it's best to seek medical advice from a dermatologist.
External factors:
- Influence of sun rays;
- Prolonged and frequent contact with water;
- Contacts with chemical reagents;
- Sharp changes in temperature and humidity.
These reasons can well lead to the fact that the skin will dry and crack. It should also take into account the season of the year - in winter, as a rule, the probability of cracking increases.
Cracks in the fingers: treatment
If the influence of external stimuli on the appearance of cracks does not cause doubts, then avoid, or at least reduce the risk, by limiting contact with these stimuli. During washing, cleaning, washing dishes, it is advisable to use gloves. It is recommended to wash your hands with mild soap, for example, baby soap. It is necessary to accustom yourself to daily moisturizing the skin of hands, since moisturizing reduces the risk of cracking, and also promotes faster healing of small cracks and wounds.
Shallow and rarely appearing cracks in the fingers Can heal Home methods. In this case potato broth will help. To do this, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of starch and 2 tbsp. Spoon vegetable oil in 500 ml of broth, hold hands in it for 13-15 minutes, then wash and dry.
Another recipe: mix water and milk in equal proportions, add a few drops of glycerin, 1.5-2 tbsp. Tablespoons of starch and mix thoroughly. Keep hands in this solution for 7-10 minutes. This recipe helps to get rid of even deep cracks.
Cracks on the fingers (And generally on the hands) can be cured with oil from pine nuts. To do this, you should wrap your hands with linen cloth, pre-moistened with warmed butter of these nuts.
A very simple way: apply a fresh cucumber, grated on a grater, to the damaged areas. Also, the baths with oatmeal flour act well on the skin of the hands.
Deep and regularly appearing cracks in the hands, which do not heal for a long time and cause discomfort, it is necessary to show the doctor who will be able to assess the situation and, if necessary, take a scrap for analysis. Such cracks can be caused by infection or fungus, so they will have to be treated with special medications and ointments prescribed by the treating doctor. Self-medication in this case can not only be ineffective, but also cause considerable harm.
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