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State, Society, Life

Distorting meanings

We say that we won the elections, the war, the process in court-our life is a game. The main task of a lawyer in court is not just justice, but victory. It is safe to assign black belts and ranks of masters of sports to lawyers. In the Duma, not for professionalism, but in winning elections . People are distracted from the meaning, carrying away into the game and punching their foreheads, while the elections do not change anything, the "snake" torso dumps the skin.

Animal instincts substitute the essence, everything is directed to the challenge of a strong emotion and conditioned reflex: personality-selfishness, enterprise-greed, sex-love. Animal instincts move progress well, provided not the importance of spirituality.

The state leases businesses to businesses, because business contains the state. Under capitalism, the state can not ensure justice and it is eliminated. The state becomes a bandit policeman and is engaged in racketeering-collects tribute. All of the crafty, there are legitimate and not legal forms of fraud.

Physically, you can not earn a billion, but you can distribute the profit not proportionately between the participants, and in your favor, legally. People of the first, second, third and fourth grades appear. The main mass of people lives on the sold land.

In a crisis, first of all, the rich should pay, but the property is inviolable and those who have nothing do not have a racket. They are managed by a criminal community that issues its concepts for the law. Such a law has a price and a normal person can not afford it.

Business does not compete with anyone, it competes within itself, but there is no external competitor, and this is the monopoly of business. Unintentional people actually become untouchable, not all temples are equal under capitalism. Phlegmatic is a fourth-class man.

There is a strange sense of unification of our society, as if to the standard of NATO. The police, although it was before the revolution, but in our country is associated with fascist policemen.

The strange maniacal desire of the state to sell everything, the profit from the sale is one-time, the working enterprise brings a constant income. After the sale all the income will remain the owner, with the exception of the purchase in the form of tax.

Common in the country are only paths for going to work, jobs are slave places.

The return from socialism to capitalism is degradation.

The intelligentsia, having obtained copyrights, theaters, divorced from the people and creates a partogram, losing control. As practice shows, a person can not limit himself. Even without a clear connection with well-being, degradation occurs, Soviet classics began to reduce nonsense, as if by magic.

The movie Mikhalkov "The Barber of Siberia" is decent, but not a soul, this is authentic, realistic, mechanical, one-time Hollywood

Perhaps for the better, that most of the classics left earlier, it would not be pleasant to watch them now.

Life, poker, even Nobel give for the "game theory", even for "glucinogenic realism"

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