Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Why did the devil, damn, demon? Terrible dream - interpretation

Many people ask why the devil dreamed to me yesterday? Why do I see terrible dreams? These and other questions will be answered in the article. In each person there is a dark and bright side. They say that behind the right shoulder is an angel who instructs on the true path, and behind the left is a demon that inspires negative thoughts.

When supernatural powers come to you (saints, angels, demons, mythical monsters or monsters), in spite of emotions, write down your vision. Then you will understand that this is a mystical message or a reflection of your dark and bright sides. Very often such dreams reproduce our intuitive, which comes at a time when a person is scheduled to make any life choice.


Many people do not know what the devil dreamed of recently. Have you heard of the dreams of the prophets and saints, to which the angels and the Most High came? Many of them are written in the Bible. The Old Testament tells about 40 dreams, and in the New Testament - about nine. Christianity believed that dark dreams, which one can not pay attention to, come from the devil, and the light ones come from God.

Philosopher and theologian Synesius is one of the few priests who encouraged the exploration of dreams. He was opposed to the use of dream books and recommended the conduct of a "night book" (a dream diary). This bishop was aware that the meanings of different images depended on the individual skills of a person. Synesius created a treatise on dreams, in which he wrote that dreams can raise the human spirit to the highest worlds, so that he has a true understanding of the mysteries of the universe.


Do you know what the devil dreamed of to you the other day? Scenes of the underworld can convey the situation in which a person found himself in life. Often they reflect the latent state of doom, the position that the unfortunate wants to improve, a profound psychological crisis, when, according to the dreams of a dreamer, life is hopeless and there is no end to torment. Dr. Faust argued that hell has no boundaries and no image of it, it is in us. If a fire had a dream, then a person suffers from fiery feelings (rage, jealousy or passion). Any negative character - this is not only a realization of the dashing, but also a sense of guilt.

You need to find out why you reproach yourself. After all, in hell they do not fall for no reason, but for sins.


Sometimes people are scared by what they do not know, what the devil dreamed of at night. Behind this event are children's fears, fear of punishment and complexes. Such a dream indicates that you need to understand your feelings and, perhaps, turn to a psychologist. Sometimes nightmares warn of a beginning ailment. Demons, devils, demons want to act differently than they are in society, provoke and tempt. When you meet such antiheroes in a dream, think: what do they embody in you? You probably went the wrong way and you can make a mistake.

So what does the demons dream about? Sometimes it is a symbol of that in life you are like an angel (try to please everyone), but you are tired, you want to lower your wings, send them to the dry cleaners and relax a little. And then there is a crafty angel - your views that if you are not fluffy and white, then nasty and dark. So the shadow side of the individual is revealed. The darkness that is in everyone.

He is in dreams manifested in a variety of terrible images: sorcerers and witches, black figures, pursuers, people in hoods. A person must realize his shadow in order to get rid of some limitations and complexes. Then the energy, which is endowed with a terrible character, will pass into your submission. So do not get away, but watch your demons and fears in your face.


Have you seen a terrible dream? It happens that a guest from the underworld hides a different person: he vampires your strength and has a disastrous effect on you. Look around, analyze your relationship with people, take a critical look at the newly created links.

Sometimes a woman can dream of a man with whom she linked her destiny in the form of a demon. Such a union is sometimes very difficult to break, it attracts you like a magnet, but for personal health and well-being it is necessary to do this.

Dream Interpreter

And let's look at the dream book? The devil looks like there? In the realm of dreams, meetings with the supernatural happen quite often. A person can dream of any evil spirits - evil spirit, witch and even the devil. Dreams completely explain the details of such dreams. You just need to remember how you saw the demon: did you see the impure force in the person of some person, or did he look like an esoteric creature? Especially carefully you need to consider dreams where the evil spirit has settled in your body or friend.

This devil

Did you dream of the devil in person? Despite the incidental situation, the dream book sometimes gives very mundane interpretations. If you drink too much, then it is possible that you and in reality will begin to see devils.

Sometimes, as a mystical character of sleep, not miraculous creatures can perform. For example, in Tasmania there lives such a beast - Tasmanian devil. The dream interpreter predicts that the person to whom he dreamed gives the sea of life too much sense, reacts heavily to various incidents.

To explain the terrible dream can help dream book of Miller. It says that the devil, who tries to surprise you with his talents, is a foretaste of sad events in his private life. Paying attention to your appearance, you often forget about the soul, and with such a vital attitude, in love you can not see happiness.

If you saw in your dream the eyes of the devil, who play in the night with flashes of scarlet flame - this is a bad sign. About this in the dream books it is written that someone's evil will can lead you to a huge misfortune, which will happen either with you or with your loved ones.


Why do demons in human form dream? This content of drugs is unfavorable for innocent young girls. If the devil is trying to lure you into his home, and you can not resist him, then it is possible that you have a mentally ill person on you - you can become a victim of violence.

If you dreamed of a devil person, and while he was beautifully dressed, handsome, and beckoned to you, then the dream book predicts that you will start to commit immoral acts. Guilty of this will be a hypocritical guy pretending to be a friend, and not your predisposition to debauchery.

If you exposed the devil-man, and resisted his actions to the full - an ambiguous sign. In the dream book they write that in time the evil discovered in the face of a handsome guy can appear in reality, as a beloved's conviction of treason.

Struggle and Exile

Read the dream book. The devil in it is described in the most detail. If you were in a dream a close person, obsessed with Satan, and you drove the devil in a dream, then the dream book predicts that you can save a relative or friend from death.

And if you imagined the expulsion of the devil from a stranger? What does it mean? If the rite of exile is carried out according to all the rules, then you in reality will encounter mysterious phenomena that will change your outlook.

A married woman who fought the devil in a dream should be afraid of suspicious strangers. In the book, they write that there may be a cheeky suitor who will take you out of the family, and then give up.

If the devil in a dream fights with you - this is a bad sign, but only when you could not overcome it. You will fail, even where everything seemed to be a win-win situation. If you could defeat the devil in a dream, then the dream book portends a safe outcome of a hopeless situation. From above you will be sent a sign indicating the right path.


So, you already know what it means if you dreamed of a devil person. And how is the situation in which this evil spirits settles in you? In the dream book it is said that in reality you can achieve fame and honor.

Why dream another man possessed by the devil? From the point of view of psychoanalysts, you are mistaken about the people who surround you. You like to evaluate qualities without taking into account objective reality. And this frightens off your friends. If you run away from the devil in a dream , then you are persecuted in reality.


Next, we'll find out what the devil in a woman's guise is dreaming about. And now consider a close relationship with evil spirits and otherworldly beings in a dream. These actions have always been considered a bad forerunner. Therefore, if you kissed the devil in a dream, then the closest person at the moment will betray you. This is how the dream book predicts.

If you were having sex with a devil in a dream, then in reality you will have a crowd of fans who will not care about your inner qualities. They will turn you into a cold idol.

Unearthly dialogues

How are conversations with the other world treated? If you heard the voice of the devil in a dream and began to obey him, then the dream book warns you against frivolous actions. Any act done in the heat of strong feelings can lead to fatal, unforeseen consequences.

If in a dream you exchange with Satan's opinions, hamite, or show your fearlessness, then in life you will be favored by fate. Perhaps you will get rich by inheriting or winning.

If in a dream a business man made a deal with the devil - a bad sign. In the dream books write that in this case you do not need to trust even trusted business associates. Soon all the circumstances will take shape so that your failure will turn into happiness for others.

If you sold Lucifer's soul in a dream and signed the contract with your blood, then you will face a dishonorable life full of low desires and lust, but you will not be satisfied with it.

Horned devil

The devil in a dream can symbolize a very dangerous situation, a dark force that radiates evil, a very "low" in man's actions and thoughts, a spiritual "fall" in actions and views.

All the words that the devil said in a dream, almost always pursue one goal - to deceive people, to push to reckless actions that can bring trouble. Making a person commit stupidity is his dream, and he will try to implement it in life by any means.

If a person in a dream strokes the line, greets him and kisses - it means that he welcomes and approves of any of the signs described above. This is a bad dream, carefully consider your position after such a vision.

It's not very good if you dream about a devil calling a person who eventually followed him. This vision can mean that an individual is going to follow a dangerous road, conceived intentions, not carrying good, erroneous thoughts.

Damn, which appeared in a dream, can sometimes mean an unreliable person. If this horned filth was close to you, then soon such a person will appear near you and in reality. If in a dream you chased the devil, that to kill or beat him, it means that you will have a dangerous situation in which you have to fight with deception. If you can not beat the devil in a dream, then the danger can become real. Be careful.

If you get rid of the devil in your dreams in any way, then this vision is good, as you can correct a dangerous situation. After such nightmares, analyze all your thoughts and actions, pedantically consider your plans, so as not to err further.


In the dream book of Freud, it is written that if a woman in a dream saw a demon, it means that she regards her man as a black force that deaf her will. She always humbly does what he demands, but often internally does not perceive what he asks.

If a man dreamed a demon, it shows that he wants to possess the power and strength of the impure, since in real life his opposite sex does not notice. Therefore, unrealized desires are oppressing him. The reason for this is that he pays attention to women with whom the union is unrealistic, and at the same time builds mythical plans that can not be realized.


What can I do to prevent a terrible dream or a nightmare? Folk wisdom recommends three times to repeat the phrase "Where night is there and sleep," spitting three times over his left shoulder. You can turn inside out bed linen, on which you slept, when the dream was bad.

Some advise you to state your nightmare on paper, describe all your negative feelings about it, fears, and burn the leaf. The dream will scatter with the ashes. And you can get up and start making the bed after a terrible sleep. By this action, you will close your inner world and do not let it enter uninvited guests.

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