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Spider-flyers: content at home. Types of tarantula spiders

Quite large-sized tarantulas-spiders are brightly colored. Adult individuals often reach a length of more than twenty centimeters. These animals are not aggressive and unpretentious in their care. Therefore, an increasing number of connoisseurs of exotics bred spiders at home. Females live about 15-20 years, males - three times less, dying after mating. In this article, we will consider the main issues related to the care of these amazing animals.


Spider-flyers inhabit all continents of our planet, with the exception of Antarctica. They are most common in Africa, Oceania, Australia and South America. In Europe, individuals of this species are extremely rare in nature. In a small number of them can be found in Spain, Portugal and Italy. And both damp and desert zones can be inhabited by tarantula spiders.


In the manner of behavior, these representatives of the class of arthropods are divided into northerners, arboreal and terrestrial. And during its existence, animals can change their way of life. Normal spiders dig for themselves shelter in the ground. The web is used to strengthen the soil. Terrestrial spiders also dig shallow burrows or use prefabricated shelters. Woods, on the other hand, live on trees, weaving cobwebs among dense branches of bushes.

Contents of the tarantula spider

Animals feel great both in small and in fairly spacious rooms. That's why a terrarium for a tarantula spider can be purchased of any size. The main thing is that he should double the size of the animal. Wood spiders are best kept in a vertical terrarium, across which you need to place a thick branch so that the pet can find a secluded place for himself. For terrestrial animals, a sufficiently large substrate layer, not less than five centimeters, should be poured into the terrarium. In addition to the fact that adult individuals crawl well, they still differ in remarkable strength. Therefore, housing for an exotic pet should be tightly closed on top with a lid. The terrarium should have a ventilation window, but not too large, so that the substrate does not dry out, which can use gravel, peat, sphagnum, sawdust, lichen. If there are several individuals of the same species, the spiders must be kept in separate containers. This will prevent the manifestation of cannibalism. In winter, the terrarium should be heated so that the temperature in it does not fall below 25 degrees. For these purposes, you can use an infrared lamp or a thermal underlay under the substrate. Since tarantulas are predominantly nocturnal, lighting in the terrarium will not be necessary. Moreover, bright sunlight is even harmful to animals. Litter should be changed after every molt. And in adult individuals - every four months. The dwelling of a tarantula can be decorated with driftwood, live moss or artificial plants. However, all parts must be well fixed. For these purposes, you can use only special glue for aquariums, other means can negatively affect the health of the pet. Do not place decorative elements with sharp edges in the terrarium. Do not take the animal with your bare hands, since the bite of a tarantula can be not only very painful, but also very toxic. In addition, the body of the arthropod is covered with numerous brittle bristles. When ingested on mucous membranes or skin, they cause inflammation and itching.

What to feed the spider-tarantula?

To feed animals, it is best to use live insects (crickets, bloodworms, cockroaches, etc.). The feed should depend on the age of each particular individual. Young people need smaller food. Adult animals should be fed less often, but larger insects. It is worth noting that on average spiders eat twice a week. As a food, small pieces of raw meat or fish are also suitable.


This process, as a rule, occurs in the "lying" position. The spider flips on its back and in this state is a few hours. At this time, his shell begins to crack slowly on the sides. The animal gently pulls out its limbs and gets out of the old hide. After moulting, the spider increases noticeably in size and becomes lighter. In the intervals between "dropping the skin" arthropods very often lose protective setae from the abdomen. It should be noted that a week or two before molting the animal completely refuses to eat. As a rule, for their life, tarantula spiders homemade about 12 times.


Determine the sex of the arthropod can only after moulting. In this case, the spider must be at least four centimeters. To identify the sex, you should carefully consider the inside of the discarded shell with a magnifying glass. In females, you can see a small depression in the form of a gap, and in males - pair "tongues". Adult individuals are much easier to distinguish by gender. Male tarantulas (spiders) have fairly long paws. In addition, they are much slimmer than females. The sexual maturity of individuals of this species comes to five years. 14 days after molting the male starts to make a special nest, which he fills with a seed. After that, the spider goes in search of the female. It is recommended to put it in advance in a more spacious room, so she could get used to it and settle in it. A little later, the same should be sent to the male, ready for mating. At the meeting, the spider starts to perform complex ritual movements. As a rule, males and females ready for mating use certain signals. Most often, these are tapping with pedipalps, creaking, rustling. Approaching the spider, the male fills her seed pocket with its liquid. After this, it must be deposited as soon as possible from the fertilized female. One and a half to two months after mating, she will begin reproducing the offspring. But before that, the female will weave a large cocoon into which she will later lay about 500 eggs. To save the offspring, you must place the receptacle with the socket in a dark place. The recommended temperature is 24-28 degrees. For the correct development of babies it is necessary to maintain the humidity in the room. Almost all the time the female keeps the cocoon between the chelicera, thus protecting it. Larvae, appearing on the 4-5 week, are in the nest until the first molt. It's amazing that they do not eat anything all this time. To the female did not eat their young, after the first molt they should be moved to a separate terrarium or deposited one by one in small containers. In this case, the food for the tarantula must be special. Crickets or Drosophila are best suited. The young grows rather slowly.

Safety precautions

After communicating with the pet, you should wash your hands well with soap and water. Bending over an open terrarium is strictly prohibited. All actions in the housing of a predator need to be made using a special long tweezers. Objects with which the animal was in contact are allowed to touch only with gloves. It is forbidden to leave the terrarium in the open state without supervision. It is very important that he is inaccessible to other pets. When contacting spiders, remember that they can not be tamed or trained. Even the quietest and least mobile tarantula, sensing danger, can bite the owner.


In Mexico, lives a spider, whose age is more than twenty-six years. This is a record case. As a rule, large enough individuals from desert habitats grow slowly. At the same time, their life is much longer than in other species. Spider-flyers from the rainforests grow quickly, but, unfortunately, die early. It is noted that predators living in captivity live much more withdrawn from natural conditions. At the same time they are less aggressive. Typically, male tarantulas live no more than a year after the last molt.

Recommendations for selection

When purchasing a spider at a pet shop, pay attention to it being active. His body should be slightly elevated above the substrate. Pushing under his legs or constantly lying spider, may be sick. A healthy animal reacts actively to a touch. Typically, the tarantula raises the front legs, quickly escapes or, conversely, attacks. If you take a good look, you can see that his fur is furrowed on his stomach. In the period before moult, the animals are rather slow. Usually they lie on their backs with their legs stretched out. After - tarantulas also move with difficulty. Anyway, it is not recommended to buy a pet on the threshold of molting. You should pay attention to the abdomen of the predator. It should be rounded. Many arthropods, inhabitants of tropical forests, have a wrinkled abdomen during dehydration. Such tarantulas should not be purchased. Broken limbs can grow in a spider after a few lines. This is not a serious defect. Nevertheless, a tarantula with open wounded legs is better not to buy. After all, it can be infected with fungus or other infections. If, by purchasing this exotic animal, you are pursued exclusively for decorative purposes, then you should give preference to the females. They are distinguished by a longer life expectancy. You should not buy very large individuals, as they can have advanced age.

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