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Sorbifer during pregnancy

The increase in hemoglobin for pregnant women plays a very significant role. This is due to the fact that the body needs iron at this time. Hemoglobin performs such an important role as supplying oxygen to not only the mother, but also the unborn baby. At the same time, up to 90% of pregnant women experience its deficiency in their bodies.

Hemoglobin in pregnancy

During the birth of a child, iron is consumed much more than usual. This is due to the fact that the body works in a dual mode: for mother and for the baby. But among women there is an opinion that low hemoglobin in pregnancy is a normal condition. They constantly postpone treatment and expect that after the birth this problem will be solved by itself. But this is a wrong approach, because without proper treatment your condition will not improve, but rather vice versa. At the same time, you risk not only yourself, but also the fetus. After all, without the proper amount of iron in the body, the mother disrupts the child's development and growth. Taking a sorbifer during pregnancy, you not only increase the iron content in your body, but also allow the baby to be born healthy, without anemia.

How can hemoglobin be increased?

For some reason, it seems to everyone that it is not difficult to increase hemoglobin , but this is far from being the case. Good food, which includes food such as meat, fruits and vegetables containing iron, of course, will help, but anemia will not go anywhere. The level of hemoglobin depends on the content of the pregnant woman's iron in the body - the more it is, the higher the level. If it is below acceptable, it is accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, drowsiness and, in rare cases, the appearance of flies before the eyes. But these are only the first symptoms of the disease. Increase hemoglobin to the level that is necessary for the body, it is possible with the help of medications. One such medication is the sorbifer tablet.

Sorbifer durules

Sorbifer durules during pregnancy are prescribed very often. This drug is used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. The need for its use is based on iron deficiency, the absence of which can cause complications during childbirth. Its appointment is done when the decrease in hemoglobin occurs below the permissible norm - 110 g / l.

For preventive purposes, the sorbifer during pregnancy is prescribed for the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Also, it will not be superfluous if it is taken by women who have a multiple pregnancy, and those who have experienced severe pain with profuse menstruation.

One Sorbifer tablet contains 10 mg of iron. Ascorbic acid is also included in its composition and allows the iron to be absorbed into the body six times more.

The purpose of the drug Sorbifer during pregnancy is conducted by a gynecologist or a therapist from a women's consultation. If you have iron deficiency anemia, then your dose will be one tablet twice a day in the morning and in the evening. If the anemia is not severe, then half the dose will be enough. For preventive purposes, it is also necessary to take one tablet a day. Sorbifer during pregnancy on the recommendation of doctors is taken two hours after you ate. The main thing in this case is not to eat before taking a pill of dairy, as this affects the assimilation of iron. The increase in hemoglobin with proper application will occur by the end of the third week.

If for any reason the dose of Sorbifer during pregnancy has exceeded the norm, then expect such side effects as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, ulcer, rash on the skin and many others. Do not wait, when you become worse, immediately consult a doctor.

If a pregnant woman suffers from such diseases as hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, stenosis of the esophagus or anemia, which is not based on iron deficiency, then it is strictly forbidden to take the sorbifer during pregnancy!

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