Food and drink, Recipes
Solyanka from cabbage with meat
Solyanka from cabbage with meat can become an ornament of any meal. This nourishing, useful, fragrant and incredibly tasty dish has long conquered the hearts of many housewives. And if you do not know how to cook it, then you urgently need to learn. Especially a hodgepodge of cabbage with meat like men. In this article you will find several interesting recipes that will be useful to you in your culinary "life".
Solyanka from cabbage with meat is prepared from the following ingredients: one and a half kilograms of cabbage, a pound of pork, four onions, three cloves of garlic, six salted tomatoes, four pickles, three carrots, three tablespoons of tomato paste, bay leaf, pepper, salt. Take cabbage, wash it and finely chop. You can use a special grater, so it will be faster. Then, peel the onion, chop it with a knife. Next, you need to peel the carrots and rub it together with cucumbers on a large grater. You must wash the meat, and then cut into small pieces, salt it and pepper it. Now take the saucepan and pour in the vegetable oil, put a little bit of garlic, onions, fry in this mixture meat with the addition of coriander to half-ready.
It is best to take a pan with Teflon coating, otherwise your dish can burn. Now attach to the meat cabbage and fry it all for about 10 minutes. If cabbage almost does not fit in the pan, then do not worry, because it will soon be protruded and sedimented, then add the remainder. Now take a separate pan and fumigate the cucumber, carrot, onion and garlic. Now add this mixture to the cabbage with meat, place there the peeled salted tomatoes, fill it with tomato paste, pepper, toss the bay leaf and stew for half an hour under the lid. Do not forget to constantly stir the contents of the pan during the whole cooking process. Such a hodgepodge of cabbage with meat is served with sour cream and is decorated with greens.
You can also prepare another dish. Solyanka from cabbage with chicken will turn out a little more gently. Use 300 grams of chicken thighs, 200 grams of fresh mushrooms, 300 grams of cabbage, 60 grams of onions, dried herbs, salt, pepper, sunflower oil. Mushrooms are cut with straws, a little salted and stewed with butter and onions. Cabbage must be chopped, peppered, salt, put herbs into it, put in clay pots, and on top of it chicken, cut into pieces, and mushrooms. In each place the bay leaf, close the lid and send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Chicken meat is cooked quite quickly, so check your pots periodically.
For those who are not too lazy to equip their kitchen with various useful adaptations, the following recipe will be useful. Prepare a dish like a hodgepodge of cabbage in a multivariate, if you have one. You will need an average cabbage head, half a kilo of chicken, two pickles, one carrot, two tablespoons of tomato paste, 300 grams of champignons, one onion, vegetable oil, sugar, spices, salt. Cabbage should be chopped, mushrooms and cucumbers cut into small slices, then turn on the multivark "Soup / steamer" mode. Pour the oil on the bottom of the pan, then put the sliced meat there, cook, stirring occasionally until the chicken blushes. Next you need to add mushrooms to it, five minutes later cabbage, cucumbers, and then carrots with onions. Prepare the sauce as well. To do this, mix sugar, tomato paste, salt, spices and a couple of spoons of water to taste. With this sauce you need to pour a saucepan with a hodgepodge. After that, put the multivark into the "Quenching" mode. When the dish is ready, mix it. Let a little nastoyatsya, and you can try it.
Dishes cooked according to the above recipes will definitely be appreciated.
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