
Silicone hydrogel lenses: reviews of ophthalmologists, advantages and features

To date, more and more people have resorted to vision correction with the help of lenses. And this is not surprising. Lenses give 100% result without damage to health and appearance. силикон-гидрогелевые линзы . There is a large selection of soft vision correction products on the market, but silicone-hydrogel lenses were the most popular among them . What are they so good about and what are their shortcomings?

Types of lenses

Varieties of lenses are allocated depending on the category. The density of the lens is:

Мягкие. 1. Soft.

Жесткие. 2. Tough.

By its quality:

Гидрогелевые. 1. The hydrogel.

Силикон-гидрогелевые линзы . 2. Silicone-hydrogel lenses .

Биосовместимые. 3. Biocompatible.

Depending on the purpose of use:

Профилактические. 1. Prophylactic.

Лечебные. 2. Healing.

Корректирующие. 3. Corrective.

Декоративные. 4. Decorative.

On the form of a lens there are:

Сферические - используются для лечения гиперметропии и близорукости. 1. Spherical - used to treat hypermetropia and myopia.

Мультифокальные – корректируют пресбиопию. 2. Multifocal - correct presbyopia.

Торические – используются для лечения астигматизма. 3. Toric - used to treat astigmatism.

Depending on the parameters of the cornea and lenses:

Роговичные. 1. Corneal.

Корнеосклеральные. 2. Corneoscleral.

What is a new kind of lens?

The surface of the eye can not independently feed it with oxygen, so the necessary amount of it comes from the air. At a time when the eyelid is closed, eye nutrition decreases, an additional barrier can be a lens. For this reason, the degree of oxygen transmission is so important.

Distinctive features and peculiarities of these means of vision correction are:

Высокая возможность пропускать кислород, который так необходим глазам. 1. High ability to pass oxygen, which is so necessary for the eyes. Their throughput ranges from 80 to 180 units. Such indicators were achieved thanks to the use of a silicone mesh, which covers the entire surface of the lens.

Хорошая упругость и степень впитывания воды. 2. Good elasticity and degree of water absorption. These properties can cause burning, dryness or discomfort. To minimize these symptoms, it is recommended to use moisturizing drops.

какие линзы - силикон-гидрогелевые или гелевые - вам подойдут, лучше обратиться к офтальмологу. To correctly answer the question of which lenses - silicone-hydrogel or gel - you will be approached, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist.

What is the difference between hydrogel models?

Hydrogel models perfectly cope with the problem of passing oxygen in the daytime, when the eyelid is open most of the time. With closed eyes, sufficient nutrition does not occur. For this reason, they are not recommended to be used around the clock or to sleep in lenses. обладают способностью пропускать кислород не только днем, но и ночью благодаря использованию силиконовой сеточки, покрывающей всю поверхность. Silicone-hydrogel contact lenses have the ability to pass oxygen not only during the day, but also at night thanks to the use of a silicone mesh covering the entire surface.

какие линзы лучше - гидрогелевые или силикон-гидрогелевые . For this reason, one can not unequivocally answer the question, which lenses are better - hydrogel or silicone-hydrogel . You have to determine at what time and for how long you plan to wear soft correction tools.

How to choose lenses without damage to health?

To choose a product that not only helps to correct vision, but also does not harm the body, it is worth considering some selection rules:

Не покупайте продукт без назначения офтальмолога. 1. Do not buy the product without the appointment of an ophthalmologist. Take a doctor's eye examination, only he can find the right model for you. He will select the necessary diopters and recommend lenses to which you will be easier to get used to.

Правильный выбор контактных линз. 2. The correct choice of contact lenses. оценить, подходит ли вам продукт, нужно надеть линзы и походить в них некоторое время. In order to evaluate whether the product suits you, you need to put on the lenses and resemble them for a while. 10-15 minutes will be enough. After installing the lenses, the doctor performs the diagnostic again to assess the degree of fit and the level of correction. Only if the patient feels well, we can say that the model has approached you.

Изучите основные правила ношения линз. 3. Learn the basic rules of wearing lenses. With them you will be helped to see the ophthalmologist when buying the first pair, and then - a matter of habit.

Регулярно проверяйте зрение. 4. Check your eyes regularly. With age, vision changes, and lenses must match the needs of the eyes. Visit the doctor at least once a year.

When choosing the appropriate means of vision correction, the doctor takes into account such factors:

Медицинские показания. 1. Medical indications.

Уровень зрения. 2. The level of vision.

Степень нарушения. 3. The degree of violation.

Состояние слезной пленки. 4. Condition of tear film.

Состояние роговицы. 5. Condition of the cornea.

Желания покупателя. 6. The buyer's wishes.

Бюджет клиента. 7. Customer's budget.

силикон-гидрогелевые линзы . If desired, you can immediately pick up colored silicone-hydrogel lenses . During the doctor's reception, you can try to wear a few shades and choose the right one for you.

Silicone-hydrogel lenses: brands

In order to avoid additional questions when purchasing vision correction products, it is better to get acquainted with the main producers and features of their products.

Acuvue – популярный во всем мире бренд. 1. Acuvue is a popular brand all over the world. These lenses are soft and comfortable. Their surface has a light blue hue, which facilitates the process of putting on. Means for correcting the vision of this brand are subject to replacement daily, which avoids hassle with containers and cleaning solutions.

VizoTeque Supreme – марка, производящие силикон-гидрогелевые линзы. 2. VizoTeque Supreme - a brand that produces silicone-hydrogel lenses. They are soft and easily pass air. A special feature of this brand's lenses is the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, which additionally nourishes the eye and prevents its drying out.

Air Optix – известный бренд. 3. Air Optix is a well-known brand. The product of this brand is perfectly suitable for long-term use, on sale there are lenses of different term socks. Models are soft enough and pass oxygen well.

PureVision – марка представляет силикон-гидрогелевые линзы, имеющие легкий голубой оттенок, что облегчает их поиск в контейнере. 4. PureVision - the brand represents silicone-hydrogel lenses having a light blue hue, which facilitates their search in the container.

Biomedics – очень популярные линзы, материалом изготовления которых является силикон-гидрогель. 5. Biomedics are very popular lenses, the material of which is silicone-hydrogel. Lenses not only provide a sufficient level of moisturizing the surface of the eye, they additionally protect it from the effects of ultraviolet rays.

" Джонсон и Джонсон" – популярная марка, имеющая достаточный опыт производства. 6. " Johnson and Johnson" - a popular brand with sufficient production experience. The lenses of this brand are soft and comfortable to wear, perfectly pass oxygen.


Силикон-гидрогелевые линзы имеют более жёсткую структуру, что упрощает процесс их надевания и продлевает срок носки. 1. Silicone-hydrogel lenses have a more rigid structure, which simplifies the process of putting them on and prolongs the period of wear.

Избавляют от сухости глаз и необходимости постоянного использования капель. 2. Rid of dry eyes and the need for continuous use of drops.

Рекомендуются при длительной работе с бумагами и компьютером. 3. Recommended for long-term work with paper and computer.

Возможность спать в линзах. 4. Ability to sleep in lenses.

Они меньше загрязняются, поэтому не требуют дополнительного ухода, а комфорт во время носки значительно выше. 5. They are less polluted, therefore do not require additional care, and comfort during socks is much higher.


Despite the abundance of positive qualities, there are disadvantages to this type of lens:

Высокая стоимость в сравнении с конкурентами. 1. High cost in comparison with competitors.

Длительный срок привыкания, что связано с тем, что линза более жесткая за счет силиконовой сеточки. 2. A long period of habituation, which is due to the fact that the lens is more rigid due to the silicone mesh.

Возможность возникновения аллергии на силикон, что является крайне редким случаем. 3. The possibility of allergy to silicone, which is an extremely rare case.

Rules of operation

имеют свою особенность – они сильнее накапливают липидные отложения. Silicone-hydrogel contact lenses have their own peculiarity - they accumulate lipid deposits more strongly. This can cause dry eyes. раствор для силикон-гидрогелевых линз . In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is worthwhile choosing the right solution for silicone-hydrogel lenses .

When choosing the right cleaning agent, you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations. The label should indicate that the solution is suitable for cleaning such models.

OptiFree Express, Solo Care Aqua, AO Sept: Among the products on the market the most distinguished are such brands as OptiFree Express, Solo Care Aqua, AO Sept:

Solo Care Aqua – раствор, содержащий в составе декспантенол. 1. Solo Care Aqua is a solution containing dexpanthenol. It helps to heal wounds and cracks, and is also famous for its ability to retain moisture. A convenient feature of the solution is the fact that it takes only a few minutes to find the lenses in the solution to make them perfectly clean. There are two ways of cleaning with this tool. According to the first means of vision correction, they are placed in a container for 6 hours. To use the second method, you will need to initially clean the lenses manually, simply wiping them. After that they can be placed in the solution, and after 5 minutes the lenses will be cleaned.

OptiFree Express – раствор для силикон-гидрогелевых контактных линз , который позволяет отлично не только справляться с белковыми отложениями, но и быстро устраняет вредные микроорганизмы. 2. OptiFree Express is a solution for silicone-hydrogel contact lenses , which allows not only to cope well with protein deposits, but also quickly eliminates harmful microorganisms. The cleaning time is 4 hours.

AO Sept Plus – раствор с суперсистемой очищения. 3. AO Sept Plus is a solution with a super purification system. Such means are used for further purification. A special container, equipped with a platinum plate, serves as a catalyst. After entering the solution, active cleansing begins. Lenses should be inside for at least 6 hours to avoid burns of the cornea. Only after the set time has passed, the solution turns into water and the lenses are ready to wear.

Silicone hydrogel lenses: reviews

This kind of lens gets positive reviews on the Internet. Many users note a decrease in the dryness of the eyes after switching to these correction tools. Allocate them to those whose job is to use the computer for a long time, as well as people who often fall asleep in lenses. Despite the abundance of positive reviews, some buyers are unhappy with the periodically arising feeling of dryness, which can be caused by poor lens cleaning. There are buyers who have an allergic reaction to silicone in the composition.


Thus, silicone-hydrogel lenses are an excellent and modern means of vision correction, which makes the process of their wearing even more comfortable. An ophthalmologist and a properly selected solution will facilitate your choice and will not give up on the new acquisition.

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