Arts & Entertainment, Films
Serial "The Track": actors and roles. "Trace" - Russian criminal television series
This story broke into our life several years ago, when it was shown four times a week on the country's main TV channel. And although our viewer was somewhat spoiled with detective tapes of both foreign and domestic production, this series seemed to be a sort of a breath of fresh spring air, a light aromatic breeze with a taste of novelty and famously twisted passages.
Both actors and roles are talented and interesting. "Trace" is the brainchild of the last decade. It is about the employees of the invented organization - the Federal Expert Service (FES).
The plot line of the series
A certain Federal expert service unites the most talented specialists in different fields. Her team consists of operatives and programmers, forensic experts and ballistics. The service can conduct the entire huge range of any necessary for the case of examinations and various studies. Also her duties include the investigation of numerous serious crimes. Any needy can come here for help. This applies not only to people with solid shoulder straps, investigators from the prosecutor's office, but even ordinary operatives or young precinct officers. The series "The Trail", actors and roles, which are chosen flawlessly, shows each case as a separate feature film.
Experimental assistant
FES was once created only as a certain experiment. Her team is capable of training young professionals, running new technology and providing serious support in the disclosure of crimes by some other special services. Laboratory of FES is equipped with the latest technology. So the series "Track" was originally conceived, the actors and roles played by them perfectly conveyed the whole atmosphere and human relations within each story.
Each member of her team in her field is a talented, unique specialist. The main task of the employees of the service is to help the investigation and guide it along the right, right track; To study all the evidence provided, choosing exactly the one that is most important and necessary at the moment, which will be necessary to determine the true culprit. This is how the actors and the roles of "Trace" are created, collected together by these stories. Every day, all employees work literally indiscriminately, so that no offender escapes punishment, so that no crime remains undisclosed.
Their workplace
In order to shoot in the most truthful conditions, and the audience did not have the slightest doubt that all this was real, and a futuristic FES office was created. This included interrogation and meeting rooms, a morgue, a laboratory and other premises needed to create a "real" picture.
In each 39-minute small film, FES staff investigates fairly complex and serious cases, and all those responsible for the crime are brought to clean water.
Chief and his deputy
Leading a serious and responsible service was entrusted to the doctor of medical sciences Galina Rogozina (the role of actress Olga Koposova). According to the storyline, she is a widow who lost her beloved husband in Chechnya. And now she devoted her whole life to work - the laboratory, which now replaces everything, being her favorite child. Initially, she seemed to employees very strict and serious person, but after even a short communication with her subordinates were ready to sacrifice lunch breaks and days off in favor of work. For this role was a very large casting, because they were looking not only for a strict and intelligent, but also a beautiful woman. At the beginning of the work on the role, the actress doubted, but could she cope with it. But all around convinced her that the hit is one hundred percent. And now no one doubts that the choice was right from the start, because no one else represents Rogozin.
Deputy Rogozina in the series was Major Nikolai Kruglov (the role of actor Vladimir Tashlykov). He, as a rule, does not participate in the research conducted in the experimental laboratory, preferring to participate in interrogations and work on the spot of the crime committed. Under the scenario of Kruglov - an operative with considerable experience, he is quite cruel, his work sees in his own way, is ready to defend his opinion, no matter what. Being the former lover of his boss - Galina Rogozina, he almost always, sometimes even desperately, tries with all his might to return her former feelings to herself.
Such were the leaders in the series "Track". Actors, the main roles of which were introduced into the picture from the very first series.
"Specialists" go to work
The process of filming continued for a long time. Despite the fact that the creators of the series "Next" actors and roles, They were executed, carefully prepared and loomed, it was stipulated in advance that this solid organization was fictional. Not all viewers, who are more or less fans of the picture, realized the fact that the expert service, shown to them on the screen, despite all the plausibility, is still not real. Therefore, at first a lot of plaintive letters with requests for help came precisely in the FES.
In the Primorye Territory, the press service of the Interior Ministry even appealed to local residents with a call to beware of scammers who impudently presented themselves for an expert staff for a long time. And in Sterlitamak, the police detained the criminal, who also, as a member of the FES team, selected mobile phones from children and teenagers.
A serious and tedious process of filming
During the entire length of the shooting process, which took place quite intensively, at least six or eight episodes were shot in parallel. The very first months of painstaking work on the picture were conducted approximately eighteen hours a day. A little later this time was reduced to twelve hours. Were written out interesting and accurate images, actors and roles ("Trail" because so popular) played respectively. Therefore, each episode was perfected. It was very tiring even for the most sturdy and persistent actors. Many of them, even those who were leading roles, simply did not physically withstand such a marathon, so they gradually withdrew from this project, no matter how much they wanted to stay in it. By the way, we can not but pay attention to the fact that when about 450 series were being prepared, over three and a half thousand actors have already appeared in the tape.
The rubicon has not been crossed. Till
Even the 500th series (the first big anniversary of the tape) was not an approximation to the end of filming. Work on the series was in full swing. And in the 450 series, which was already mentioned earlier, a new main character appears - another expert expert, pathologist Boris Selivanov. The actors and roles of "Trace" were replenished with a new actor and hero. This series talked about the investigation by experts of the Federal Agency for Economic Affairs of the case of a venereologist Lidia Razumova. While working on it in the computer doctors found some data on the dancers from the strip club. Simultaneously with the investigation, the daughter-in-law of the deceased disappears without a trace. Representatives of the FES also have to find out whether these events are interrelated and who is the murderer of the doctor. In this situation, Selivanov will help them. The series "Track", actors and roles of 2015 in which remained basically in the same, habitual spectators structure, continued to bear people belief in justice.
Those viewers who watched what was happening on the screen all the time, immediately realized that this actor (Oleg Valkman) was new in this huge project. He appeared in the team only in the spring. The actor did a lot in other serials - "Gromovs", "Shtrafbat" and others. But on the set of "Trail" he somehow already visited: in one story he played a businessman. Valkman was noticed by the director and invited to work permanently.
In one of the interviews, the actor shared his impressions of the shootings with journalists and that in life he is slightly different from his character. Oleg Valkman himself can easily faint from one type of blood. But as Boris Selivanov, he easily dissects actors in makeup, who depict victims of various crimes. The actor jokes that he understands: what happens in the frame is a movie, and it's all for fun. In addition, it would be simply indecent to demonstrate weakness when his character under the script passed Chechnya and Afghanistan, was in captivity and was repeatedly wounded.
Curiosities on the set
Even on the filming of the most serious (and maybe even a tragic film) we can not do without ridiculous cases. Was not an exception and the series "Next." Actors and roles, women who embodied them, were subjected to such drawings often. Alla Dankova, who embodied the pathologist Valentina Antonova on the screen, according to the script of one of the series, had to approach the "corpse" depicted by the young artist. He was playing a trick on the girl: he opened his eyes at the most inopportune moment and asked Valentine what kind of "client" he had for her. Despite the already non-working mood that reigned on the site, Antonova began to make quick calculations in her mind. She counted ten. This one was "jubilee". They laughed at this fact for a long time.
Next time the curiosity occurred in a place, it seemed, to jokes not intended originally - in a built morgue. One of the assistants, inveterate sleepyhead, planned to rest during the lunch break and accidentally fell asleep, hiding the sheet with his head. When the shooting began, he was searched for a long time, until a very loud snoring was heard in the radio. The young man just lost track of time. He almost was not deprived of the award for the fact that the shooting process had to be suspended.
Still ahead ...
While shooting, the actors of "Trace" - the series, whose main roles brought them fame, experienced changes in their personal lives. Tatiana Isakova, who played the role of Daria Maksimova in the series, left the set when she found out what she was expecting. But Elena Golovizina (the role of senior lieutenant Elena Shustova) and Sergei Pioro (in the series the role of Igor Shustov), the kid appeared almost during the filming.
Such changes were experienced by the actors of "Trace" - the series, the main roles in which they played. But Olga Koposova, - in the series the head of the Federal Expert Service, - not all the changes were bright. Having lived with Vlad's beloved husband in marriage for ten years and having given birth to her son Glebushka, she learned about the presence of another woman in her husband's life. She could not forgive and filed for divorce. Later, there was a meeting with a new lover, who helped her to heal a mental wound. But relations with him did not work out either. The actress is not discouraged, because at 45 she still has so much ahead of him.
Yes, not everything was so smooth outside the set of the series "Track". Actors and roles, women And men - all who were shot here, everything that was shown on the screen, will remain in the memory of the crew. People were happy and not very much, fell in love and parted, rejoiced in a banal smile and were sad because it was raining outside. But thanks to the fact that at the right time everyone could gather and perform everything set by the director, it turned out such a magnificent series.
Major in leather
But the actor who performed one of the most striking (especially in the opinion of young spectators) roles of Major GRU Sergei Maysky in the series, Pavel Shuvaev not only plays in films and serials. He is also closely associated with another path of art: Pavel is a musician, besides, he sings in the group "ODDISS". When the young man went to the series of tests, he immediately put the leadership in the knowledge that his image he wants to leave until the end of work on the set. Having conferred and decided to keep such a colorful character, the producers allowed Shuvaev to leave everything as it is: an earring, long hair and kurtu-kosuhu. This is what he remembered in the series "Next", the actors and roles of the year 2015 in which all were still loved by the audience. In the same way as a few years ago, when the series just came out on the screen, when the audience just began to get acquainted with its heroes.
Faith in justice
This turned out to be "Track", the television series, actors and roles Which was distributed so thoroughly and correctly that many viewers easily believed in the reality of what was happening on the screen. Yes, it's not surprising, because often the stories described in it, touched someone sitting on this side of the screen.
Unusual even for the modern viewer was the film "The Trail", the actors and the roles they played, I must say quite talently, showed all the inauspicious imaginary, but very necessary to people service. Each artist was selected very carefully, passing a serious casting. And this was the first link in the success of the film.
So, the series "Next." Actors and roles, Performed in this multi-episode tape, reassured the audience, instilling in them the certainty that any crime should be solved, and the offender must answer according to the law.
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