
Semisynthetic antibiotic 'Doxycycline'. Reviews, description, indications

The drug "Doxycycline" is included in the category of antiparasitic and antimicrobial medications from the tetracycline group. The drug has a wide bacteriostatic activity. Semisynthetic antibiotic "Doxycycline" (experts' reviews confirm this) affects aerobic cocci (producing penicillinase including), spore - forming bacteria (anaerobic and aerobic).

When ingested, the drug is absorbed almost entirely from the digestive system. Food does not affect the degree of absorption. The highest content of the drug in the plasma is detected two hours after the application. At 80-95% of the agent binds to proteins in the plasma. Half-life is fifteen to twenty-five hours. Almost completely the medicine is excreted with feces.

The drug "Doxycycline" (experts' reviews confirm this) is effective in infectious and inflammatory pathologies, which are associated with the activity of microbes that show sensitivity to it.

The medicine is prescribed for lesions in the respiratory system (in the lower parts, in particular). Indications include pleural empyema, pneumonia, exacerbation of bronchitis, pleurisy. The drug "Doxycycline" is recommended for lesions in the ENT organs (with angina, otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis). The medicine is prescribed for infections in the digestive system. The indications include periodontitis, peritonitis, cholangitis, proctitis, cholecystitis. The drug "Doxycycline" (experts' reviews confirm this) is effective in urethritis, pyelonephritis, endometritis. The drug is recommended for epididymitis, prostatitis (acute and chronic), purulent infections in soft tissues, with acne. The drug "Doxycycline" is used as a prophylaxis of the consequences of medical abortion, surgical interventions on the area of the large intestine, and malaria (when traveling to places where plasmodia is resistant to such drugs as "Pyrimethamine-Sulfadoxine" and "Chloroquine").

Sensitive to the drug "Doxycycline" ureaplasma. Indications for use of the drug include pertussis, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. The medication is prescribed for typhus, rickettsiosis, brucellosis, yersiniosis, amoebic and bacillary dysentery. The drug is indicated for cholera, tularemia, leptospirosis, Lyme disease in the first stage, psittacosis, trachoma, infections provoked by the hemophilic rod, and also with granulocyte erlichiosis.

The drug "Doxycycline" (reviews of experts are unambiguous in this) should not be taken in the second half of pregnancy, with porphyria, hypersensitivity (including tetracyclines), liver failure. Contraindications include children's age (up to nine years), leukopenia. If you need to take the medicine "Doxycycline" during lactation you need to stop breastfeeding.

It should be noted that in cases of infections caused by staphylococci, shigella, streptococci, escherichia, acinetobacter, the use of the drug is allowed only after the sensitivity of the bacteria is established.

To prevent symptoms in the esophagus, the drug "Doxycilin" is recommended to be taken with a large volume of fluid.

During the entire therapeutic course and during the first week after its completion, it is contraindicated to contact with direct sunlight, due to the risk of developing photosensitization.

With prolonged treatment, it is necessary to carry out systematic monitoring of the peripheral blood state and carry out functional liver tests, as well as to determine urea and nitrogen in the serum.

Dosage and duration of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

The drug "Doxycycline" and alcohol

With regular use of alcohol increases the half-life of the drug.

Before using Doxycycline, you should consult your doctor.

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