
Self-presentation: about myself briefly and beautifully. Creative and beautiful teacher's self-presentation

Today, present yourself to others is a daily necessity for each of us. Sometimes our partners are serious business people, sometimes - casual acquaintances, but regardless of professions and age, we all would like to make only a positive impression. So it happens that when choosing a style of clothing and behavior, communicating with acquaintances and strangers, or even just being present where there is another person, we already present ourselves somehow. To a greater degree, this happens unconsciously, one might say, at the level of "natural intuition". However, there is also a conscious, preplanned behavior, with the use of special skills. This is a beautiful self-presentation about yourself. Briefly and beautifully apply it - this is real art.

The concept of self-presentation

Many have heard, but do not really understand the meaning of the concept of "self-presentation." This word arose as a result of the confusion of the English word "presentation" and the Russian phrase "self". For the Russian tradition, for a long time, the concepts of self-presentation, self-presentation, control of impression were closer to our society.

As a new term, self-presentation can be characterized as a verbal and non-verbal demonstration of one's own personality, taking into account the specifics of social situations. Simply put, this is the ability to submit yourself in different situations, an individual style of communication, a unique image. Most people - consciously or unconsciously - tend to influence the process of forming an impression of themselves, hence the different types of self-presentation.

Self-presentation and its types. Natural self-presentation

As noted above, there are two main types: natural and artificial.

Self-presentation of nature is a property of all people, without exception. In a natural way, it begins with the birth of a person's image. So, a person already from infancy collects a "puzzle" of his image, himself without realizing it. This happens without any thinking and forecasting, as they say, "without back thoughts." This natural process is called a natural distribution, as a result of which a person is defined in the system of social consciousness.

But it is important to remember that within the framework of this type of presentation, the process itself can not be controlled and adjusted. This is the main "anti-dignity" of natural self-presentation. One can not say for sure whether its effect will be positive for the individual, or whether it will have a negative color. This process can be identified as a thoughtless, uncontrolled personality presentation of himself.

Artificial self-presentation

Until a person has acquired the ability to implement artificial self-presentation, there is nothing to be done about it.

Artificial self-presentation about yourself (briefly and beautifully stated) pursues the main goal - the winning of the location to its person by a group of people significant to the presented. For this, first of all, it is necessary to build an algorithm of the communicative process with a potential audience.

Such creative self-presentation is most accurately revealed when natural in the eyes of significant people looks very unprofitable, and it is quite possible to artificially conceal it.

A simple example: when, due to your temperament, even inanimate objects "go to dance", this sometimes negatively affects family and business relations, positioning you as a "nutcase", "unbalanced" and so on. It should be remembered that the distinctive feature of a bad, negative self-presentation is the ability to increase its negative effect several times.

Creating an image

Accordingly, in order not to fall in the eyes of colleagues, it is necessary to create an image of a calm rationalist, a tactician and somewhere even a pragmatist, especially if a leader's self-presentation is necessary. To deserve high praise in the family, it is necessary to understand the members of your family, to possess the quality of dedication for the sake of your family. Although in some situations or professional activities, an emotional approach may be necessary, but the main thing here is to remember that your self-presentation about yourself should be briefly and beautifully presented to the site and not cause a critically negative perception.

Of course, it's easy to talk, but in practice it's more difficult, because the natural basis of our self, especially the port of our appearance in the eyes of people, is also tearing outside.

Gift or art?

And yet, self-presentation about yourself, briefly and beautifully submitted, is it a gift or an art? Today, a person is in various situations that arise in society. And he needs bright packaging, as well as thoughtful slogans and slogans. If you consider self-presentation through the prism of a simple sale of any product, then in this case the product is self-presentation - he himself. It is impossible to cope with every stage of selling yourself, in addition, in general, to solve the problem and pass the necessary steps to success, while not having mastered the skills in creating a self-presentation. Just as talent is impossible without effort and daily effort, working on oneself is the hard work that we are engaged in throughout our life. Therefore, for example, the self-presentation of the educator is both a gift and an art in equal measure.

Reasons for self-presentation

However, there are reasons that induce a person in the presence of his natural self-presentation consciously engaged in artificial.

So, a brief self-presentation allows us:

  • Receive from other people necessary for life of all kinds of resources - information, material, emotional, etc. A person who knows how to "submit" himself, it is easier to get a job, like a man or a woman.
  • To construct an image of one's own personality, which directly depends both on personal beliefs, and on how other people see us. So, if people around you joke cause laughter, it will form your view that you are a witty person, if you are spoken of as knowledgeable and competent - in due course you yourself will believe in it.
  • Quite smoothly flow to social contacts. Virtually all cultures appreciate the careful attitude to "preserving the face". Others will make comments less often if their mistakes are presented tactfully. In communication, this behavior will significantly allow to smooth critical moments, reduce confrontation and aggression.

And if the person's goal is to create the most favorable impression, then in the process of communication, a person is able not only to see himself through the eyes of a partner, but also, according to his expectations, to correct his behavior, and ultimately control the behavior of other people.

Performance criteria

What is the effectiveness of self-presentation? So, if the opinion that the speaker can make on the listener is one hundred percent, then eighty percent is taken from the personality. And that here the natural self-presentation briefly does not even "show the head" at the most inopportune moment, pushing, therefore, artificial, it needs implementation in a certain life area, but such that the essential presentation plays into the hands. If there is no such area in your life, then you must come up with it.

So, for example, for closed-minded people, introverts, but working in an area that requires a lot of communication, sociability, enterprise, you need daily privacy, for which it is enough to allocate at least an hour. Extraverts are also encouraged to do some kind of temperament-related activities, sometimes even extreme ones. All these tips are old as the world, and at the moment there is nothing new.


To learn how to sell yourself, and the self-presentation of a teacher, educator or person of any other profession was successful and permanent, one must know and be able to do a lot. For starters, it's important to remember that our appearance, behavior, style is all of us.

The first thing you need to do before you present yourself is to carefully study and analyze the potential audience, the manner of communication and behavior inherent in it, the way of thinking, the style of appearance, preferences.

After this, it is necessary to start working on yourself, that is, build self-regulation for a specific audience for future self-presentation. And in this business there is no place for laziness, it is important to show scrupulousness and to achieve within ourselves what is said to be involved.

Using such tactics, people, on whom your self-presentation will be directed, will perceive you as a referee, worthy of their attention and reverence. This technique is characterized as "psychological stroking." Today, this is the most effective way to influence the society. You, as it were, become a part of the group of people you want to impress, and they use the method of categorizing "your - a stranger" referring you to "your own", you are successfully accepted. This self-presentation is a guarantee of success.

Self-presentation of dominance

There is another way of artificial self-presentation, the basis of which is also the analysis of a potential audience. This method is called "self-presentation of dominance". The technique of this method lies in the fact that in the group to which you need to exert a corresponding influence, you present yourself as a standard, thus acting as an informal leader. However, it must be remembered that this strategy is suitable only for groups of so-called "led" people, in a group with "leaders" this way of self-presentation can fail. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully analyze the potential audience. In this case, a group or an audience is understood as a few people, and one.


Currently, there are a sufficient number of "self-presentation" methods, but when choosing them, it is necessary to strictly follow the algorithm:

  1. Analyzing the "potential audience" to which "self-presentation" is directed.
  2. The basis of the first stage - the strategy of non-verbal and verbal manifestation of the person must correspond to the place of self-presentation and the time interval for its realization.
  3. Your actions are subject to control and coordination in accordance with the situation.
  4. Natural self-presentation should be realized outside the context of an artificial one.

It's always important to remember that you are your face. And if, in your opinion, there is a sense in artificial self-presentation, then veiling, correcting and changing yourself are in your hands.

Good luck!

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