EducationSecondary education and schools

Self-analysis of the lesson (Russian language): a plan, a scheme and an example. Self-analysis of the lesson in Russian on GEF

Sometimes it's easier to think through, prepare and hold two open classes in a row than to analyze your own lesson. You sit in front of a computer monitor or a sheet of paper and ... you have the feeling that you are a centipede, who was asked which foot would take the first step.

In fact, everything is simple: you need to think not about how you start to walk, but about where you ultimately need to come and how to do it. The main thing is to have a plan before your eyes. For clarity, we will analyze a specific subject from the school curriculum. Let's spend, for example, an introspection of a lesson in the Russian language.

The role of introspection in the teacher's work

Self-analysis is the work on mistakes and at the same time planning your actions for a long period. For example, after studying the topic "Definitive Pronouns" students wrote a test paper. The results were worse than you would expect. Why? The answer helps to find the self-analysis of the lesson. Russian language is a complex subject. Perhaps for better results it is worthwhile to find other forms of work with students? A teacher who can not analyze his reflexive activities, to comprehend what he did in the lesson, is unlikely to be able to build his work so that it meets the requirements of GEF.

Self-examination of the lesson allows:

  1. It is correct to formulate the goals of the activity of the teacher and students.
  2. To see the relationship between what needs to be achieved and the means by which it can be done.
  3. Clearly plan and achieve results in pedagogical activities.
  4. Motivate students to gain knowledge, to a great end result.

The scheme of introspection of the lesson of the Russian language

This scheme is suitable for self-assessment of any subject

1. General characteristics of the class, which includes analysis as a percentage:

  • General development of students;
  • Knowledge of students in the Russian language;
  • Personal development.

2. The relationship between the subject and the material that has been studied.

3. Characteristics of the objectives of the lesson:

  • Educational;
  • Educational;
  • Developing.

4. The plan of the lesson. Characteristic:

  • Educational material that will be considered in the lesson;
  • Methods of teaching;
  • Methods of teaching;
  • Forms of organization of activities of students.

5. Analysis of the stages of the lesson. How did the pedagogical and didactic methods used influence the students' learning of the material being studied?

6. Analysis of the components of the lesson:

  • Expediency of application;
  • Ultimate effectiveness.

7. Functionality:

  • Is the chosen structure of the occupation justified?
  • Whether the level of tasks corresponds to the general level of the class;
  • Analysis of the quality of the relationship between the class and the teacher.

8. Evaluation of the final result:

  • Determination of whether the planned goal is achieved in the class;
  • If not achieved, then for what reasons it happened;
  • conclusion.

The plan for self-analysis of the lesson of the Russian language will be conducted according to the same scheme.

Requirements for conducting a self-examination of the lesson

Analyze the work of teachers is not accustomed to - it's part of their functions. But here's how to analyze with maximum objectivity what I did myself, how to properly arrange a self-analysis of the lesson (Russian language) for GEF? After all, with a formal approach, this responsible occupation will be absolutely meaningless. Therefore, you need to know the requirements put forward by the Federal State Educational Standard, and adhere to the algorithm below.

Analysis of children's collective

A preliminary study of the following questions related to the personal characteristics and skills of the children's collective assumes a self-examination of the lesson. Russian is one of the basic subjects, so its successful mastering is especially important.

  1. Level of class preparation: the ability to interact with each other in work and communication, the skill of assessing the results of their work and the work of classmates.
  2. What type of communication prevails in the student body? Rival or interact? Are there any leaders?
  3. How much is the team motivated to receive new knowledge of the Russian language and to study successfully?
  4. The average level of mastering the teaching material on the subject by the class.

Questions for analyzing the effectiveness of didactic methods applied in class

The most important factor of qualitative introspection is an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the methods chosen by you for working in the lesson, the tactics of doing the lesson. If you ask yourself the following questions and answer them frankly, the self-examination of the lesson (Russian language) will be carried out in full.

  1. How was the work organized in the Russian language lesson?
  2. What was planned to study, how important is the topic?
  3. How deeply do you know this topic?
  4. The concepts learned in the lesson: are they related to the previous ones and to what extent?
  5. How strong is the connection of the student with what is to be explained to the class in the following lessons?
  6. How deep do the students know the previous material, important for understanding the topic studied?
  7. How was the material studied by schoolchildren?
  8. How was the introduction of the students planned into the topic and how well did they learn it?
  9. Have all planned stages of the training process been implemented and how successful?
  10. Were there any moments in the lesson when the students had difficulties in understanding the material, what they were doing? If so, how deep?
  11. Did all the criteria for mastering the material have been satisfactory?
  12. Conclusion.

Lesson Process Analysis

Another important component when you conduct a self-examination of the lesson. The Russian language is an unpredictable subject, as there are often situations in the lesson that can not be planned in advance. In this case, the whole coherent plan, thought out, calibrated to the last second of school time, can go wrong.

Therefore, the next set of questions to be answered relates to the conduct of the lesson.

  1. How are the goals of the lesson and its final result correlated with each other, did everyone manage to do it?
  2. Was it possible to establish a "teacher-pupil" dialogue?
  3. Was it possible to create a situation of success at the beginning of the lesson?
  4. How was the attention of the students drawn to the study of the new topic?
  5. How is the actualization of knowledge carried out?
  6. Was the teaching task assigned to them understood by the students?
  7. To what extent have the tasks been accomplished?
  8. Have there been any unplanned situations, has it been possible to solve them from the point of view of the topic being studied?
  9. What forms of knowledge control were used in the class? Were they justified in this lesson?
  10. Was the lesson holistic?
  11. Did it meet the requirements of GEF, as far as?
  12. What level of intra-class interaction was at the lesson?
  13. Select the weakest and most powerful stages of the activity.


The profession of the teacher is very responsible. Written about the honorable teaching mission and responsibility are many lines: solemn, official, sublime. Therefore, I want to just wish them students who will exceed their teachers. After all, for the real mentor, the greatest reward and the sign of pedagogical talent are successful students.

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