HealthDiseases and Conditions

Sciatica. Symptoms, causes and treatment

The sciatic nerve, descending under the large gluteus muscle, divides into smaller branches and runs down the entire lower limb, providing it with mobility and sensitivity. This is the main element of the sacral plexus, on which the normal work of virtually all organs of the small pelvis depends. Its inflammation is known as sciatica. Symptoms of the pathological process usually manifest themselves depending on the causes of the onset of the disease.

The large area of innervation of the sciatic nerve also caused the peculiarities of clinical manifestations of sciatica. Its symptoms depend on which part of the nerve root the pathological changes began to develop. The most characteristic sign of inflammation of sciatica is pain localized in the buttock, in the lower leg or on the back of the thigh. It usually increases with any awkward movement. The nature of pain can be dramatically different and manifested in the form of shooting pain, tingling, burning, numbness and "goosebumps."

Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is usually a symptom complex, rather than a separate disease. Osteochondrosis, which has arisen against the backdrop of radiculitis, in the lumbar region, intervertebral hernia, tumor processes, narrowing of the spinal canal, pregnancy are the most frequent reasons why sciatica develops. Symptoms Its manifestations are expressed by pain syndrome due to compression of nerve endings. The defeat of the sciatic nerve when there is radiculitis in the lumbosacral spine covers the entire lower limb. The pain is localized in the lumbar region and spreads over the entire leg. There is a so-called lumbago with sciatica, which is characterized by a pain syndrome on the side of the lesion in the region of the buttock with irradiation on the posterior surface of the limb.

Painful sensations usually arise after various physical overstrains, microtraumas, irritation of the meningeal nerve, transferred infections. Lumbago with sciatica can manifest itself in acute (lumbago), subacute (lumbalgia), chronic (lumboishalgia) forms. Specific neurological symptoms are detected in the chronic stage of the disease.

According to the etiology of the pathological process, primary sciatica, provoked by an infectious factor (toxic damage to the nerve), and secondary sciatica due to hip or thighbone, are classified. Symptoms of the disease Are expressed by intense, sharp pain, which often can last several days. Main clinical manifestations: lumbar region to foot, sharp pains with burning sensation, tingling, limited movements, numbness, impaired mobility, loss of sensation of the legs. Often the patient has complaints of weakness in the legs, manifestations of intestinal dysfunction, the urinary system.

Often the disease develops with pathological changes in some internal organs. Various reasons for its occurrence have caused various clinical manifestations that characterize sciatica. Symptoms of pain can be felt in many ways: from shooting pain to numbness. It may not appear in the lumbar region, but arise as unpleasant sensations only in the buttock or in the thigh, the foot or in the toes. Sciatica affects one limb more often, but pain can occur in both legs.

You can not ignore the manifestations of the disease, because over time the disease progresses so much that even in the advanced stage it will be impossible to endure the pain. She becomes so strong and passes through such painful bouts that it is difficult for a person to walk, bend, stand, sit. Pain persecutes the patient and at night, preventing sleep.

Complete treatment of the disease can not be done in a short time. For the removal of inflammation, elimination of muscle spasms, pain syndrome appointed NSAIDs, painkillers, warming ointments and gels. In the process of restoring course, rest, restriction of movements in the diseased limb, is recommended to relieve irritation of the nerve roots. After completion of the medication technique, acupuncture, physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy are recommended. Promising treatment of sciatica in 2 days often involves only certain methods that alleviate severe pain syndrome, for example, a series of injections.

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