Food and drinkRecipes

Rye bread in a multivarquet is a home-made food

If you do not already know how to make bread in a multivark, the following simple recipe will help you. As far as we know, so the rusty bread in the multivark is prepared by the true English, who respect precisely the "black" breads. And it is not surprising, because it is very useful. This product contains many truly valuable substances for the body: mineral salts, amino acids, iron and fiber, vitamins. List of all the merits that has a homemade rye bread, you can list for a long time, let's better prepare it ourselves.


  • Rye flour - three cups.
  • Yeast - thirty grams.
  • Water (purified) - one hundred grams.
  • Kefir is one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Sugar - two spoons (tea).
  • Salt - one spoon (tea).
  • Spices (sesame, cumin or cinnamon) are preferred.

The given amount of ingredients will allow you to bake one small loaf. If you get it right the first time, you can boldly proportionally increase the number of all the ingredients in order to bake a few loaves the next time. Everything is prepared fairly simply, but when baking bread, do not rush. Allow him to approach (rise) sufficiently and completely cool down, otherwise you can spoil all the results of your efforts.

Cooking rye bread in a multivariate

1. First you need to make a spoon. Mix yeast with water, a spoon of flour and sugar. If you have high quality yeast, then the opara (left in a warm place) after 15 minutes noticeably rises and will be ready. Your dough should not turn out to be very soft, because in time its consistency will gradually soften. You do not need to do it too hard.

2. Take the spoon, kefir and flour, salt, mix it thoroughly. In the course of work add flour. The ideal dough is that which does not stick to your hands. Mix it on a table or on a special board. Do not forget to sprinkle the workplace with flour or oiled with sunflower oil.

3. Cumin can add directly to the dough. Rye bread in the multivarquet during cooking is impregnated with its aroma. Now the test must be at least five hours. Of course, it is better to leave it for the night so that it fits well.

4. When you get the dough out of the bowl, gently form the ball and mix it into the pan of the multivarker. Please note that your dough should not take up too much space in the container, because during baking it will increase significantly in size.

5. Pre-grease the pan of the multivark oil (vegetable), and sprinkle the bottom with breadcrumbs or ordinary flour. Close the multivark. Let the dough stand for another half an hour. Have enough patience, your rye bread in the multivarquet will be ready very soon!

6. Now set the "Baking" mode to fifty minutes, bake the dough, then remove the loaf, turn it over and bake for another twenty minutes.

7. Give the bread to stay in the multivark after finishing baking for another fifteen or twenty minutes, take out a loaf, lightly grease the crust with honey or butter, sprinkle with cumin. (By the way, caraway seeds, cinnamon and sesame seeds you can not only sprinkle the finished bread on top, but also add them to the dough itself).

8. Cut only when the breads have cooled completely. Bon Appetit!

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