Food and drinkRecipes

Riet - what is it? Salmon Riet: recipe

Today we will consider a dish like riet. What it is? How to cook such a dish? These issues will be discussed in the article. We will also describe not one, but several ways of making such a meal.

Riet. What it is?

This dish is definitely one of the attractions of French cuisine. A snack is served with toast or with fresh bread. Such a dish, like salmon rieti, the recipe of which will be presented in the article below, is a kind of pate. But it has a different texture, more rough. And this is not surprising, because this dish was originally a village food. It was produced for future use. It was stored such fish pâté in special pots made of clay.

Riet is prepared not only from meat, but also from fish. The last option is made on the banks of the Loire. To create a rieta use species such as tuna, anchovy and salmon.

First fish fish

Now consider several methods of preparation. Products that will be required are available to everyone, they can be found in almost every store, and the result exceeds all expectations, because the dish turns out very unusual, but it is very tasty. There are more caloric options, but we will start, perhaps, with the "easy" rieta. During the preparation, sour cream is used, and not butter.

You can prepare salmon riyet using creamy cheeses like "Philadelphia". In this recipe, fresh fish is boiled in wine. Yes, you did not misinterpret. Salmon you will boil in white undiluted dry wine. If this is unusual for you, you can cook in ordinary water. Especially it will be appropriate if the snack will be sampled by children, to whom alcohol is even contraindicated in small amounts.

To prepare a riet you will need:

  • One lemon;
  • 50 ml of yoghurt (natural);
  • 80 ml of sour cream;
  • Two pinches of salt and pepper white ground;
  • 500 grams of salmon fillet;
  • Three pinches of ground black pepper;
  • Two hundred grams of smoked salmon;
  • Four sprigs of fresh dill.

You also need to prepare broth for fish. It will require:

  • One onion;
  • Six sprigs of fresh parsley;
  • Three bay leaves;
  • 700 ml of white dry wine.

From this amount of ingredients, two 350-gram rietae are obtained.

Preparation of salmon dishes

  1. First, prepare a special broth for boiling salmon. To do this, pour the wine into a saucepan, then put the bay leaf there, as well as parsley, bring to a boil. After that, cook for five minutes.
  2. Then you will need either freshly frozen or fresh salmon (for example steaks). Cut the fish into small pieces. Then dip in boiling broth, cook for ten minutes (see that the broth is not strongly boiled). Then cool the fish with the liquid.
  3. While the salmon is cooling, squeeze the juice out of half a lemon. Then cut the fennel finely.
  4. Then cut the melenko smoked salmon.
  5. After remove the boiled salmon from the broth, chop. Then remove the skin from the fish.
  6. Put a boiled salmon in a bowl. Next, soften thoroughly with a fork, so that something like a mashed potatoes can turn out.
  7. After add the remaining ingredients: lemon juice, dill, sour cream, smoked salmon, salt, yogurt, dill and pepper. After a good mix everything. If required, then to taste, you can add a little more lemon juice, pepper or salt.
  8. That's all, riet, the recipe of which we are now describing, is ready. Now cover it with food film or lid and put it in the refrigerator for four hours. Although it will be even 60 minutes. Even after standing this time in the fridge, ries from salmon will become even spicier and tastier. Especially good is a snack with baguette and ciabatta.

Riet with capers and salmon

Salmon ryet with capers is made from more expensive ingredients, but the taste of the finished dish will be excellent. Such an appetizer will be at the right time to a glass of cold white wine in the summer. Also, salmon rye will be appropriate and on the New Year's table. This snack can be served with crispy bread.

To prepare you need:

  • Four salmon tails of 300 grams each;
  • One clove of garlic;
  • One medium carrot and an onion;
  • A tablespoon of creamy horseradish;
  • dill;
  • Two stalks of celery (optional);
  • coriander;
  • 2 tablespoons of capers;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 50 ml of white wine;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

Preparation of dishes from salmon and capers

  1. On the tails, make transverse incisions, lay the fish in a baking dish (pre-greased). Rub with pepper and salt.
  2. Around the fish, place sliced (large) onions and carrots, as well as celery. Then add the bay leaf, garlic and coriander. Fill everything with wine, cover with foil or lid. Send it to the oven (preheated) for fifteen minutes.
  3. Then get out the salmon, cool it. After you disassemble the fish, separating the pink meat from the skin and ridge.
  4. In the bowl of the blender pour the broth, add onions. Stir until smooth.
  5. Then half the carrots (baked), grate or mash the fork.
  6. After melenko cut the capers and dill.
  7. Now squash the salmon with a fork so that the mashed potatoes can be made without large chunks.
  8. Then pour it with broth sauce, add dill, horseradish (one spoonful), carrots, capers. Then mix everything thoroughly. Pepper and salt. Now give time to stand, then serve.

We have already considered what it is and how to prepare it, described in detail. I would also like to note that at the final stage you can put instead of horseradish, for example, cream and garlic.

If you do not have white wine, then you can extinguish the fish without it. There will be a slightly different taste.

Salmon Riet. Recipe with Liquor

Now consider another way of cooking. How to make salmon ries with liqueur at home? It's easy enough if you follow the instructions. For preparation it is required:

  • 120 grams of freshly salted salmon;
  • 250 fillets of salmon;
  • Grams of salt;
  • A quarter teaspoon dried mint, ground sweet paprika;
  • Three sprigs of dried tarragon;
  • Half a teaspoon of onion white and lemon juice;
  • Three sprigs of parsley;
  • A stalk of celery;
  • Three glasses of water;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • Two tablespoons of aniseed liquor;
  • Three bay leaves;
  • A teaspoon of peppercorns;
  • A tablespoon of cream fresh and olive oil;
  • A glass of white dry wine.

The process of cooking rieta at home

  1. In the saucepan (small in size), add celery, quartered onion, parsley, tarragon, pepper.
  2. Fill it all with wine, water. After let me pour for twenty minutes.
  3. After reducing the fire to a minimum, place the fish in the saucepan, cover with a lid. Exactly after five minutes turn off the fire, leave the salmon in the broth for another ten minutes.
  4. Now cut the bulb small.
  5. Then remove the salmon from the broth and separate the bones. Then soften with a fork.
  6. Fry onions in a frying pan until soft in butter.
  7. Slice the small pieces of salted salmon, then add to the boiled.
  8. Then send the rest of the ingredients - onions, paprika, fresh cream, lemon juice, salt and olive oil. Then mix it thoroughly.
  9. After transferring the riet into a jar or other container with a lid. Store the snack in the fridge. You can eat with bread for breakfast.

A small conclusion

Now you know about such a dish as riet, what it is, we looked in detail. We also described several ways of making this dish. We hope that you liked any option, and you can prepare such an original snack in your kitchen. We wish you good luck.

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