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Riddles of comparison. What are their advantages over common puzzles?

Riddle-comparisons have been and still are quite popular. It is noteworthy that in general, all sorts of tasks are actively used for the development of both very small and school age children and adolescents. It is generally believed that comparison puzzles help develop such important qualities as imagination and logic. Probably, this is what makes them especially popular. Parents often guess their children, while entertaining and developing babies.

What is a riddle?

The riddle is a question to be answered. But it does not require deep knowledge in any kind of activity or science. More often than not, comparison puzzles for children can describe (compare) those things or phenomena that occur everywhere, but open them on the other side.

Also a riddle of this kind can be described as a logical task that requires a solution. Its advantages are that the child participates in guessing with interest. This is due to a poetic or amusing form of constructing the question itself. And more often than usual puzzles and riddles-comparisons can be seen in the form of a poem with a simple rhyme, which allows them to quickly memorize. This kind of text allows you to attract the attention of the baby, to interest him.

Riddles: about comparisons and their features

It is difficult enough to determine which puzzles can be considered a comparison. Traditionally, there are two variants of such logical tasks:

  1. Opposition. Here the particle "not" and the unions "a" and "but" are actively used. That is, an option is possible that is familiar to many: "Does not bark, does not bite, but does not let it into the house." In this case, the lock that closes the door is compared with the animal. But there is this comparison from the opposite - takes the characteristic that is inherent in the dog (protection of the front door, because dogs are often used as watchmen), and those traits that do not match are sought. That is, the words about barking and bites should lead the child away from the thought of the animal.
  2. Comparison with other subjects. It simply takes quality, similar to another object. So, the riddle about the grasshopper says that he, like grass, is green, but plays like a violinist. Here there is no reference to the differences between an insect and another object. On the contrary, similar features were found. Such an example of a riddle-comparison shows that in this group of problems one chooses those objects, phenomena that have common features. That is, the grasshopper has the color of grass, while the sounds that it publishes are traditionally compared to playing the violin.

In what plus riddles with comparisons?

What are the advantages of riddles that contain comparisons with other things or objects? We emphasize that in this version the child receives a double benefit. He not only sees those features that are inherent in the object, but also understands that they can be attributed to another. So, in the example already mentioned about the grasshopper, the kid can choose individual lines and additionally fix information about the color of the grass or on the musical abilities of violinists.

If the parents hurry and asked a riddle that the baby is too early to guess, since the child is not already familiar with some phenomena, they can tactfully explain what this comparison means and then begin to search for the answer together with the child.

Making puzzles with children

Also, for the child to receive a comprehensive development, you can try to make your own Riddles-comparison. This option is quite simple, but requires increased attention from the parents. First and foremost, you need to choose the subject to be found. For example, stay on the ball. You can consider it together with the child and discuss what he does, what he looks like and with what it can be compared.

One of their characteristics is the ball. Here it is worthwhile to remember, together with the baby, who or what else can jump. First of all, a hare will appear in memory, sometimes more interesting associations may appear, for example, a kangaroo, a grasshopper, a midge. That is, the first part of the puzzle is ready.

The second part can be devoted to the shape of the ball. That is, it's a round pie, a donut, a bun, and so on. Now you can collect the puzzle together. There are two options:

  • It jumps, not a bunny, round, but not bun.
  • He jumps like a bunny, he is round, like a sun.

These are two variants of riddle-comparisons, which the kid will surely like, especially since he himself participated in their compilation.

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