HomelinessDo it yourself

Rewind the electric motor with your own hands at home

If you have at least once had an electric saw or another similar tool, then you certainly need to be aware of how difficult it is sometimes to find and fix a malfunction. And the trouble here is not only that the breakdown is difficult to diagnose, but in the impossibility to buy the necessary detail. That is why many home craftsmen often take risks, eliminating them on their own. In this article, we'll show you how to rewind the motor (with your own hands).

Output the variables

First you will need to calculate the number of slots and grooves. We derive the variable K, which indicates the ratio of the slats to the grooves. Suppose that the first exactly 48, while the second - 24. We divide 48 by 24, we get the value: K = 2. Then you need to know the direction of laying, winding, their reset, step and the first lamella.

Directionality of stacking

The direction of laying is easy to determine by simply looking at it. By the way, do not look at the ultimate simplicity of this advice: if you first do the rewind of the electric motor with your own hands, then you can easily forget about this trifle. Imagine your feelings in the event that at the end of the work it turns out that it will have to be completely redone!

Winding step

The step is revealed by looking at the first upper coil. We believe that one of its sides lies in the first groove. We carefully consider how many grooves separates it from the opposite side, including this first groove in the calculation. Suppose you counted six. Thus, with right-side laying, the step will be 1-6; With left-side laying (if there are 12 grooves) - 1-8.

Displacement of the first sipe

Having finished with this case, we will find out how much the first lamella is displaced relative to the first groove. Place the engine straight, passing the mental line along it. We designate it with the letter Z. It is advisable not to rely on your memory, but carefully write down everything and sketch it so that later there are no curious situations. At once we will warn, that rewinding of electric motors in house conditions - business uneasy, be extremely attentive!

Determine the first groove

To determine the first groove, you will need a special device, as well as an alternating current of 3V. How to make it, we'll talk just below.

With left-hand laying, it will be located slightly to the right, in the groove where the last coil lies. Somehow mark it. To the place you marked, we attach our homemade device, applying voltage to two adjacent lamellae. Marker immediately note those on which at least some deviation of the value of milliammeter.

Recall that, for example, we found the value: K = 2. Thus, the device should show a deviation on two pairs of lamellas, and the marks should be on three lamellae. Otherwise, you need to change the notch. If the device is deflected on a larger number of pairs, then this is a direct indication of the presence of closures between turns in the coils of a particular group.

Reset direction

Again, our homemade device will come in handy. Without changing the lamellas to which we applied tension, gently move the step to the right or to the left. Deviation in any of these directions also indicates a corresponding discharge.

Winding direction

Proceeding from the direction of winding the last coil, determine its overall value. For example, if the uppermost wire comes out of the left groove, then the winding is left-handed.

Number of turns

The number of turns can be easily found from the formula: Wk = Wn / K / 2. Here, Wn is equal to the number of turns in one slot.

Description of homemade device

As we promised, we give the order of assembling the corresponding device, which will help you rewind the electric motor. If you have at least some electrical skills, it will not be difficult to make it. To begin with, we select any suitable core by winding a suitable thin wire on it.

The width of this core should not be more than 0.2 cm, and the wall thickness - 4-5 mm. You can take for this a couple of simple trimmings of 5x40 tires, the length of which is not more than 5 cm, and between them screw the bush 15 mm, squeezing the entire structure onto the bolt. In this case, the winding is conveniently located on the frame around the above-mentioned bushing. Milliampermeter, the most important part of the device, you can take from any old Soviet tape recorder. After carrying out all the above-mentioned measures, we proceed to removing the winding from the anchor. So, where does the rewinding of the electric motor begin? With your hands you have to remove the old winding.

Removing the old winding

Most often you will not be able to do without annealing the anchor to remove the old winding from it. Of course, before this you will need to remove the collector. The frontal part of the winding itself should be removed only after firing. This is done with a high-quality chisel. Carefully remove all of its remnants. After removing the winding, lay the freed grooves, using for this purpose electrical cardboard.

In order to ensure its greater safety, it is possible to place an electrotechnical film under the cardboard. Especially this applies to those cases when rewinding of asynchronous electric motors is performed : they have a large load, so the insulation should be as good as possible.

Collector installation

Starting to rewind the anchor, it is better to put the collector immediately. You should also not hesitate with soldering the wire. After you install the collector, be sure to measure the resistance of its insulation between the shaft and the lamellas themselves. Use the above mentioned ohmmeter at 500 V. Note that the resistance values should not be less than 0.2 MΩ.

Part of the shaft, which is located between the collector and the core, must be properly insulated. For this purpose, a small plastic tube with suitable dimensions is perfect. Such tubes should be placed with the opposite side of the fan. So, how do you rewind the electric motor with your own hands?

Proceed to rewinding the anchors

As you suffer from all the above procedures, we finally get down to the most critical part of our work. Rewind the motor armature!

After removing all the measurements and removing the remnants of the old winding, we reel the wire with a coil. We take a wire for rewinding electric motors with a diameter of 0.2 mm (this is an arbitrary value, it all depends on the specific model), solder it to the lamella No. 1. We pass the wire into the first groove, throwing it around the shaft. From the first groove we put the wire in the sixth (we will repeat again that we need to do everything according to your measurements), winding the number of turns necessary to us. Solder the wire to the second lamella, we throw it into the first and sixth groove. We sketch the required number of turns, solder it to the third lamellae. Everything, the first group is done.

The second group is started with the third lamella. Everything is done in the same way as the above procedure. If everything is done properly, then the end of the first coil should be exactly on the first lamella. This is how the winding of the electric motor is rewound.

Put the wire? Carefully wrap the cardboard, and to completely eliminate the pulling out of the coils does not prevent insert wedges. After that, you can fill the windings with varnish, but it is better to completely immerse them in the lacquer. Drying should be at a temperature strictly 80-90 degrees Celsius (in the oven, at minimum heat). In a day you will have a handwrapped armature in your hands, which, if properly executed by you, will work as well as the "native one". This is how to rewind the motor armature.

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