Finance, Accounting
How to get tutorials
Guardianship is a rather complicated thing, it is not easy: to take responsibility for life, safety and upbringing of the child. Especially the kid from a strange family. Not many people cope with this task and are ready to entrust themselves with such difficult duties. This is indicated by the huge number of boarding schools and orphanages. However, those who have undertaken to do such a good deed will never regret it.
The state does not leave such families alone with their misfortune. Every month they receive tuition fees, for children of orphans and semi- orphans organize special charitable programs that contribute to their development. However, in order to receive such benefits, it is necessary that the child be trained in educational institutions. If he does not do this - tutorship benefits are not paid. That is, if you become a guardian, you should make sure that the child is attending school, then entered a technical school or university. While he is studying, the money for his maintenance will be paid every month without any kind of delay. However, in order to issue this request for cash, you need to provide to the guardianship authority a certificate stating that the child is not on full state security.
In the case of guardianship, people who took responsibility for the child are paid a kind of salary of about 3,000 rubles. She is also included in the allowance. Although this amount is symbolic, it helps a little. Naturally, when registering custody, you should understand that you are not doing it for money, but for moral reasons or because of the breadth of your soul. However, if the main point is money, stop and do not do it! Money never helped people to love a child! You only ruin yourself and his life!
What are the benefits for guardians in 2012? According to some reports, the allowance is 10 MCI. However, in each case this amount can be calculated by the guardianship authorities in different ways: depending on the situation. However, the size of the guardian allowance has never been impressive. This is the usual average salary. By the way, the so-called "salary" for the upbringing of the child is given to each adoptive parent.
What should a guardian do to receive tutelary benefits? To begin with, he needs to legalize custody, then submit all the necessary documents to the guardianship authorities. It will be necessary to open a special account, to which the funds will be transferred. And after that, the requisites must be reported to the guardianship authority.
However, the guardian should not only take care of the documentation, he also needs to create favorable conditions for the child's life. Such custodial families are constantly visited by social educators, you will be monitored continuously, the child will be periodically interviewed by a psychologist to find out how comfortable the child feels in your family.
By the way, after you formally adopt or adopt a child, your family is registered as unfavorable. And it's not that you have something wrong, it's just that you will be monitored and monitored for any problem. Do not be negative about this type of invasion of your life and the lives of all members of your family. So the state shows its concern for the person you took to yourself.
How can I spend guardianship benefits? Naturally, teachers and social workers will constantly pay attention to how your child is dressed, in what condition his textbooks are, whether he has everything necessary to conduct a normal educational process. If this is not - they will talk with you and, probably, after several warnings, will deprive you of guardianship. So take the trouble that your adopted child is not deprived of anything in material terms.
It is advisable that you write it down in some circles. For them you also have to pay. In general, most of all the funds that are provided by tutelage allowances, you must spend on the child.
Accounting and taxation of this type of cash is not exposed. You do not need to specify a benefit as a source of income.
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