
Information on income: to hide or be proud?

In Russia, traditionally, questions about material well-being, wages and monetary bonuses in society are considered uncultured. Information about income is the same personal information as information about the family, about feelings or about health. Meanwhile, in countries of Western Europe, people are quietly interested in each other about the amount of income, considering this topic quite decent and subject to discussion. High salaries are considered by Europeans cause for pride: people who receive big money and have achieved everything themselves, cause respect.

Information on the incomes of civil servants for the majority of Russian citizens today is a mystery covered in gloom. Everybody knows that officials earn a lot, but officials can only give exact figures. Nevertheless, to consider a Russian state or municipal employee as a rich man is incorrect: in comparison with foreign colleagues, Russian employees of the state apparatus have very modest salaries. This is indicated by the increase in the number of official crimes, including bribery, in recent times. The British on the question of why it is impossible to bribe an English court are proud to answer: "Because the English court has long been bribed by the state." Approximately the same can be applied with confidence to the executive authorities of the Albion.

Meanwhile, information on the incomes of state employees and information on the incomes of municipal employees are not hidden information. Moreover, the procedure for determining the amount of payments, bonuses and allowances for state employees is regulated by law. Information on income is entered into special automated systems. These systems are necessary for both tax authorities and politicians who develop programs for human resources managers. The salary of a state or municipal employee directly depends on the class rank of the employee. The rank of the employee of the administrative apparatus is determined by the number of years in service and the indicators of qualification examinations. Russian managers have not only rank, but also positions. First, the employee receives a post, and then on the basis of the position he holds, he is assigned a class rank within the limits determined by law. There are five types of posts in Russia. These are positions of the highest group, the main group, the leading group, the senior group and the younger group. Only persons holding positions from the higher group can receive the rank of the actual state adviser of Russia or the subject of the federation. The qualification of an employee of a bureaucratic apparatus determines not only the basic salary of an employee, but also all kinds of bonuses and allowances.

Data on incomes of employees of state and municipal bodies, according to the President's Decree, are placed in open access on the Internet. To do this, just go to the site of the body of interest and see the data not only about the income of the citizen directly from the service, but also about his aggregate income (employees can participate in parallel in scientific, teaching, research and other creative activities), on his ownership Residential and other real estate.

To be elected to the legislative body of any level, from federal to municipal, the candidate is obliged to provide information on income. But for the members of the structures of executive power, when entering the service, such requirements are not provided. In other words, it does not matter to the Russian state what kind of material a person received at the previous place of work, to what salary is used.

Today there has been a tendency to increase the material security of the administration staff. The main goal of increasing the earnings of officials is the eradication of malfeasance. The statistics show that the policy developed already shows the proper results and justifies the expectations.

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