
Personnel number of the employee: how is it assigned? Why do I need a personnel number?

With such a notion as "personnel number of an employee," not every worker faces. Often this is known to those who conduct their work in a large or medium-sized company. A small-scale accounting department usually does not notify employees. Large factories always tell employees their personnel numbers. Whether or not employees know about this, but the assignment of the ordinal number is carried out by the personnel department or accounts department. This is regulated by the current legislation, and the absence of this clause is a violation.

Personnel number - what is it?

In principle, from the name itself it becomes clear what a personnel number is. This is a kind of numerical value that is assigned to a specific employee. This is a cipher that designates an employee.

The peculiarities of the personnel numbers include the fact that they are individual. That is, there are no workers whose code would completely match. In this case, the personnel number is also retained for the dismissed employee. If he subsequently continues to work with this employer, then he is assigned his old number.

It is also worth noting that the staff number of the employee is assigned to him at the time of employment, in the future he does not change. That is, registration for work fixes a certain code, which in the future remains the same, regardless of the change of position or increase of salary.

The need for staff numbers. What are they needed for?

Still, it is better to understand what the staff numbers for the employer are. The employee does not get anything from this. As mentioned above, the employee may not be aware of the existence of such a cipher. However, why then was the personnel number of the employee originally introduced? How is this code assigned and what does it carry?

The staff numbers help the accounting department of an LLC or an enterprise. Thanks to them, it becomes easier to implement electronic document management. Although it is worth noting that the personnel numbers at large plants have been used for a long time, even before the advent of the 1C program.

What are the main points that allow using this code? First of all:

  • Facilitation of the work of human resources specialists. This is due to the fact that tracking the personnel number helps not to "lose" an employee when changing his position.
  • Assisting the accounting department in the work with the accrual and the issuance of wages. Here the personnel numbers in 1C are directly related. It is this program that helps to choose an employee not by name or position, but by time-table number.
  • Tracking the employee's location in the workplace. Actual for enterprises that are equipped with an electronic system of passes.

Specific examples. Why do I need a personnel number?

To understand who and how the personnel number is assigned to the employee, it is necessary to fully understand what this parameter is for.

First of all, it helps to avoid unnecessary gossip. So, if in the calculation of wages an accountant or a specialist in rationing and remuneration of labor sees only the personnel numbers. He can not understand exactly what amount Ivanov received, and what kind - Petrov. That is, it allows to further enhance privacy.

Also, the personnel number helps not to be mistaken. This is another parameter that allows you to verify the correctness of the document. It is especially important when there are namesake or full namesake. Of course, it is also possible to check the parameters by the position or date of employment. However, the personnel numbers should not be discounted.

Who can appropriate?

Personnel numbers are assigned to employees by a human resources specialist. However, it should be noted that the law does not regulate the position of the employee engaged in assigning ciphers. However, when registering for work directly there are engineers on personnel accounting.

It can also be done by the heads of structural units or the head of the enterprise. In the absence of a staff member, an accountant may take his place in this matter.

Who can assign a personnel number

Can all employees be assigned a code number? The account of personnel numbers is usually conducted for all employees of the enterprise. Namely:

  • Employees working on an ongoing basis.
  • Temporary or seasonal workers.
  • To external part-timers.
  • Those who work part-time.

In fact, each employee has his own personnel number, regardless of how long he is employed. It is noteworthy that even students who are registered for practice in any department receive their own code.

It is worth noting that if an employee has any combination of jobs or professions within the same enterprise, he still receives one personnel number. The employee, who earns extra money in two firms, has in each of them his own, individual code.

How is the personnel number of the employee assigned? What does the law say?

It should be noted right away that the legislation is rather vague about the assignment of the personnel number at the enterprise. In fact, there are no specific articles in the Labor Code or federal laws regulating how personnel numbers are assigned to employees. Each employer for himself develops a system that helps him to conduct a competent and convenient account of data ciphers. Here internal documents of the organization play an important role. In them, for example, you can define the position of the employee assigned to assign numbers.

How to keep records? Practical recommendations

It is generally accepted that the personnel number is assigned to each employee, and should begin with the first number. In fact, it becomes identical with the notion of "ordinal number".

Such accounting can be conducted in two versions:

  • Using special programs.
  • Manually employed.

The latter method is used less and less. This is due to the fact that the most popular 1C program allows you to automatically assign numbers to each newly arranged employee of the enterprise.

Practical tips

Assigning a personnel number may seem like a laborious process. However, it is not. It is worth sticking to a few simple rules, and this action will be done automatically.

First of all, internal documents of the organization should be assigned to this obligation for a specific employee. This will help to avoid wrangling in the future. It also excludes the situation when no one is responsible for this operation.

Secondly, the direct fixation of the employee number should be made on the first working day of the employee, and ideally - at the time of the conclusion of the employment contract. In this case, the numbering will be correct and without omissions.

A concrete numerical code must be reported to employees, as this not only increases their importance in their eyes, but also helps to avoid mistakes in calculating wages. This is due to the fact that when writing any applications for financial assistance or for the holidays, the employee will indicate, among other things, his employee number.

Also, this parameter must be specified in the order for hiring. It can be printed in the program or written by a representative of the HR department.

Logbook. Locating personnel numbers

Enterprises that are forced to use personnel numbers for their employees often use a document, such as a journal of personnel numbers.

In this internal enterprise document, the following parameters can be specified:

  • Passport data of the employee, including his surname, name and patronymic, as well as the number and series of the document.
  • Date of reception of the employee to his main workplace.
  • The number of the employment contract, as well as the date of its compilation.
  • Position of a specialist.
  • The unit in which the employee will carry out labor activity.
  • The personnel number itself.

The personnel number is mandatory for large enterprises. However, small companies use this method to make life easier for employees of the personnel department or for accounting. In general, this is the numbering of employees. Since each number is unique, it helps to make sure that the money has been paid to the right person. In particular, this is relevant for the employment of namesake or namesake. The very keeping of the account of personnel numbers is not a complicated or laborious procedure. Mostly it is assigned to a specialist of the personnel department. However, legislation allows you to assign this mission to another employee. This fact is prescribed in the documents directly by the organization.

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