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Settling birds. Names of sedentary birds

Birds are highly organized vertebrate animals. Individuals are fairly common throughout the planet as a whole. This is due to their ability to make long flights or to adapt to the conditions of a particular locality. The most part is common in the forest belt. By the number of species, this class is considered the most numerous of terrestrial vertebrates.

Distinctive features of animals

Birds have their own characteristics. These animals belong to the class of feathered, oviparous. Their forelimbs are arranged in the form of wings. The structure of the body is adapted to flight, but at the present time there are quite a few species of non-flying individuals. Another feature of birds is the presence of the beak. Its structure can indicate the type of food with which the animal primarily feeds.

Brief description of some types

Birds are found everywhere. Some of them are distributed mainly in settlements, while others make seasonal flights to different distances. Sedent birds are individuals that live year-round in one place. They do not make distant migrations. As a rule, animals are adapted to live near a person. Many of them need winter in feeding. Grain or food waste is the main food that sedentary birds eat. Traveling birds are individuals moving from one locality to another. Flights are usually carried out in search of food.

Settling birds. Examples of species predominantly forests

Animals that lead this way of life are distinguished by cunning and caution. They are able to warn each other about the danger. Many of them live in packs. One of the most common species are woodpeckers. These sedentary birds feed on seeds of coniferous plants, capable of processing several thousand cones per season. Woodpeckers can quickly and easily climb tree trunks, taking out larvae and insects. Animals are very common in the Yaroslavl region. There are about eight of their species. Landslides are sedentary birds inhabiting mixed forests and parks. You can meet them and not far from human habitation. These animals are notable for their stockiness. Food for them is mainly acorns, seeds of conifers and lindens, pine nuts, berries of wild cherry. Landslides store their food in the fall.

Individuals that can be found near human habitation

Jay inhabits coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. These sedentary birds are omnivorous. Since autumn, the jay, like the nuthatch, stores its food - hides acorns in the ground and cracks in the trees. Abared mainly in the central strip of Russia, in particularly severe winters, the jay is selected closer to the human habitation. These birds attract attention with their bright colors, noisy and very mobile behavior. In the winter, they live alone. Tits are common in various types of forests. Also, they can often be found in settlements. In winter, up to 90% of individuals die. Titmills need top dressing in the cold season. For this, sunflower seeds, bread crumbs, hemp are suitable. But most of all tits love unsalted fat. Jackson is considered a fairly numerous species. These birds are quite common in the central strip of Russia. Individuals live in packs, in winter they unite with crows and spend the night with them, huddled together. Galki are omnivorous. By populating the suburbs, they select food waste, thus fulfilling the role of nurses.

Large forest dwellers

Some sedentary birds, whose names are well known, try not to approach human habitation. Glukhari is considered to be one of the most large-sized species. They dwell mainly in the forest belt. They can be found in places where there is - even occasionally - pine and there are many berry bushes. Almost the whole year, wood grouses conduct a land-woody lifestyle. It feeds on wood grouse mostly vegetable food. During the winter, it is served with hard and prickly needles, pine buds. Black grouse is found practically in all areas of the central strip of Russia. These sedentary birds can unite in packs or live alone. Males, as a rule, live on the tops of small trees. In winter, the main food for animals are earrings and birch buds. In the cold season, they usually unite in packs, spend the night right in the snow. In snowstorm, or a blizzard does not leave the shelter.

The most common sedentary birds. The names. Description

One of the most adapted to life species is the magpie. These sedentary birds are common both in the forest belt and in populated areas. In the winter, the Magpies live as close to the human habitation as possible. Visit garbage containers, landfills, other places where food wastes are sought. Sparrows are very adapted to live near human habitation, economic buildings. Birds have a small size, a short beak. Eat, mainly, grain. Their nests can be seen in the cracks of the walls, hollows, birdhouses. Sometimes birds can thrice chicks three times during the summer. Sparrows are widespread throughout Russia. Ravens are found in populated areas, most often in cities. These birds are easy enough to tame. Crows are omnivorous: they destroy rodents, pick up fallen fruit and plant seeds. Nests are built of boughs. In cold weather, birds are selected as close to human habitation as possible, unite in packs. In winter food for them is food waste. All known species - pigeon - is common in settlements. These animals have a unique ability to navigate in unfamiliar terrain, find their way home, overcome a fairly large distance. Pigeons give in to training and very quickly get used to the place of residence.

Seasonal changes in life

From the end of winter to the beginning of spring, in the settled birds, preparations for reproduction begin. They pay great attention to marriage games, they spend time forming pairs. During this period they significantly lose weight. Birds who were on wintering are preparing at this time to fly to the nesting places. In this regard, they begin to eat intensively. From spring and until the first days of summer, birds spend time in building nests, hatching eggs, rearing offspring, nesting. Since more attention is paid to the nutrition of the chicks, the parents noticeably lose weight. From the middle of summer to autumn, an intensified replenishment of energy resources begins . Migratory individuals accumulate forces for the flight. Animals eat intensively during this period, gaining weight. From autumn to winter, the energy stored in the last season is spent on maintaining optimal body temperature. At this time the birds also eat intensively and spend almost all their days in search of food.

Types of migration

The above is told about which birds are sedentary. Now we are talking about some types of migration. In the central strip of the country in the groves, parks and squares are found chizh. Sometimes he can lead a sedentary lifestyle. We feed him with weeds, seeds of pine, spruce, birch, alder. Together with the tits and sparrows, the croziers fly to the feeding troughs in cold weather. Another quite frequent guests are bullfinches. They are considered northern birds. In winter, the species migrate towards the southern regions. Often you can meet birds in localities. The food for them is the seeds of lilac, ash, maple. But most of all bullfrogs like rowan. One of the rare species listed in the Red Book in the Yaroslavl region is tap dancing. It occurs most often during winter migrations. Birds come together in small flocks. Meet the mentioned birds can be in the bush thickets, woodlands. Sometimes they live in settlements. The tap is fed by whole seeds of alder cones, birch buds, seeds of sedges, heather and spruce. In the northern areas lives waxwings. This species of birds begins migration in August, migrating to the southern regions. In winter, their food is the berries of hawthorn, viburnum, mountain ash. Unite individuals in flocks, flying on berry bushes. Quickly gluing fruit, fly to other trees.

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