
Hormone testosterone test: normal, indications, transcript

The most important male hormone is testosterone, the norm of which depends on sex. Also, his level rises several times during pregnancy. The presence of this hormone in the necessary quantity in the body of both men and women is the key to health and well-being. A deficiency or excess of testosterone may indicate serious pathologies, negatively affect primarily sexual function, sexual and reproductive health.

Testosterone is synthesized in males mainly in the testes by Leyding cells. In women, this occurs in the ovaries and adrenal cortex, as well as in peripheral metabolism. The hormone is in the blood mainly in the bound state. Only free testosterone has a biological activity , which in women is only 1% of the total, and in men - 2%.

This hormone controls potency, prostate function and spermatogenesis. It also affects the voice, hair growth and stimulates libido in both sexes. Therefore, a normal level of testosterone is necessary for reproductive and sexual function. In women, its increased number can lead to infertility and miscarriages. After 55 years, the adrenal secretion of the hormone decreases sharply.

So, testosterone norm or rate (ng / ml):

  • Women - 0,66-1,2;
  • Men - 2.91-15.11.

It should be borne in mind that with age, the level of hubbub is reduced. In addition, the norms depend on the laboratory and may differ slightly due to the use of different test systems. Other units of measure are also used.

So, testosterone norm or rate (nmol / l):

  • Women - 2,41-4,2;
  • Men - 10-52.3.

The hormone level should be checked in the following cases:

  • infertility;
  • Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation);
  • Violation of the cycle;
  • Polycystic ovary;
  • Testicular feminization;
  • Hirsutism;
  • Testosterone-producing ovarian tumors;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • impotence;
  • Testicular failure and control of her treatment;
  • Dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • Delayed sexual development;
  • Ovarian disorders (girls);
  • Testicular disorders (boys).

Its low level in men can be with physical exhaustion, stress and prolonged alcoholism. Its increased concentration is observed with oral contra-cents, estrogens, clomefen, barbiturates.

The level of the hormone decreases in the following situations:

  • obesity;
  • Chronic prostatitis;
  • Hypogonadism;
  • Adrenal insufficiency ;
  • Reception of glucocorticosteroids;
  • Impaired synthesis of gonadotropic hormones, including excess prolactin;
  • Starvation, diet, vegetarianism;
  • Taking certain drugs.

The concentration of the hormone increases when:

  • Intensive physical activity;
  • Taking some drugs;
  • Ovarian tumors;
  • Chromosome set XYY;
  • Neoplasms of testicles producing testosterone;
  • Androgenital syndrome;
  • Low level of sex-binding globulin;
  • Diseases of Itenko-Cushing.

His level increases during pregnancy. In women bearing a child, the testosterone test is 3 times higher than before conception. The maximum concentration is reached in the 3rd trimester.

In men, the level of the hormone is higher in the morning, and by the evening it decreases by 25%. An increase in the concentration of testosterone is observed in the autumn. In women, the level of the hormone increases during ovulation and in the luteal phase. After the onset of menopause, it gradually decreases.

For women , the hormone testosterone test should be taken about the 7th day of the cycle if the doctor did not recommend otherwise. For a day you need to exclude stress, alcohol, sex, sports, smoking. You need to give blood on an empty stomach in the morning. When taking medication, you need to inform the doctor about it.

So, testosterone, the norm of which depends on sex, the phase of the cycle and the presence of pregnancy, plays a role, above all, in reproductive and sexual functions. However, it affects the condition of the whole organism.

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