
Red eyes in children - an occasion to turn to an ophthalmologist

It is interesting that over time the color of the child's eyes can change. This is natural and should not cause alarm. But if there is redness, it means that something is wrong. Red eyes in children of any age - this is clearly a sign of the disease. Therefore, in such a situation, you should always consult a doctor. It is possible that this pathology is a signal about a serious disease

Why does the child have red eyes?

Most often the answer is simple - conjunctivitis. The human eye is covered with a special transparent shell, which secrete a tear fluid for wetting and lubricating the eyeball. In addition, the tear has antibacterial properties due to the presence in it of special bacteria that destroy bacteria (such as immunoglobulins, beta-lysine, complement and others). The conjunctiva protects the eye, it is a natural barrier against germs, dust, damage. But even this barrier can be destroyed.

The causes of inflammation are different. Bacteria (staphylococci, diphtheria bacillus, pneumococci) and viruses (including influenza, measles, herpes simplex, adenovirus) most often lead to this disease. Separate isolated conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia and fungi. In recent years, due to environmental degradation and changes in immunity, allergic conjunctivitis caused by pollen, industrial dust, chemicals and even cosmetics has become very common.

Red eyes in children - this is not the only sign of conjunctivitis. Unlike adults, the baby will lose sleep and appetite, become whimsical and whiny, will constantly rub his eyes with pens. In the morning, it is difficult for a child to "hang" eyelids, since they are "glued" with yellowish dry crusts. In especially severe cases, increased lachrymation is replaced by the release of pus. But in a newborn the tear device is still poorly formed, and from the eyes with conjunctivitis there can be allocation of any color and consistency. The sick eye can not see well, and older children can complain about "sand in the eyes" or that all objects look blurred. To be convinced of presence of an inflammation, it is enough to pull back a lower eyelid, and strong reddening and the expressed edema of a conjunctiva becomes visible. But still! Why the red eyes of a child, should find out the ophthalmologist. Perhaps, serious medical intervention is required. Or a long-term treatment.

Red eyes in children is not only a sign of conjunctivitis. It is possible that the cause was the injury or foreign body. In any case - contact an ophthalmologist. Any inflammation of the eye is a threat not only to the eyesight, but also to human life. Since the infection can easily spread to the brain, lungs, blood, and the result will be sad.

To the doctor!

What to do if you find a symptom such as red eyes in children. First of all, limit his communication with others, as conjunctivitis is contagious. In no case do not apply any bandages, do not warm your eyes and do not self-medicate. Do not be afraid of a visit to a doctor. Treatment of conjunctivitis is painless and exclusively medicamentous - washing with solutions of furacilin, chamomile, various drops, including anti-allergic.

The red blood vessels in the child's eyes are a cause for concern and early treatment. Do not try to treat the baby yourself, do not use folk remedies, but call the doctor!

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