Publications and Writing Articles, Poetry
The mystery of the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up"
"Autumn has come, dried flowers" - one of the most famous poems about the fall, which lives in childhood memories of many Russian people. This is not surprising, because its structure is very simple. Such a creation is easy to perceive even for small children: it conjures up primitive images of autumn in their imagination . Verse "Autumn has come, dried flowers" are published in children's books on literature and always under the authorship of Pleshcheyev. It should be noted that poems of the same structure are often found in various children's magazines and poetry books: children can easily learn them by heart, thus training memory and developing artistic taste. In the poem "The Autumn Has Come, the Flowers Were Dry," only laconic forms are present: the size of the three-legged chorea with alternation of the female and male endings (the stress in the first line on the penultimate syllable, and in the second on the latter).
The literary critics have certain doubts about the poem
In his work on this topic, Mikhail Zolotonosov argues that the author of the poem is none other than the writer of the Orthodox textbook on literature. The book was compiled by the inspector of the educational district of Moscow Alexei Baranov and published in 1885. It was in this collection of Russian literature that the first poem was published: "Autumn has come, flowers have dried up." Based on the opinion of the professional and his own guesses, I recognize the probability of false authorship of this poem. However, there is no reason to believe that there are reliable evidence of who is really the author.
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