EducationThe science

Crossing people and animals - scientific progress or blasphemy?

The news that the British government gave a "green light" to the crossing of people and animals, caused perplexity and a lot of questions among the inhabitants of the whole world. For most, this fact does not fit into the head, because it seems inhuman. But still many are interested in the results of the experiments.

Crossing in the UK

In 2008, scientists in the UK received a legal right to cross people and animals. But it is not possible for all laboratory technicians to conduct such experiments, but only for those who received a license for this. Such experiments are conducted with the goal of creating stem cells that will be able to rid people of incurable ailments, such as Alzheimer's disease, etc.

Despite such noble goals, some influential people are trying to ban such experiments on human and animal genes, because this is contrary to morality.

Scientists managed to grow 155 "unnatural" embryos. But the financing of such experiments was discontinued. Laboratory assistants do not give up hope of getting the desired results, because the law is still on their side.

Experiences in the past

In fact, there is no reliable information about whether experiments are conducted on the crossing of humans and animals in our time (UK experiments are not taken into account). But the fact that they were held in the XX century, there are some documentary evidence. Responsible for these studies was Professor Ivanov Ilya Ivanovich. This scientist has already crossed various mammals and achieved certain success in this. For example, in 1901 he founded the first center, in which they tried artificially to cross zebras and horses. After about 20 years, this scientist became famous, since with his participation a musk ox was taken. But Ivanov's dream was to cross people and animals, in particular with monkeys.

Experiments conducted by Ivanov

With his idea, the professor spoke at symposia, where Western scholars considered such experiments blasphemy. But this idea interested the Soviet authorities, so she sponsored Ivanov's trip to Africa, where he could conduct similar experiments. It is here, according to the professor, there are not only a lot of gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees, but also tuzemok, who with great desire will agree to be fertilized by seminal fluids of monkeys.

Of course, to get money to cross people and animals, Ivanov had to go through a thorny path, but in the end in 1926 he went to Guinea with his son-partner. Having settled in the laboratory of the Pasteur Institute, the scientist turned to the kennel for monkeys. But there were only cubs, naturally, unsuitable for fertilization. Catch an adult from the jungle no one dared, because it's the risk of being torn to pieces.

Only after the appointment of a very large prize the most courageous trappers could catch several individuals. The scientist conducted experiments on insemination of monkeys with human sperm, but he also wanted to do the reverse experiment, so that a woman conceived from a gorilla. But the dark-skinned ladies flatly refused to bear offspring from the monkey, so Ivanov was content only with the fact that only monkey females were fertilized.

The results of Ivanov's experiments

In the summer of 1927, the professor left Africa, and he took all 13 females with him, so that he could obtain a result in his homeland, which should result in a cross between a man and a monkey. On the way, two of them died. The first "halt" he did in Marseilles. Leaving here his charges, he went to Paris, in order to heal the heart. But the conditions for the monkeys turned out to be extreme, and therefore the females died one after another. The remaining animals were sent to Sukhumi. Here, three months later, the remaining individuals died. It was decided to open the monkeys, and it turned out that the females were not at all pregnant.

Did the professor's experiments end?

Despite this failed expedition, Ivanov did not stop his experiments. A monkey was opened in Sukhumi, and many men and women voluntarily came to take part in the experiment. Such experiments continued until the end of the 1920s, until Ivanov decided to present the results to the public. But in the Soviet journals this information was refused to publish, then the professor sent a report on the experiments to the Pasteur Institute. The Soviet authorities considered this action to be treason, and, according to some sources, in 1932 Ivanov was shot.

What results did the crossing of man and animal give? Photos, documentation, samples of hybrids (if they were) and did not see the light.

Is it possible for a monkey?

Is it possible that crossing a person with a monkey will yield positive results, and a baby will appear that has inherited genes from both parents? As already mentioned, it is not known whether such experiments are conducted in our time, so it is impossible to accurately answer this question. But anthropologists know cases when large primates kidnapped African women. It is unlikely that these children could have a child, because women, more likely, perished from hunger or from sexual abuse of loving males.

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