
Raspberry "meteor": description of the variety. The best varieties of raspberry for cottages

The fragrant and bright raspberry berries are the smell and taste of summer. They appear on our table one of the very first. You can grow a traditional berry without difficulty on your plot or in the country, and in order to make the harvest happy and abundant, it is important to determine the variety. Red or yellow? Repair or usual? Foreign or domestic selection? Our article will answer all these questions.

What and how to choose?

Gardeners often chase large-fruited varieties, as their yield is higher. However, often they are quite demanding and need careful care, including shelter for the winter time. It's quite a capricious raspberry. Traditional varieties ("meteor" in particular) are more simple to grow, the berries are smaller, but as a rule they retain a unique flavor and high taste qualities. It is simple in the field of farming and remontant raspberry. Varieties with very large berries are often characterized by wateriness and a feeling of unsaturated, "diluted" taste. However, all this is a matter of personal preferences. It is important to remember that with incorrect care, none of the varieties give a good harvest can not, as well as reveal their dignity.

Large - fruited varieties of raspberry: general characteristic

Large-fruited is raspberry, whose berries grow from 5 to 12 g, and individual specimens - to 15-18 g. With proper care from one bush, you can harvest up to 5-6 kg. A characteristic feature of hybrids of this species is the ability of branching of fruit branches. This is one of the reasons for high yield. Very large raspberries (red or yellow) may be early ("tarusa"), medium ("giant", "patrician") or late maturation. All varieties have their own characteristics, which must be taken into account when growing. As a rule, they are all thermophilic and require winter shelter, but there are winter hardiness. Large berries have good ability to transportability and shelf life. In this regard, large-fruited varieties are more popular among farmers, owners of private farms.

Repaired raspberry: characteristics and benefits

The main feature, for which love raspberry raspberry - the ability to yield crops in two stages (early in spring and autumn). The group of varieties of this category is quite extensive, and some of them have been known for more than 200 years. For example, the repairing raspberry "meteor" (description of the variety hereinafter) fructifies begins in the first year after planting. So, with an early spring planting or late autumn (in October) next summer, you will already be harvesting. Plants are highly resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions (frost, drought), pests and diseases. In addition, repair grade varieties do not expand as rapidly as others.

However, there is one basic requirement, which should be observed when planting - the maximum illuminated and warm place in the garden for planting. Even a slight shading will lead to a deterioration in the quality of berries and a decrease in yield. For the same reason, the distance between rows of repair raspberry should be at least one and a half meters, and between individual plants - 0.7 m.

Popular remontant varieties

1. Raspberry Eurasia is included in the State Register, it is a variety of universal purpose. Shrubs of a stamped type, erect, medium height (1,3-1,6 m). Forms up to 6 shoots of substitution, spiny is strong. Conical berries of dark crimson hue are matte, well separated from the stalk. When maturing, do not rot on the bush for 5-7 days. The taste is sweet and sour, without a characteristic aroma. Raspberry "Eurasia" is characterized by medium maturity (the first decade of August) and high yields - more than 2.5 kg of berries from one bush.

2. Raspberry "Heracles" is a large-berry variety with erect shoots that do not require garters. Truncated-conical forms of berries are large, weighing up to 5-6 g, a rich ruby color, have good transportability, taste sweet and sour. Productivity - up to 1.5 kg from each bush.

3. Raspberry "Bryansk Divo" - a yielding variety (up to 2.5-3 kg from the bush) with large berries weighing an average of 8.5 grams, color bright red, conical. One of the promising hybrids. The maturation period varies, in the southern regions the bush begins to bear fruit steadily from the middle of July.

Varieties of raspberry with yellow berries

Yellow raspberries are not cultivated on an industrial scale, rather, it is the prerogative of summer residents. To explain this, perhaps, it is possible that planting material of good quality is not so easy to find and buy. Interest in this type of berry bushes is spurred by its unusual, attractive appearance and more sweet taste. However, the berries are not so dense and elastic, not as transportable as, for example, the raspberry variety "meteor". Care for raspberry yellow, however, is similar. There are also traditional, and remontant, and large-fruited varieties. Let's dwell on the most famous ones.

  1. The Yellow Giant. The appearance of the plant completely corresponds to its name. Bushes spreading and powerful, up to 2.5 m high. Large berries reach the size of a walnut. The shoots are covered with straight and straight thorns. According to the shape of the berries can be rounded and conglomerate, painted in light apricot color, flesh is dense, pleasant and melting texture in the mouth, the aroma is expressed in medium. The yield is high - 3-6 kg per bush.
  2. "Amber." Perspective variety with medium late maturity of berries. The plant forms a tall bush (2-2.5 m), powerful, but compact and erect. The ability to shoot is average. Characterized by high yield, you can collect from one bush to three kilograms of berries. They have a rich dessert taste, the flesh is resilient and dense, has a pronounced crimson aroma. The berries are oblong in form, externally attractive, amber in color. The variety is relatively resistant to frosts, lodging shoots and some specific diseases. Berries "Amber" have a relatively good transportability, which is a rarity.
  3. "The Yellow Fugitive." Early raspberry variety, characterized by the formation of weakly bushy, strong bushes. It is characterized by high frost resistance, weak sensitivity to diseases. Berries of medium size (3 g), tender golden color, taste sweet and sour with a delicate characteristic crimson aroma. The purpose is universal, they are used not only in fresh form, but also for processing, freezing. The yield of the variety is medium, but stable.

Traditional raspberry varieties

The name of the whole group of hybrids speaks for itself. Let not all its representatives differ abundant or early harvest, a long period of fruiting, but they are reliable and time-tested. For example, raspberries are "meteor" (a description of the variety below), "patricia" and "balm". They adapt well to the most diverse environmental conditions, climate, soils, forming a large number of offspring each year. Harvest is not as rich as in large-berry varieties, but you can be sure of its availability always. Berries are medium in size, with a strong and characteristic raspberry flavor, sweet, high taste qualities. To fit within one article the description of all varieties is impossible. We bring to your attention the most popular and proven hybrids.

Raspberry "meteor": description of the variety

This hybrid was obtained as a result of crossing the varieties "news of Kuzmina" and "Kostinbrodskaya", the State Register was included in 1987. Fruits of universal purpose, suitable also for frost, early maturity. The bush is powerful, shoots erect with slightly drooping top, medium height with thickening up to 25 pieces per square meter. Spines are practically absent, they are barely noticeable, small and soft. Berries are conical in regular shape, but with obtuse rounding, medium size (2-3 g), dessert sweet taste. This is a traditional raspberry red. "Meteor" favorably differs from the rest by its high resistance to the main diseases of fungal nature. However, it is sensitive to a spider mite, sprout halcyus, purple spot. The yield is average - up to 2 kg per bush, but stable. Winter-resistant variety, does not require shelter, not only in the suburbs, but also in the middle lane, in the Urals.

Traditional raspberry "Meteor" reviews are exceptionally positive. In the photo you can see the berries of this variety. A time-tested hybrid is a reliable purchase. It will easily withstand a cool climate, a shaded place, adjust to the characteristics of the soil and will rejoice in the regular harvest of delicious berries. However, gardeners recommend using them fresh or frozen, they are slightly acidified in the jam.

Grade "balm"

This hybrid is modern, promising and extremely popular among gardeners. The maturity dates are average. A variety was obtained as a result of crossing the "ruby of Bulgarian" and "Newburgh". It has good frost resistance, is resistant to obstruction and drying in winter. In rare cases, it is affected by a spider mite or purple spot. Raspberry "balm" will please you with a yield higher than average - from a bush gather up to 2.5 kg of berries of universal purpose. The plant forms a spreading shrub up to 1.8 m high, the stems are erect, not requiring garter and the use of trellis. The ability to form shoots is developed medium - up to 20 pieces per square meter. The variety is characterized by medium-sized berries (2,7-3,5 g) of broad-conical shape and dense texture, color - dark purple, palatability - medium. They are well separated from the stalk, ripen at once, the fragrance is slightly pronounced. Of the disadvantages that raspberries have "balm", it should be noted susceptibility to the disease purple spotting.

Grade "Hussar"

The hybrid belongs to the so-called golden varieties, which were bred by the breeder Kazakov IV. In mass gardening introduced since 1999 and since then enjoys wide popularity mainly due to unpretentiousness. In order to give the raspberry "hussar" a good harvest, it will not take excessive efforts, special knowledge and great experience. The tall shrubs up to 1.8 m in height are strong and sprawling, under good conditions reach 2-2.5 m. The thorns are weakly developed and only in the lower part of the shoots, so harvesting will be "painless." Despite the height of the garter is not required. Shoots are fleshy, with a slightly reddish tinge and wax coating, which prevents excessive evaporation of moisture, which indicates drought resistance. Berries in shape and color are similar to a sort of raspberry "meteor", but slightly more elongated, weighing an average of 4 grams, in full maturity - a rich ruby color. The pulp is dense, so the fruit is good to hold on the bush, do not fall off, transfer the transportation to distances. The berries have a universal purpose, the variety is considered dessert, the taste is sweet-sour with a pleasant delicate aroma. The high content of sugars contributes to using them not only in fresh form, but also in compotes, confitures, jams.

The raspberry "hussar", thanks to its high yield and good marketability, has established itself as a variety for growing on household and farming for the purpose of realization. A great advantage in this case is the plant's resistance to many diseases characteristic of the bush of different etiologies.

Raspberry "spark": description of the variety

Dessert grade of the average maturity, included in the State Register for the Volga-Vyatka district. The plant on the site forms a sprawling and powerful, tall bush. This feature is important to consider when planting. Two-year-old shoots of brown color with a sufficient number of short and straight spines on the entire surface. The leaves are slightly corrugated, dark green in color. Like the raspberry "meteor" (the description of the variety above), it has an average ability to form shoots, because it does not form too thick.

The berries are not too large, the average weight is 1.8 g, the shape of the tupoconium is close to a round, red shade, the surface is glossy, the taste of medium quality is sweet and sour. The pulp is homogeneous, elastic, and therefore the variety tolerates transportation well. The plant is winter-hardy, resistant to drought, weakly sensitive to raspberry-specific diseases.

Grade "companion"

Raspberry late maturity, obtained as a result of crossing the varieties of "Ottawa" and "Ruby Bulgarian". Purpose is characterized as technical. Berries are used mainly for processing (the final product has an intensive coloring) and frost. The plant is of medium height (1.8 m), stems erect, powerful. The ability to form a sprout is weak, on one square meter is formed up to 10 pieces. Shoots are strong, in the autumn period they are painted bright red, covered with a wax coating, with an average number of hard and thin spines on the entire surface, but most at the base.

Raspberry "companion" has large berries up to 3 g in weight, the shape is half-spherical, full of red color, with dense flesh. Taste qualities are satisfactory. The presentation is excellent, yields average - up to 2 kg from one bush.

Raspberry with black berries

Raspberry saturated dark blue or black shade with a characteristic glossy surface, as they say, few people know. Varieties are quite rare and are considered more exotic. Do not confuse them with hybrids of raspberries and blackberries. They are more like the last, both in shape and taste. Raspberry with black berries has its own characteristics, in particular, it does not form root offspring, its shoots, high and curved by an arc, are covered with sharp thorns. This is simultaneously a plus, since there is no need to remove shoots, and minus, as it is difficult to multiply on the site. Unlike its red "relative", it is much less exposed to colds and drought, diseases and pests. Special care for black cholera is not required. Another characteristic and distinctive feature is that ripe berries do not crumble from the bushes, but unlike the blackberry, they are easily removed from the peduncle. The most common varieties: "cumberland", "lithach", "bristol", "coal", "new logan" (pictured), "boynberry".

Features of planting material selection

Strong and healthy seedlings - this is half the success and the guarantee of a good harvest of raspberries. When choosing them, you should pay attention to some requirements:

  • Plants with an open root system should be shortened to 40 cm in height. If the seedlings were grown in a pot, then their sale with leaves and not shortened is allowed.
  • Raspberry shoots should not be dry and with mechanical damages.
  • Pay attention to the appearance, since infection with viral and fungal diseases is completely unacceptable.
  • The minimum number of shoots on seedlings is 1-2 pcs. With a base diameter of 1-2 cm, root length - at least 15 cm.
  • Grades purity should be maintained at 100%.

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