Food and drinkCooking tips

How to cook noodles

Noodles are a kind of younger sister of macaroni, so the principle of cooking is the same for them. This must also be remembered, so as not to create unnecessary problems.

How to cook noodles? This question will be relevant until people use it for food. How to cook noodles and not just, but right, will prompt, of course, the experience of those who invented it.

According to the Italian chefs, it is not difficult to cook noodles, much more important is the proper preparation. The ideal option for preparing noodles by the Italians was sought for many years, we had only to observe certain rules that would eventually result in a very tasty dish. For this we need to learn a few simple truths.

How to cook noodles

  1. To get the desired result, it is necessary to use noodles of exceptionally good quality. It is meant that the noodles should be smooth, yellow or cream in color, vitreous with a break, a small amount of darkening is allowed.
    In practice, it has been proven that a sufficient portion per person (with a normal appetite) will be one hundred grams of noodles.
  2. Very important is the rule of the ratio of noodles and water. For 100 grams of noodles, you must use at least one liter of water. If you take less water, you risk getting a sticky mass, which, in addition, will last a very long time.
  3. When choosing cookware for cooking, you need to stop your attention on a thick-walled saucepan, which should be poured into three quarters of water.
  4. It is better, of course, to use pure key or filtered water. If this is a problem for you, you can use tap water, but it should be defended in advance and boiled.
  5. During the boiling of water, salt should be added, based on one liter of water, 10 grams of salt. Categorically it is not recommended to salt water when you have already poured noodles into the water.
  6. You need to pour out the noodles in a saucepan when the water boils, as they say, with the key. It is advisable to pour the noodles in the center of the pan.
  7. If the noodles are longer than you would like, do not break it before cooking. Put it in a pot, you need to press it down a little (only gently, so as not to break it) - it will bend and enter the tank as a whole. But this, as a rule, is more applicable to macaroni, rather than to noodles.
  8. After the water with noodles boils, you need to weaken the flow of fire or the temperature of your electric stove to make less. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that right up to the end of the boiling procedure, the noodles should slowly boil, rather than languish in hot water.
  9. During the boiling of noodles do not cover the pan with a lid.
  10. During cooking, noodles should be stirred from time to time, preferably a spoon made of wood.
    How many to cook noodles? This is a very important issue, since it is the time of preparation that largely determines the taste of the dish. On each package of noodles bought in the store, the manufacturer specified the recommended time for its boiling. Ready noodles should be soft, but in moderation.
  11. When noodles are cracked on the teeth, the taste of flour should not be felt. Although some, on the contrary, prefer noodles with the flavor of flour, so to speak with the cheese (such a degree of readiness is called al dente, which in translation means "on the teeth"). This is an individual matter of everyone's taste . After the noodles are cooked, it is necessary to turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid for 2-3 minutes, and then drain the water.
  12. Contrary to the established opinion, do not wash the finished noodles with water. Once the water is drained, you need to discard the noodles in a previously prepared colander, which for convenience and cleanliness put in the kitchen sink (however, you can put it in another place - as you like). Once the glass noodles, you need to shake it a couple of times, and then shift it to either the same pan or a preheated warm dish.
  13. Now you can add any sauce to the noodles (to taste), after which you should wait a couple of minutes until the sauce with noodles will become approximately the same temperature.

And now you can treat your relatives and friends. Bon Appetit!

How to cook homemade noodles

Well, now we know how to cook noodles and it's time to learn some tricks of cooking homemade noodles.

In general, the recipe for homemade noodles has much in common with home-made dumplings, it means preparing the dough. How to cook and how to cook homemade noodles, we learn in the description below:

  1. It is necessary to break one egg into a glass or a wide bowl, pour it to the very top with water and pour into a bowl, where we will prepare the dough for our noodles.
  2. Then it is necessary to salt it all and add the sifted flour to our bowl.
    For the softness of homemade noodles, you can add sour cream, but not more than one tablespoon. Add flour should be a little, slowly, while mixing it in an egg with water. This will form the dough. The amount of flour should be such that a thick enough, taut dough is obtained.
  3. After the dough is kneaded to the desired consistency, it must be divided into four parts. Then take the rolling pin and roll it out until you get a thin flat cake alternately every four slices.
    Roll out the cakes, it is necessary from time to time to sprinkle them with flour, so that they do not stick to either the rolling pin or the surface on which you roll them. Noodles turn out exactly this thickness, which will be a cake.
  4. Then the resulting pancakes (pancakes) should be hung out for 15 minutes, like clothes after washing on a rope. This is done in order for the pancakes to become drier.
  5. After this, we need to cut our cakes with long strips. This must be done by folding them individually into rolls.
  6. Having received the necessary quantity of rolls, with the help of a sharp knife they must be cut into rings of such thickness that you want to get at the outlet.
  7. Then all the rings need to be untwisted, as a result, you should get homemade noodles.

How to cook noodles we know from the method described above, only in addition when boiling home-made noodles (as, indeed, and noodles of factory production) in boiling salted water, professionals advise to throw 1-2 bay leaves.

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