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Proper treatment of adenoiditis in children

Almost every cold, ARD or ARVI is accompanied by a runny nose. This is a natural process, so the self-cleaning of the body occurs, but at the same time a runny nose requires increased attention. Running rhinitis can develop into a complication like adenoiditis. If the time does not respond, then treatment of adenoiditis in children may result in surgery.

Adenoids consist of lymphatic tissue, its cells participate in the formation of immunity. Therefore, today few doctors insist on their mandatory removal, even if the palatine tonsillitis is very often inflamed.

If the adenoid growths have reached quite large sizes and nasal breathing due to this becomes practically impossible, the hearing worsens, bronchitis appears, then there is no way to do without surgical intervention. But if the adenoid tissue is inflamed and there is relief after the inflammation is eliminated, then there is no need for surgery.

The decision on how to treat adenoiditis in children should be taken individually. Indications for surgery are certain symptoms, not the extent of the disorder. So, one child with adenoid degree II breathing is not difficult, and the other has a worsening of hearing when a violation of the I degree. The operation is appointed in the case when doctors perform a full examination of the child and test various types of treatment. And only after making sure that none of them is ineffective, after consulting with several specialists it is necessary to decide on the operation.

Treatment of adenoiditis in children

Even if an operation is to be performed, adenoids should still be treated. The disease can be acute or chronic. When supercooled, with viral and infectious diseases, the child may have purulent mucous discharge that flows down the pharyngeal wall, while breathing becomes difficult and body temperature rises. Inflammation from the nasopharynx can pass to the auditory tube, and on it to get into the ear. This can lead to the development of acute otitis media. Most often at an early age there is acute adenoiditis in children. Treatment in this case is carried out by washing with special solutions, instillation of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiallergic drugs. Therapy is aimed at restoring breathing. Then they prescribe antibiotic therapy.

After suffering ailment, chronic adenoiditis in children may appear . Treatment in this situation includes the use of vasoconstrictor sprays and drops, as well as disinfectants.

Operative intervention

Treatment of adenoiditis in children involves surgery, if the inflammation is neglected, the child suffocates at night, constantly coughs and feels constant fatigue. The operation is called adenotomy. This procedure lasts only 1-2 minutes. Do it under local or general anesthesia. After the operation, there may be a fever, vomiting blood clots - this is within normal limits. During the rehabilitation period it is recommended to exclude acute, hot and rough food, as well as physical activity. It is necessary to use astringent and drying preparations.

For any type of adenoiditis, immunity should be strengthened. Often and long walk in the open air, ventilate the room and daily spend wet cleaning.

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