Business, Agriculture
Production of mineral fertilizers in Russia: main regions
Despite the progress in science and technology, there are areas in which the old and proven methods are indispensable. One of them is agriculture. It is hardly possible to grow good cereals, vegetables and fruits without using fertilizers. The production of mineral fertilizers in Russia has long been put on stream, moreover, the country is one of the world leaders in the production of certain types of stimulants. Where exactly are the enterprises that provide the country and its partners with fertilizers, and what kinds of fertilizers are most common in Russia?
General information about the industry
Let's start with the theory. The production of mineral fertilizers in Russia and in other countries of the world is divided into several types. Nitrogen fertilizers, the leader in the development of which is China, contribute to the formation of proteins in the plant, and also accelerate growth and increase yield. With regard to phosphorus fertilizers, the priority in the production of which goes to the US, they make it possible to form a strong root system, and also improve the process of photosynthesis. The third category - potash fertilizers, the main exporter of which is Canada, help to develop resistance to drought and disease.
On the world market, Russia occupies one of the leading places among manufacturers. This is due to the fact that the raw materials for the production of mineral fertilizers in Russia are much more diverse than in many other countries, due to this vast territory of the country where a variety of minerals meet. It should be noted that after the merger of the two largest companies in Russia, namely, Uralkali and Silvinit, a clear competitor of the Canadian leader in the production of complex mineral fertilizers appeared on the world market.
Industry in Russia
The main plants for the production of mineral fertilizers in Russia were built in Soviet times. But if then they were guided solely by the needs of the Soviet Union, today their main task is to satisfy the world demand for fertilizers: the share of Russia in the world market of various types of mineral fertilizers currently stands at 6%. In connection with this, an important role in locating fertilizer production enterprises was played not only by the raw material, but also by the export factor - the unsuccessful location of the plant will entail additional transportation costs.
Nitrogen fertilizers
The largest number of Russian enterprises in this area is in the nitrogen fertilizer sector. Large centers of production of mineral fertilizers in Russia are represented by such industrial giants as EuroChem, Uralkhim and Acron.
The main exported product in this area is ammonia and its derivative urea. A promising region is the Far East, where large reserves of raw materials are concentrated - natural gas. Large companies producing mineral fertilizers in Russia are supported by such world-renowned companies as Gazprom, which launched the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline, and a new fertilizer transfer channel to Asia, which will significantly reduce transportation costs.
Phosphate fertilizers
In the segment of phosphate fertilizers, the centers for the production of mineral fertilizers in Russia - the city of Balak (with the enterprise "Balakovo Mineral Fertilizers", which accounts for about 60% of the phosphate fertilizers produced in the country) and Cherepovets (with the holding "PhosAgro-Cherepovets").
In principle, the economic situation in this segment is more or less stable, although in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce production volumes. This is due to the fact that the former main partner, India, began to set unreasonably low prices, thus, such trade was inexpedient for Russia. The main task of enterprises today is to modernize in order to expand the range of products. Experts consider the countries of Africa and Latin America as prospective partners in the field of phosphorus fertilizers.
Potash fertilizers
The potash segment is the most unstable in this industry. At the beginning of the century, due to the economic crisis, there was a constant decline in demand, seriously affected the production of mineral fertilizers in Russia and a break with the partner company Belaruskali. The main producer in this area, Uralkali, was able to correct the situation by lower export prices.
The main partners of Russia in this industry are China and Brazil. It should also be noted that Uralkali revised its investment policy: a smaller amount of funds will be invested in modernization, which will avoid overproduction and stagnation of goods in warehouses.
Location of main enterprises
The main areas of production of mineral fertilizers in Russia are concentrated in the European part of the country - this is due to the fact that the main raw materials are located in this region, while the East has not been sufficiently studied in this direction. The main production capacities shifted to the Urals, although the central region of Russia was previously evenly involved in the chemical industry. Now, in connection with the reorientation of the industry to the east, the previous location of enterprises is not advisable.
It should be noted that the location of manufacturing enterprises is mainly determined by the export factor, so there is a tendency to locate them either near direct consumers or near gas pipelines, through which the same ammonia can be transferred, which is the basis for the production of nitrogen fertilizers; The same tendency exists in the phosphate segment: the main role is played by the presence of the consumer, which is why most of the plants are located in large agricultural areas.
Current state of the industry
The largest centers for the production of mineral fertilizers in Russia are such enterprises as Uralkhim, Evrokhim, Rossosh and Acron. They are engaged in the export of complex fertilizers, that is, they combine several species simultaneously.
Summarizing the aforesaid, it is worth noting that Russia possesses unique raw materials - the scale of its territory allows producing any kinds of fertilizers without any special expenses. Due to the fact that the industry is more oriented towards export, experts note a lack of fertilizers in Russian agriculture: the amount that is used in agricultural land is comparable to that used in Africa, but not in developed countries. The market is protected from shocks and relatively stable, as the industry is relatively monopolistic and controlled by large and stable concerns. Change the current situation can only unexpected discovery of mineral deposits in the East, which will significantly expand the geography of the region.
Development prospects
The production of mineral fertilizers in Russia now depends entirely on whether the country will be able to overcome world competition. The issue of modernizing enterprises aimed at reducing energy costs in production is acute: the world market is gradually saturated with cheaper products, which Russian producers are not yet able to compete with.
As for domestic sales, everything is in the hands of the state: from the amount of subsidies to the subjects of agriculture, domestic demand for fertilizers will depend. Recently, Russia's policy is directed to the expansion of land and crop areas, which is impossible without the use of various types of fertilizers.
Summarizing the above, it should be noted that, despite a number of difficulties, the production of mineral fertilizers in Russia is at a very high level and demonstrates trends in the development of the industry. Moreover, the current state orientation on the development of agriculture, as well as increasing world demand for fertilizers are excellent incentives for the modernization of enterprises and the expansion of their range. It is likely that this will help Russia to improve its position in the world market, reorienting to new, yet unsophisticated partners.
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