Food and drinkRecipes

Preserving tomato juice for the winter

Tomatoes in any conservation are good - rolled into a jar full, in salads, in assorted. But for me there is nothing more desirable from all for future harvested fruit and vegetable delicacies than prepared from ripe and fragrant tomatoes natural tomato juice for the winter. You can use it to refill the first and second dishes, even in dessert. Or to use as an independent product - just to drink in pleasure.

Fortunately, it's not difficult to make such a preparation, and most of the time will take the preparatory work - to wash and, if necessary, to peel the tomatoes, cut into pieces of the right size, squeeze out. Each experienced hostess can share her recipe, how to prepare tomato juice for the winter on her own. There are general rules for choosing tomatoes - you need mature, fleshy fruits with intense red coloration. Many, in an effort to save money, use tomatoes with disease-damaged areas, simply cutting them. Of course, such fruits are not recommended.

If you have not yet acquired a crown recipe and do not know how to prepare tomato juice from a tomato, here are a few simple and affordable ways.

Option 1

Products are taken from the calculation for each kg of tomatoes: a glass of vinegar (9%) - 100 ml, half a l. Salt, one tbsp. L. Sahara.

Preparing tomato juice for the winter from boiled or fresh washed and cut into pieces of fruit. They must be wiped through a fine-mesh sieve. You can additionally filter through a loose fabric to make the drink more gentle. In the juice, add salt and sugar, heat the pot on low heat. Before boiling, pour the vinegar, as soon as it boils - quickly pour into cleanly washed warmed jars, cover with prepared lids and sterilize, roll up. Banks with a volume of 0.5 liters are sterilized for 10 minutes. In water brought to a temperature of 95 ° C.

Option 2

Cooked on these recommendations, tomato juice for the winter will be a little piquant, with an unusual but pleasant taste, without excess sourness. You will need tomatoes, sweet pepper, season with salt, sugar, spices (ground with hot red and black pepper).

First you need to make juice from tomatoes, as indicated above, as well as juice from sweet Bulgarian pepper (for each liter of tomato is taken 200 ml of peppery). Mix both ingredients and preheat. Sprinkle sugar, salt, spices (ground hot peppers) - to taste. Fluid boil, pour into cans, sterilize, roll up.

Option 3

To make tomato juice this way for the winter, you need mature tomatoes, salt, sugar, cloves, black pepper (peas). Fruits wash, remove the tails, dry. Cut into slices, squeeze through a juicer. All the resulting juice in enameled dishes put on a small fire. When it boils, wait until the pulp that has risen to the top settles. If you need a thick consistency, you can boil longer, but enough and 20 minutes of boiling. At the end of cooking, to taste, put (for each liter) salt - 0.5 tablespoons, sugar - 1 tablespoon, spices (1 asterisk cloves and 2 pea pepper black fragrant). Pour the tomato over sterilized warm cans and roll up right away. Leave it upside down and wrapped until finally cooled.

There are many more options - choose for yourself any you like!

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