
Candles 'Livarol': instructions for use

Medicinal product "Livarol" instruction for use describes in sufficient detail, describing it as an antifungal drug intended for topical use (intravaginal).

The form of release of this drug is vaginal suppositories having a torpedo shape. The color of the suppositories is creamy, light marbling of the surface is possible.

The main active ingredient in the medicinal antifungal drug "Livarol" instructions for use calls ketoconazole. This substance is able to exert a pronounced inhibitory effect on the synthesis of ergosterol and in parallel to change the composition of lipids in the membrane of fungi , which leads to their death.

Use of this drug is useful for treating and reducing the manifestation of symptoms of such diseases as:

  • Candidiasis of the vagina, both in acute form and recurrent;
  • Various fungal infections, including those provoked by the weakening of the body due to the use of antibiotics.

Treatment with the help of the drug "Livarol" instruction for use advises to conduct courses. Their duration directly depends on the state of the microflora of the vagina and the severity of the current disease. The necessary number of days of treatment is determined by the doctor-gynecologist on the basis of data obtained during laboratory tests of the smear taken from the female genital organs. In almost all cases, it is necessary to simultaneously treat a persistent sexual partner, since otherwise relapses can easily occur. The type and form of treatment of the second partner are chosen exclusively by the doctor.

The drug "Livarol", the instruction for the use of which is mandatory for reading before use, has some contraindications. Completely excluded the intake of the above drug during the first trimester of pregnancy. The question of the possibility of using it in the second and third trimesters should be decided by the obstetrician-gynecologist. Also, the drug should be excluded and another therapy with the same effect should be prescribed if the patient has an allergic reaction to the main active substance (ketoconazole). When the appearance of pronounced side effects during treatment, usually expressed in severe burning in the vagina, dizziness, irritation of the external genitalia, the drug should be stopped immediately and symptomatic treatment started.

Many women who prefer to use this drug as a topical agent for the treatment of thrush symptoms, are interested in the question of whether it is possible to inject the "Livarol" candles into the vagina during menstruation. Despite the fact that the instruction itself does not give a detailed answer to this very burning question, the feedback and recommendations of gynecologists allow us to draw fairly unambiguous conclusions on this score. And it can be attributed to virtually all candles and intravaginal tablets that can be used by women for one purpose or another. The drug "Livarol" with monthly can not be used, because the blood accumulating during this period in the vagina will not allow active active substances to fulfill their function, and they will be withdrawn from the body before the beginning of its action.

If during a sufficiently long treatment with the drug "Livarol" menstruation still started, you should immediately interrupt the use of the drug and wait for the end of the bleeding. After this, the course must be continued.

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