HealthAlternative Medicine

Plant kashka: medicinal properties and application

Plant kashka belongs to the genus Clover, has long been known not only as a remarkable honey plant, but also widely used in folk medicine. The healing properties with which it is famous have been used for many centuries. Clover-based remedies help with very many diseases.

general description

Clover, popularly known as kashka, belongs to the Bobov family and has about 250 species. Most often populates floodplain and dry meadow meadows, occurs on forest glades and along roads. On one plant there may be 3-8 branched stems, the height of which sometimes reaches 60 cm. The triple leaves of a saturated green color have an oval shape. Inflorescences in the form of a ball consist of red or white butterfly flowers. The fruit in the form of a single-seeded bean appears at the end of summer or early autumn.

The roots of the clover are covered with small nodules, the formation of which causes a special bacterium Bacillus radicicola. Under its influence, the soil absorbs free nitrogen from the atmosphere, so that the clover is referred to plants that can enrich the land with the right element.

Healing properties

Kashka is a plant whose useful properties are not limited to agronomy, but to a considerable extent belong to folk medicine. For a long time it has served as an effective means for strengthening immunity and regulating metabolism. Often it is used to lower the level of harmful cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis. Infusions and decoctions, which have a diuretic, expectorant, antiseptic and lymphatic action, are good for coughing, colds, rheumatism. A useful effect is due to the content in the leaves and flowers of plants such substances as hypoxanthine, tyrosine, flavonoids, essential oils, carotenoids and vitamins C and E.

Both red and white clover are used in a variety of forms - in the form of broths, infusions, alcohol tinctures, extracts that are part of dietary supplements. A leaf compress is used to treat burns and wound healing. Especially popular clover red, medicinal properties and contra-indications of which are known since the XVI century. Today this plant has been studied quite well, which makes it possible to create effective and inexpensive preparations based on it.

Red clover

The plant kashka red grows practically on all territory of the European countries, and also in Siberia. It is a known oncoprotectant, which is used to treat breast, ovarian and lymphatic cancers.

Strengthening the walls of small vessels and large arteries, clover helps with many diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Tincture, cooked on its basis, helps restore the potency of men, has a curative effect on rheumatism, cystitis. Tea from the flowers of clover - an excellent assistant in the fight against cough, asthma, bronchitis. The course of application is 45 days. Red kashka is a good remedy for seborrhea, allergic rashes, psoriasis and other skin problems.

Antiseptic and lymphogenic action of this plant allows using it effectively to cope with pathogens, while cleaning the body of accumulated toxins and toxins. Very often, due to immunodeficiency diseases, there is a failure in the lymphatic system. It can be cleaned by a clover red. Therapeutic properties and contraindications have been studied quite well, so it remains only to correctly prepare and apply medications on its basis.

White clover

The name of this plant is Amoria repens (amoria creeping). From the red clover it is distinguished by the white color of the inflorescences (sometimes with a yellow or green tinge) and shortened stems (up to 30 cm). White clover is widespread almost everywhere - both in Europe and in Asia, in countries with a temperate climate. It usually grows in floodplain meadows, along roadsides, on wastelands.

A sufficiently wide range of therapeutic action is possessed by this plant. The kashka contains a large number of vitamins, carbohydrates, steroids, flavonoids, which can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which in turn leads to a reduction in the risk of atherosclerosis. Means made from white clover are used for the treatment of tuberculosis, poisoning, inflammation of adenoids, hemorrhoids, etc. They all have analgesic, antitoxic, hemostatic and wound-healing effects.

White whisk found wide application in gynecology - infusions and decoctions of it are very effective in inflammation of the ovaries and painful menstruation.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the clover is discarded during flowering. Dry the inflorescences that are torn together with apical leaves in a dark ventilated area, spreading the raw materials in a thin and even layer. Do not dry or shake heads. The properly harvested clover flowers have a slightly violet hue and retain a rounded shape. Shelf life is 2 years.


Decoction of the roots

200 ml of water will require 20 g of dried roots. Crushed raw material pour boiling water and put on a water bath for half an hour. Then strain and add water to the original volume. Take 4 times a day before meals for 1 tablespoon.

Decoction of inflorescences

Inflorescences fill with water and, after boiling for 15 minutes, allow to stand for half an hour, then strain. 250 ml of water will require 20 g of raw materials. The resulting broth to take a quarter cup 3 times a day.

Infusion of clover

A glass of boiling water pour 40 g of dried and crushed leaves and press for 1 hour. Take the same way as a decoction.


Most people can safely use clover-based products both inside and outside. The exception is pregnant and lactating women, people with high blood coagulability, with heart disease, a heart attack or stroke. The side effect can be expressed in some cases in the form of rashes on the skin, nausea and headache.

Despite the fact that the plant kashka by and large does not pose a health hazard, it is not recommended to engage in self-medication without consulting a doctor.

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